Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Eye Problems!


Eyes are the doorway to one’s soul! Eyes reflect mind, eyes reflect psyche, and eyes reflect HEALTH! No wonder homeopathy that caters effectively the ‘mind’ of an individual has lot to offer in problems of eyes. Eye is certainly one of the most delicate organs of the body and therefore, caring for eyes has to be done by an expert homeopath. A homeopath might want to consult an ophthalmologist to rule out certain critical eye problems before proceeding for the treatment. But here one should remember that while treating homeopathically, we should not give much importance to the diagnostic name of the eye problem but its signs and symptoms that point us to the accurate remedy.

There are hoards of homeopathic remedies useful in the treatment of various eye problems. However, one must remember that for constitutional eye problems like cataract, glaucoma, recurrent blepharitis or conjunctivitis, corneal opacities, and/or recurrent styes, one must go for constitutional prescribing after carefully considering the physical, mental, and emotional characteristic of the individual; then only it is possible to impart perfect cure! But one must be acquainted with certain remedies that specifically render beautiful results in varied eye problems so that they can be used for acute prescribing as well.

Here is the list of top 10 homeopathic remedies for eye problems-

(1) Euphrasia-

– Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis

– Eyes water all the time with inclination to blink frequently

– Acrid burning eye discharge that corrodes the margins of the lids

– Corneal opacities with thick discharges that burn

– Blistery cornea

– One of the great remedies for rheumatic iritis that may be associated with partial ptosis

– Almost always associated with bland and watery coryza

– Swelling of the lids with burning, which feels better when in open air

– Worse in the evening, indoors, light, warmth

– Better open air, coffee, dark

– Must be compared with Allium cepa while dealing with allergic rhinitis associated with conjunctivitis. In Allium cepa, eye discharges are bland and coryza is acrid. 

(2) Ambrosia-

– Allergic eye problems

– Intolerable itching of lids

– Smarting and burning in eyes with watery coryza and nosebleed

– Wheezy cough almost always present with eye problems

– Compare with Sabadilla, Arundo 

(3) Ruta-

– Eye-strain headaches

– Red hot eyes with pain in eyes

– Especially associated with sewing or reading fine print

– Accommodation of vision disturbed

– Weariness in eyes with headache

– Excessive lassitude associated with eye troubles

– Bruised, pressure feeling over the eyes

– Compare with Natrum mur, Argentum nitricum

(4) Pulsatilla-

– Pulsatilla is one of the most invaluable homeopathic medicines for eye troubles.

– Bland thick greenish eye discharges call for it

– Associated with itching and burning sensation

– Recurrent styes invariably need a dose of Pulsatilla during the course

– Inflamed agglutinated eye-lids

– Sub-acute eye complaints in venous constitutions

– Sub-acute conjunctivitis associated with dyspepsia

– Veins of fundus oculi enlarged

– All complaints are worse in warm room and better when in open air

(5) Spigelia-

– Neuralgic eye pains

– Pressing pains in eyes on turning them

– Extreme photophobia

– Rheumatic ophthalmia

– Pains in and around eyes feel as if extending deep into the socket

– Eyes feel too large

– Very sensitive to touch

– Worse from touch, jar, noise

– Better by lying with head high

(6) Apis mellifica-

– Swollen, edematous lids that burn and itch

– Bright red puffy conjunctiva

– Prevents recurrence of styes

– Pain around orbits with serous exudates

– Swelling below the lower lid (upper lid- Kali carb)

