Foods that cause acid reflux – GERD is the key to successful dieting


There are special diets, acid reflux disease, or GERD that can be used for those who have this problem. It is important to recognize and reduce your intake of foods that cause acid reflux. Therefore, the GERD diet should be very simple and does not need much seasoning or fat, as this can lead to a slow digestion. This increases the greater the problem. As related to acid reflux and diet, the diet should follow the following principles:

fruits, vegetables and drinks should be avoided

caffeine and other beverages must be avoided. Soda and carbonated beverages should be completely avoided. Further, the alcohol should be taken sparingly because it loosens the LES muscle strength and makes slow. This in turn can cause stomach acid to go back into the esophagus from the stomach. The alcohol also increases gastric acid which is also disadvantageous.

Chocolate and peppermint can be avoided. These foods also relax in the LES muscle, which is more of a building in the esophagus. For example, the chocolate contains theobromine, which relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter.

Tobacco and citrus fruits should be completely avoided, and when you consider acid reflux and diet because they can relax the LES. But fiber-rich fruits should be taken as the apple of your acid reflux as it helps bowel movement and reduce stress. Water should be taken galore. Fatty and oil-rich foods like hamburgers should also be avoided because of the high saturated fat that the body takes longer to digest inviting GERD to flare up.

Apples are great, but not cider

malic acid reflux works great even bananas. Some fruits, such as grapes, peaches, raspberries and strawberries GERD part of the diet, but should be done in moderation. Alma acid reflux fine, but cider is not a good idea.

Please note that should the gas plant may be at this time, because they increase the problem. Some of the vegetables that can not be part of the diet of GERD include cauliflower, cabbage, leeks, pickled cabbage, beans and much more. Tomatoes and tomato base sauces can be completely avoided.


by avoiding foods acid reflux, you stand a much great chance to improve your acid reflux and diet. It is interesting that something as simple as an apple acid reflux can be a great start better health not only of GERD but other diseases as well.


Source by Frank D. Miller

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