Foods that cause constipation are not natural


Most foods that cause constipation are not natural, and that is where most people find it difficult to understand “natural”.

Eat less processed carbohydrates

Foods to be avoided are foods to prevent constipation, which is a difficult time passing through the intestine and creates mucus in the body. These processed foods, fried foods, dairy products and sweetened water.

All dry foods, such as bread, biscuits, bread, biscuits, sweet breads, white flour or enriched food products difficult to move through the colon and can lead to constipation.

Processed food, which may cause constipation, as such foods are not fibers, nutrients, and enzymes. I believe that all food products that come in bags, boxes and other containers for processed foods. These foods include excessive sugars, colorants, dyes, dehydrogenated oils, flavor enhancers and preservatives, as well as many other unknown chemicals. They have been more than met, pasteurized, homogenized, cured, or died in a hundred other ways. These foods cause constipation.

These foods lack of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, fiber, and the life of which has been destroyed by heat, pressure, vacuum, and chemical substances. Adding vitamins and minerals back into the food does not make it right, because the manufacturers can not copy nature. Vitamins and minerals added to the food, balance, and not in the right quantity.

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea became a tightening affect – astringent – and this is a colon constipation. Coffee few times it will have the opposite effect and promotes bowel movements.

is not recommended to drink coffee or tea, if you have constipation or if you are trying to prevent constipation. This is not true for most herbal teas that do not contain caffeine.

Caffeine can be found in

· brewed coffee powder, 8 oz ——- 200 mg

· brewed tea, 75 mg, 8 oz ———————-

· soft drinks —————————- 40 mg

· Chocolate —————————– 10-40 mg

· Pain —————————– 60 mg

Fried Foods

eating meat, bacon, sausage and other fatty foods constipation. These foods and others such as butter, cheese and eggs provide an excess of saturated fat and cholesterol that is easy to stick to the colon wall. Cholesterol clinging to the wall of the colon as well as in the arteries and organs.

All kinds of meat is free, and this makes them constipation. Meat moves through the colon is slower than other foods.

Because people eat a lot of meat at one sitting, undigested proteins that make their way to the colon, which is fermented bad bacteria. This creates a condition favorable for the decomposition bad bacteria and the onset of many diseases, which occur in the colon.

It’s always best to eat a lot of raw vegetables when eating meat. This meat fiber to help move more quickly through the colon to provide food for good bacteria and to prevent constipation.

Milk and other dairy products

associated with constipation

dairy products. This includes milk, cream soups, cheese, yogurt, and some desserts and baked goods. The best cheese to eat dairy products. This is the least harmful to the body all dairy products.

eggs, cheese and butter constipation and toxic wastes, which poison the body.

This is a list of foods that cause the most constipation. Start eliminating these foods in your diet. Do it slowly as you will find that your constipation will disappear and you will develop better health.


Source by Rudy Silva

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