– May be associated with urinary problem

– Worse heat, touch, pressure, right side

– Better cold washing, open air

(7) Merc sol-

– Syphilitic eye troubles

– Thick, red, swollen lids

– Profuse burning acrid eye discharges

– Floaters

– Eye trouble that starts after exposure to the glare of fire etc

– Iritis with thick corroding discharges

– Extremely offensive eye discharges

– Boils in and around eyes with yellow fetid pus

– Worse at night, wet damp weather, warmth

(8) Silica-

– Day-light produces sharp pains through the eyes

– Tenderness of eyes worse when closed or pressured

– Suppuration in the anterior chamber of the eye, iritis

– Confused sort of vision where letter run together while reading

– Lachrymal duct affections

– Has potential to clear corneal opacities when homeopathically indicated

– Cataract in office workers

– Worse new moon, cold

– Better warmth 

(9) Hepar sulph-

– Corneal ulcers

– Suppurative eye troubles, iritis with pus in anterior chamber

– Conjunctivitis with purulent discharges

– Red and inflamed lids and conjunctivae

– Pain in orbits

– Soreness is marked in eyeballs

– Objects appear red and enlarged

– Half-reduced field of vision

– Styes with pain and suppuration

– Worse exposure to draft of cold, touch

– Better warmth, wrapping up head 

(10) Agaricus-

– Double-vision with flickering before the eyes

– Twitching of lids and eyeballs

– Neuralgic eye pains

– Letters seem to move or swim while reading

– Agglutinated margins of lids with burning pains with red inner canthi

– Eye troubles associated with vertigo and icy cold head

– Worse open cold air 


Source by Shreya Deshpande

The effects of eating five


The effects of good nutrition to the body, as you can see, as the effects of poor nutrition in the body. The difference is that a poor diet can kill the body, and the only support good nutrition and builds up in the body. Therefore, a better goal in life is to maintain a lifestyle that promotes good nutrition. For this reason, a number of positive effects, including the effects of eating the next 5th

5. The effects of eating

1. To maintain the organization’s operation of

This includes the right education, the right balance and pH of the body’s tissues to stabilize and regulate body systems such as blood pressure, rebuild tissue, and maintain proper blood sugar levels

second Maintain a healthy weight

This includes the right blood pressure, less likely to get diseases such as diabetes, heart disorders


3. Diseases

This includes the prevention of cancer, tissue diseases, parasitic invasion, bacterial infections

4. a guide to a good start for future generations

healthy infants, the immune system, healthy pregnancy

5. Provide stress relief

reduces the side effects of medicines, enhance the immune system, maintain calm and coping skills

If you enjoy these five effects of proper nutrition, you’ll be well on your way to a better, healthier body that is able to function properly .

One of the keys to good nutrition regularly to avoid unnecessary. Balance between higher intake of food groups and eat the right amounts. It should be a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. A multi-vitamin may be helpful if you are in food intake, but it is not a substitute for eating properly. Water is essential to the functioning of the body, moving nutrients into cells and waste disposal management.

can be obtained, and follow the standard daily food pyramid and the recommended dietary amount (RDA) by the government. It is adjusted because of the nutritional needs change in the person’s age.

This is the pyramid food groups: calories, carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and includes lists of antioxidants and herbs that are beneficial to health.

In addition to age, the body’s nutritional needs change with the use of drugs, and diseases and disorders that affect the body’s ability to make these demands, or interfere with the absorption or ingestion of nutrients.

There are more than five of the above effects of proper nutrition, but they are the right way to start a healthy lifestyle, if you pay attention. By the way, if you cant pay attention, you may need to better nutrition! Avoid excess sweets and highly refined foods because they cause bacterial excesses that might result in death if left (Candida). By having the correct fuel (food) to the body, then allow it to work in optimum capacity, keeping you healthy, happy and fit for years, even extending the benefits of the next generation.


Source by Candis Reade

Medicinal Plants Vs synthetic drugs – Which is better?


Difficult to this longstanding dispute to an end. Earlier, when science has not come to the level of after-producing medicine, most people use what is readily available to cure the disease. People have long discovered various properties (some of which are still being studied so far) that are present in the herbs planted around your own house. They found that apart from the fact that they have food, plants also have medicinal value that can effectively treat the disease.

Then, the science is right around the world and by asking the drugs that are made by man. They are also effective, more efficient than the traditional herbs they used before. More and more people trusted these drugs. However, this does not mean that none of them continue to use the herbs. In fact, it is amazing to note that in the present, which has almost all modern, high-tech, there are still many people who use the herb.

This article seeks to weigh which of the two – herbs and drugs – are more effective. What do you think?

The effectiveness is

Herb: The effectiveness is, I think it should be safe to say that yes, truly effective herbal medicine. Even doctors recommend some herbal morbidity. What is amazing about the herbal preparation, a single plant can be used for treating many different conditions, in contrast to synthetic drugs.

However, if you buy an herbal illness, you should be patient to see the results. Since most consumed fresh herbs, they will not accept any chemicals to rush the results.

synthetic drugs: There is no dispute as to the efficacy of synthetic drugs, which improve the lot of pharmaceutical companies and improve over time. Some say that they’re not as effective as the herbs because they are made from plant extracts, but what makes them more effective, it is necessary to cure the compounds of certain diseases has been separated from the other components of the plant, which will help to target the disease faster.

in terms of safety

Herbs: Herbs are made from all natural ingredients so you can be sure that there is less risk that you ever encounter anything harmful to the body. Also, many herbal medicines have no side effects to the body because it is not very strong. In fact, fewer restrictions on the kind of plant medicines safe for children than synthetic drugs.

There is very little chance that an herbal allergy attacks would trigger the patient. Then again, it is better to consult your doctor before you do anything to avoid herbs that are toxic and potentially deadly.

synthetic drugs: Most synthetic drugs overdose are warnings on the label. This is because some of the chemicals used, these drugs are too strong for the body to. It will cough syrup against the innocent death once taken without medical supervision. Synthetic drugs are not very safe for pregnant women to take.

Multiple doses of certain synthetic drugs can cause drug addiction, and even organ failure. failing to stop taking these drugs eventually lead to death.

The position in terms of

Medicinal Plants: It is said that the herb is used before because it is readily available in almost every area. Most herbs can be found just outside our houses, you need in the kitchen to prepare them for the drug. However, today, many houses do not have the privilege of growing your own herbs. Then again, these herbal remedies allowed the companies who are in the form of tablets, and the like stores sell medical herbs.

synthetic drugs: Common synthetic drugs can be purchased almost anywhere, the pharmacy, the pharmacy. You can go to any clinic and you are sure to find the medication for headaches. However, certain drugs especially those that are used to treat serious diseases can be difficult to find. Sometimes only one hospital in the area, and sometimes you have to go straight to the pharmaceutical company that produces them.


Source by Alan Cassidy

Foods that cause constipation are not natural


Most foods that cause constipation are not natural, and that is where most people find it difficult to understand “natural”.

Eat less processed carbohydrates

Foods to be avoided are foods to prevent constipation, which is a difficult time passing through the intestine and creates mucus in the body. These processed foods, fried foods, dairy products and sweetened water.

All dry foods, such as bread, biscuits, bread, biscuits, sweet breads, white flour or enriched food products difficult to move through the colon and can lead to constipation.

Processed food, which may cause constipation, as such foods are not fibers, nutrients, and enzymes. I believe that all food products that come in bags, boxes and other containers for processed foods. These foods include excessive sugars, colorants, dyes, dehydrogenated oils, flavor enhancers and preservatives, as well as many other unknown chemicals. They have been more than met, pasteurized, homogenized, cured, or died in a hundred other ways. These foods cause constipation.

These foods lack of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, fiber, and the life of which has been destroyed by heat, pressure, vacuum, and chemical substances. Adding vitamins and minerals back into the food does not make it right, because the manufacturers can not copy nature. Vitamins and minerals added to the food, balance, and not in the right quantity.

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea became a tightening affect – astringent – and this is a colon constipation. Coffee few times it will have the opposite effect and promotes bowel movements.

is not recommended to drink coffee or tea, if you have constipation or if you are trying to prevent constipation. This is not true for most herbal teas that do not contain caffeine.

Caffeine can be found in

· brewed coffee powder, 8 oz ——- 200 mg

· brewed tea, 75 mg, 8 oz ———————-

· soft drinks —————————- 40 mg

· Chocolate —————————– 10-40 mg

· Pain —————————– 60 mg

Fried Foods

eating meat, bacon, sausage and other fatty foods constipation. These foods and others such as butter, cheese and eggs provide an excess of saturated fat and cholesterol that is easy to stick to the colon wall. Cholesterol clinging to the wall of the colon as well as in the arteries and organs.

All kinds of meat is free, and this makes them constipation. Meat moves through the colon is slower than other foods.

Because people eat a lot of meat at one sitting, undigested proteins that make their way to the colon, which is fermented bad bacteria. This creates a condition favorable for the decomposition bad bacteria and the onset of many diseases, which occur in the colon.

It’s always best to eat a lot of raw vegetables when eating meat. This meat fiber to help move more quickly through the colon to provide food for good bacteria and to prevent constipation.

Milk and other dairy products

associated with constipation

dairy products. This includes milk, cream soups, cheese, yogurt, and some desserts and baked goods. The best cheese to eat dairy products. This is the least harmful to the body all dairy products.

eggs, cheese and butter constipation and toxic wastes, which poison the body.

This is a list of foods that cause the most constipation. Start eliminating these foods in your diet. Do it slowly as you will find that your constipation will disappear and you will develop better health.


Source by Rudy Silva

Zeaxanthin dosage – How much better?


This information is not easy to find the right dose for zeaxanthin. By reading this, you will gain more insight into this valuable carotenoids and how much to take for it to be effective.

What is the carotenoid? Carotenoids are organic pigments, generally red, orange or yellow. In humans, carotenoids are a primary source of vitamin A, and is found in colorful fruits and vegetables. They enhance the immune system function, while protecting cells from harmful free radicals.

lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that exist in the retina of both eyes should be consumed for optimal eye health.

How do we Lute and zeaxanthin is important. Both must be “fatty foods” because lutein is fat-soluble and can be easily transported to parts of the body where it can serve its purpose.

Of course, do not eat too much fatty foods – the obvious health effects (weight gain, high cholesterol levels) may occur.

People are scrambling to medicine and health supplement suppliers to take a dose of lutein and zeaxanthin, so no wonder that food supplements containing the majority of discount stores and grocery stores selling this amount of carotenoids.

The fact of the matter is that zeaxanthin (and lutein) should be taken in the correct dosage. If the correct dose to be taken and the positive effects of these carotenoids can deliver. Conventional guidelines recommend 6mg all carotenoids (i.e. 6 mg Zeaxanthin 6 mg lutein).

However, many people who are looking for better eye health taken as 25 mg in both lutein and zeaxanthin every day. Increasing the intake it has been shown at this level to improve the visual as well as the overall eye health.

simply taking a multi-vitamin to 6 mg of these substances four times a day is a good way to get enough.

exact extent of

food Of course, you can also eat contain zeaxanthin and lutein, but the acquisition of the amount of these carotenoids include all foods can be challenging for some.

Also, there are supplements out there that more than 6 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin per serving, so you can get them.

These sales lutein supplements often forget to mention that zeaxanthin and lutein supplements not only individuals should do to ensure healthy eyesight to a ripe old age. It is important that the system that has a rich supply of other nutrients as well.

These include lutein, vitamin B12 and B2, I-carnosine, anthocyanins, including beta-carotene and glucosamine. A deficiency in any of these nutrients leads to degeneration of the tissue is important for good vision.

But when the eye, lutein and zeaxanthin are crucial. To ensure that you have all the correct dose is important for eye health.

In addition to the correct zeaxanthin dosage of lutein is not only that the vision will be healthy and will remain so far into old age, but it will also serve to restore impaired vision correction due to tissue damaged degeneration is caused by a deficiency of lutein and zeaxanthin.

inadequate amounts of these carotenoids circulating in the blood leads to age-related macular degeneration, known as AMD.

high cholesterol in high-risk factor for AMD and the situation is closely linked to high cholesterol shortage of zeaxanthin and lutein in the system.

a good multi-nutritional supplement the correct dosage of zeaxanthin and lutein plus some other nutrients may reduce cholesterol and offset errors seer.

Be sure to do your research. The site under is a good reference to basic information lutein and zeaxanthin administration. You will also learn how to identify the best lutein supplement for yourself.

When the eye health, the decisive factor is that possession of the appropriate doses of lutein and zeaxanthin. Eat the right foods, and is a good supplement to make sure that this is enough carotenoids


Source by Andrew Pandall

What Has Changed in Health & Fitness Over the Last 30 Years?


There have been many changes in fitness over the past 30 years. It’s human nature to reminisce about times past. That’s great but lets not forget that things change as well. This is certainly true in the area of health and fitness. “If you do what you have always done, you will get the results you have always gotten” is true, but what if the situation changes? Then what used to work is no longer a viable and effect way to get the results that we want. In this article I will outline seven items that have changed over the past 30 or so years that affect the way we view health, fitness, exercise and what is considered “best”. Let’s look at some of these changes in Fitness.

1. Activity level

This change in fitness is pretty obvious. We just don’t move around as much as we used to 30 years ago.

Currently, the average sedentary person living in an urban setting takes 900-3000 steps a day. Uh… that’s a puny number! In the journal of sports medicine existing literature was pulled together to set a general guideline of what a good number of steps per day would be

The author Dr. Catrine Tudor-Locke translated different physical activity into steps-per-day equivalents. A rate of fewer than 5,000 is classified as sedentary, 5,000 to 7,499 is low active, 7,500 to 9,999 is somewhat active 10,000 or more is active and 12,500 or more is very active. So what does 900 make us? Close to dead! But its not hard to imagine. Get up from, take elevator to car park, drive car, take elevator to office, sit down, order fast food, reverse the process to go home and go back to bed. Just to note, 1km is about 1300 steps.

Its gotten to the point where we have to purposely inconvenience ourselves to get our activity level up. Here are some suggestions (that actually show us how pathetic our average activity levels have become).

Park at the far end of the car park and walk to your building Instead of dropping the kids off in front of the school, park a couple of streets before it and walk them the rest of the way… 10,000 is actually considered a LOW estimate for children.

Go round the shopping centre or supermarket in a random. With today’s super malls, this is a big thing!

Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator (well if you work on the 50th floor, maybe climb halfway to start)

Give the dog an extra 5 minutes on his walk (we need it even more than him)

Stop emailing colleagues in the same office, instead go over and talk to them (shockingly effective considering how much email we send each day!… great for team building as well)

Go for a walk during your lunch break, walk to get your lunch or to find somewhere to eat your lunch

Get up and do something, run up and down the stairs for example during TV ads (no excuses here!)

Walk to the corner shop instead of driving or popping in on your way home

Walk to friends houses instead of driving

Take public transport and walk from the train station

Dr. David Bassett studied an Amish community to see what things were like in the past. These guys have no cars, no electricity and do hard manual labor to put food on the table. Its like time travel to the past. They eat 3 large meals a day with lots of meat, vegetables and natural starches like potatoes.

The 98 Amish adults Bassett surveyed wore pedometers for a week. The men averaged 18,000 steps a day. The women took an average of 14,000 steps.

The men spent about 10 hours a week doing heavy work like plowing, shoeing horses, tossing hay bales, and digging. The women spent about 3.5 hours a week at heavy chores. Men spent 55 hours a week in moderate activity; women reported 45 hours a week of moderate chores like gardening and doing laundry. Wow that’s a lot of manual labor. Get a pedometer (its only like 20 bucks) and see how you fare.

2. Fat Percentages and Obesity

Activity level leads us right on to this point about obesity. The scary obesity rate is one of the most obvious changes in fitness.

The obesity rate among the participants in the study of the Amish population was 4 percent, as determined by body mass index, or BMI. The current obesity rate among the urban populations is 30% or more. OK the obesity percentages are a scary thing because obesity is already in the “VERY high risk of a lot of bad ways to die” category. There is still the overweight category (obviously fat but not hitting the medically obese range) to consider. These people are at a high risk already!

The total percentages of overweight + obese are really wild… hitting close to 70% in some cities. Compare this to the average in the 1980s. 10-15% obesity in most cities. It rose to the mid 20% in 1995 and its now at an all time high.

3. Diet

OK linked to point no.2 is of course diet. This is another obvious change in fitness. Its very simple actually. We now eat more refined foods (white bread, sugar, rice, flour, noodles). In the body these give pretty much the same response – FAT storage. The only time we should eat these items is immediately after hard training. As we can tell from point no.1, not much of any training is going on. But lots of eating is!

We also eat less fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. We eat more snacks like chips and cookies (which are also refined despite what advertisers claim).

These changes in fitness are made more troubling because even natural foods today are not as good for us as they used to be. Current farming methods make vitamin and mineral content in fruits and vegetables drop about 10-40% depending on the mineral. Corn fed meats don’t give us as good an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio as we used to get from grass fed and free range animals. (that means not so many healthy fatty acids for us)

And of course, we are also simply consuming more calories. The Amish people in the study in point no.1 ate about 3600 calories/day for men and 2100 calories/day for women. Many sedentary people consume this much and more! How? Well a fully “featured” gourmet coffee from coffee bean or Starbucks can add up to 500 calories in an instant of caffeine folly.

That’s 2 hours of walking for an average sized lady.

Just remember, calorie quality counts as well. 2000 calories of vegetables, meat and healthy fats is infinitely better than 2000 calories from french fries. Its close to impossible to get fat on the first, and nearly impossible not to get fat with the second.

I like this car analogy. If you had a 2million dollar dream car, would you put low grade or high grade petrol into it? High grade of course! Then why do some people put low grade filth into their bodies which are so much more important than the car we drive?

4. Games children play

The average child who grows up in an urban environment is a motor-skill weakling. As a hobby, I coach youth basketball. In our talent scouting, I have kids do a very simple drill of dribbling in and out and around cones. There are so many kids who can’t do it and some who I think might fall down if asked to RUN around the cones without the ball! This is in contrast to the past where kids ran around, chased each other, played physical games and sports of all kinds, where the playground was the center of fun for young kids. This lack of activity not only causes a change in fitness for the child in his/her youth, but has a profound long term effect as well.

Of course this change in fitness is a result of a combination of possible factors.

Parents who only consider academic success to be worth striving for, who only give a child recognition and praise when they do well in academic subjects.

An education system who also values book knowledge above other things and takes away physical education classes to put more academic lessons in.

Poorly taught PE lessons that don’t help a child develop motor skills in the key early years Busy double-income families where fathers are not free to play with their children (or don’t care enough to… money isn’t everything dads)

The maddening computer game addiction situation where virtual life is more important than real life. I believe this is the reason for all the empty basketball courts in my neighbourhood. It used to be that teams lined up to play there. Now only people my age (late 20s to 30s) play. No young kids are there any more.

But actually, so what? The issue is that if kids stink at sport and physical activity, the well known psychological factor of “competence” comes is. Simply put, in general, we do what we are good at. If our next generation is poor at sport and physical activity, they are even less likely to do any of it! Which combined with items 1 to 3, make for a deadly health crisis for many countries. Obesity costs the UK 7.4 billion in national health care per year! If we don’t help our kids, that’s only going to grow to be a bigger and bigger burden for everybody.

5. Social Support

This is a more subtle change in fitness. People are communal animals. We stick with things because there is a supportive community behind us. Even drug and alcoholism rehab centers recognise this. We all need social support. But social links are getting weaker. And no, Friendster and MySpace links don’t make up for it.

In a more connected but less close world (I know so many people who are only comfortable behind a computer screen and not in front of a real person) there is less social support than in the past (extended families, communal living, strong friendships within a neighbourhood etc) and its hard to stick with something which requires dedication and sacrifice like an exercise program. I’m not a sociologist but I do believe there is a reason that exercise classes do better in terms of membership than individualized training. Most of them certainly are not as effective as great individual coaching. But the social factor does come in when sustaining a lifestyle change is involved.

6. Free Time

This subtle change in fitness is pretty clear. We just have less time that we “own”. Bosses, social, family and other commitments make free time a very precious commodity and it adds difficulty to the fact that time is our only non renewable resource. When we choose to exercise or spend time cooking to keep a healthy lifestyle, we are competing with movies, games, TV and other things for free time. We know that exercise is good for us, but it not only has to be good for us, it has to be BETTER in our minds than the latest episode of desperate housewives, or the latest computer game. That’s the issue. We need to prioritize long term health over temporary fun.

7. Training methods

OK here is where we are doing well. 30 years ago the aerobics craze took the western world by storm. Its not a very good training method both in terms of results, and in terms of results per unit of time. Add that to the fact that we have such minimal time to train, we can’t afford to train in a sub-optimal way. We know a lot more now. Fortunately for us, there are good methods that smart coaches use to improve training efficiency and get RESULTS even with less training time. Some of these include smartly designed resistance training programs, interval training and good assessment techniques to determine individual needs. If you have a coach like that in your corner, you can turn back the clock and avoid becoming one of the ever growing statistic of people who’s health is headed in the wrong direction. Stay fit and strong and good luck!


Source by Jon Wong

Lazy Eye Surgery – Without

Secret Cure Lazy Eye Surgery

Have you heard of lazy eye?

Yes, you’re right. This disease is also well known as amblyopia. It can not be helped either glasses or corrective lenses. This does not happen because of eye disease rather than neurological problems. In other words, poor vision takes place in the brain.

Research has also found that 3% of children under 6 years old have a problem with amblyopia. The most common cause of strabismus. Therefore, it must take care of amblyopia very young age. At least once he realized diagnosed with lazy eye.

How does a surgery can help cure amblyopia?

Lazy eye surgery is the only choice if you are a non-surgical treatment of the disease can not fix. Surgery helps to strengthen the eye muscles, allowing both eyes to work properly with a much better way. Like any other surgery, it is risky, of course, more expensive than if you use a natural treatment.

Here’s the secret to heal without surgery lazy eye.

If you’ve ever heard of vision therapy, they believe that most eye problems, including lazy eye or amblyopia can be completely cured. No matter how old you are, your eye exercises to help cure the disease completely. At the same time, to maintain healthy eyes. Many people of all ages have been successfully transferred to the series eye exercises.

Follow the two easy steps to cure or minimize the symptoms of amblyopia

first Patching

This is usually called a method that one eye for a while. A better seeing-eye will be patched for a few weeks. Thus, forcing the lazy eye to function properly. After a while, your vision will be strengthened by itself.

2. Pharmaceuticals

Here, use eye drops to blur the good eye to force the lazy eye to function properly.


Source by Angela Lim

Foods that cause acid reflux – GERD is the key to successful dieting


There are special diets, acid reflux disease, or GERD that can be used for those who have this problem. It is important to recognize and reduce your intake of foods that cause acid reflux. Therefore, the GERD diet should be very simple and does not need much seasoning or fat, as this can lead to a slow digestion. This increases the greater the problem. As related to acid reflux and diet, the diet should follow the following principles:

fruits, vegetables and drinks should be avoided

caffeine and other beverages must be avoided. Soda and carbonated beverages should be completely avoided. Further, the alcohol should be taken sparingly because it loosens the LES muscle strength and makes slow. This in turn can cause stomach acid to go back into the esophagus from the stomach. The alcohol also increases gastric acid which is also disadvantageous.

Chocolate and peppermint can be avoided. These foods also relax in the LES muscle, which is more of a building in the esophagus. For example, the chocolate contains theobromine, which relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter.

Tobacco and citrus fruits should be completely avoided, and when you consider acid reflux and diet because they can relax the LES. But fiber-rich fruits should be taken as the apple of your acid reflux as it helps bowel movement and reduce stress. Water should be taken galore. Fatty and oil-rich foods like hamburgers should also be avoided because of the high saturated fat that the body takes longer to digest inviting GERD to flare up.

Apples are great, but not cider

malic acid reflux works great even bananas. Some fruits, such as grapes, peaches, raspberries and strawberries GERD part of the diet, but should be done in moderation. Alma acid reflux fine, but cider is not a good idea.

Please note that should the gas plant may be at this time, because they increase the problem. Some of the vegetables that can not be part of the diet of GERD include cauliflower, cabbage, leeks, pickled cabbage, beans and much more. Tomatoes and tomato base sauces can be completely avoided.


by avoiding foods acid reflux, you stand a much great chance to improve your acid reflux and diet. It is interesting that something as simple as an apple acid reflux can be a great start better health not only of GERD but other diseases as well.


Source by Frank D. Miller

The Benefits of Having a Perfect Eye-Sight


Our eyes are prone to abuse because many of the lifestyle that most of us have. Staying in front of a computer most of the day, reading in the dark, washing our faces while our eyes are always tired these are just some of the patterns that we have to contribute to the deterioration of his eyesight. Because of the easy availability of reading glasses, contact lenses and laser eye treatments, the health of our eyes, we tend to take for granted, thinking that it is an inevitable part of life blurred vision, and we all succumb to them as they grow older. Unless you are born with defective eyesight, it should be able to maintain a perfect vision until it reaches their 40s or 50s.

wearing glasses or contact lenses have pros and cons. For those who prefer less hassle, wearing glasses is the way to go. You can just put them up and take them whenever you want. You do not have to worry about making sure the glasses with sterile, that was not the case when using contact lenses. Now, if you’re the type who prefer something up and just take them off the end of the day, contact lenses may be for you. You do not have to deal with something that was sitting on the nose, and you do not have to worry about losing your glasses somewhere.

The number of young people with vision problem continues to grow, which is a sign that most of them are not as vigilant in taking care of their eyesight. You have to take care of your vision, while we are still young, so we can enjoy the benefits of having perfect vision as long as possible. Here are some of them:

  • do not have to wear ugly glasses or contact lenses uncomfortable. Let’s face it, most people oppose the idea of ​​glasses or contact lenses. Not all of us look good in glasses. The contact lenses can solve this problem, some of us find them uncomfortable to wear. In addition, in some experienced terrible headaches or dizzy wearing glasses. Some claim that regular glasses actually ruin your eyesight on. Some traveled glasses reading purposes only.
  • they can drive safely. Most countries require good eyesight and driving will not be permitted if it is not. For those who do not have good eyesight, glasses need to be able to drive in public. But some of the hard drive when wearing glasses, claiming that it makes more obscure vision or experience headaches while on the road. It takes a while to adjust to the glasses, but some do not have the patience to do it.
  • You can read small letters without any trouble. Unless the reading material consists mainly of children’s books, you will have trouble reading brochure if your vision is not good. Reading glasses are essential for those who have difficulty reading small letters. You have trouble reading signs that a few meters without the aid of glasses.
  • There will be nothing wrong with getting into occupations that require perfect eyesight. Forget getting into the Navy, unless you have perfect vision, especially if you want to be a fighter plane. Even if you managed to get in, it is out of the less exciting tasks that do not require perfect eyesight. Other Jobs that require perfect eyesight include watches and jewelry-making and photography.


Source by Sfire Ling

Diabetic Diet: How Lemon and Lemon Water Can Help Cure Diabetes


started buying fresh lemon bag after I figured out how they can help cure diabetes. They are literally a miracle of Mother Nature! I have always loved fresh lemon, but just to make an extra effort to eat a lot of them. In fact, I believe citric be an important link in all diabetic diet.

Lemon reduces the glycemic index of foods other

Research has shown that the lemon reduces the glycemic index added to any food. And … we’re not talking about a few points here. The decrease is very significant! To benefit from this, all you have to do is add a little squeeze of fresh lemon over the dish. Almost like waving a magic wand, it immediately lowers the glycemic index of the meal. Best of all, a great lemon flavor enhancer, it makes a lot of food taste better too. Often to squeeze a fresh lemon in hot soup (yum!), Meaty, hob herdsmen, almost any salad (including salads with vegetables) and steamed vegetables (especially greens!). Whatever course chicken or fish with lemon taste particularly good. Please note that this is the best add fresh lemon right before you eat your food. If you cook the soup, for example, it may be a little bitter, and health care benefits will not be as great.

a glass of water with lemon first thing in the morning

a glass of lemon water is the perfect way to start the day with a diabetic. Most people on their coffee (highly acidic) and food to shift the pH toward the acid in the body direction. However, if the pH shifts toward the alkaline side, you will notice the blood sugar level goes down. Moreover, the cell membranes become more sensitive to insulin – i.e., become less insulin resistant. In fact, it actually helps the body repair to the damaged cell membranes.

Although the lemon contains a weak acid when metabolized in the body to have an alkalizing effect. If fact, they are the strongest alkalizing food you eat! That’s where it should be for lemon to your diet can go a long way toward restoring your body pH alkaline side. We have found that most people with diabetes have a highly acidic pH in the body (for example, cancer patients). Getting back to the alkaline side will go a long way toward helping to cure diabetes.

Making lemon water is very simple. Just squeeze the juice of half a lemon (or a whole lemon, if you are a larger person) with a glass of water, stir around a little bit and drink up. To do this, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast or coffee.

Lemon, twice the Vitamin C Orange

This is a fact that surprised me, as I always heard that the orange juice is so full of vitamin C. Now, orange citrus cousin beat twice in vitamin C, most people will not notice, but the vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant. It is important to note that the food in the form of vitamin A has much better absorbed by the body, such as vitamin C in the form of pills taken!

Vitamin C is at least partly caused, lemon interact with the cell membrane and to be less insulin resistant. However, the vitamin C are also other very significant benefits for diabetics. For example, increasing the production of collagen, which strengthens blood vessels. This is crucial, because many people with diabetes have problems with circulation and damaged blood vessels.

aids digestion repair

Most diabetic patients with impaired digestive enzymes and reduced gastric acidity. This means that you do not always take full advantage of the nutritious food they eat. Lemon will go a long way toward curing this problem.


Source by Maxine Fox