Ways To Sleep Better


The 2011 Sleep in America poll (National Sleep Foundation) found some rather astounding statistics about how well Americans are sleeping:

  • Sixty percent of the Americans (ages 13-64) say they experience a sleep problem every night or almost every night (i.e. snoring, waking in the night, waking up too early, or feeling un-refreshed when they get up in the morning).
  • Sixty-three percent of Americans say their sleep needs are not being met during the week; most say they need about 7 hours of sleep to feel their best but report getting less.
  • Almost everyone surveyed (95%) uses some type of electronics like a TV, computer, video game, or cell phone at least a few nights a week within the hour before bed.
  • About one in five of the 13-29 years olds say they are awakened after they go to bed by a cell phone call, text message, or email at least a few nights a week.
  • When asked to evaluate the day after getting inadequate sleep, 85% said it affects their mood, 72% said it affects their family life or home responsibilities, and 68% said it affects their social life.

If you are one of those who often have difficulty sleeping at night or feel sleepy the next day, you need to address your sleep problem as chronic sleep deficit will cause havoc to your health. Below are some suggestions that may help enhance your sleep.

Why Sleep Is Critical To Health

Sleep is one of the great mysteries of life. Although we are learning more about it every day, we still don’t fully understand the purposes and mechanisms of sleep. However, we do know that good sleep is one of the cornerstones of good health.

In humans, the sleeping clock is controlled by your circadian rhythm, which has evolved over hundreds of generations to align your bodily functions with your environment. Your body clock is set to sleep at night and stay awake during daylight hours, just like your ancestors did. Therefore, if you are a night-shift worker, this upside-down schedule can eventually take a serious toll on your health if you continue to live out of synch with your daily surroundings.

Most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep, while teens (10-17 years) need 8.5-9.25 hours and school-age children (5-10 years) 10-11 hours. If you seldom get enough sleep during the week, sleeping in on weekends can relieve some of the symptoms of sleep deprivation.

However, cumulative sleep debt cannot be repaid by merely a couple nights of catching up. The chronic deficit of high quality sleep changes your hormone production and metabolism and has far reaching effects on your immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems.

Dramatically weaken your immune system

  • Studies show that sleep-deprived mammals have lower white blood cell count, which is essential in fighting diseases.
  • Your body produces less melatonin, a sleep hormone and an antioxidant. Melatonin helps suppress free radicals that can lead to cancer; that’s why tumors grow faster when you sleep poorly.

Increase your risk of diabetes

People who are sleep deprived tend to crave more sweet and starchy foods. These cravings stem from the fact that your brain is fueled by glucose or blood sugar. When there is not enough sleep, your brain searches for carbohydrates and makes you feel hungry, even if you have already eaten. Sleep deprivation can also impair your insulin sensitivity and put you at a higher risk for diabetes.

Hypertension and heart disease

Chronic sleep loss may not only hasten the onset but also increase the severity of these age-related ailments.

Weight gain

When you are sleep deprived, your body decreases production of leptin (hormone that signals fullness) and increases levels of ghrelin (hormone that signals hunger). You end up feeling more hungry and eating more.

Accelerated aging

Sleep deprivation prematurely ages you by interfering with the production of growth hormones. Growth hormones are secreted during deep sleep and they make you look and feel younger.

Seriously impair your brain function

Even a single night of poor sleep can impact your ability to think clearly the following day. It impairs your performance on physical and mental tasks, decreases your problem solving ability, and affects your memory.

In short, if you are not getting enough sleep or not sleeping well, you need to address the cause of your problem. The following are some suggestions on how to improve your sleep.

Healthy Sleep Advice

The secret to getting good sleep every night may vary from person to person; what works for some may not work as well for others. The key is to experiment and discover your personal sleep-promoting techniques. With improved quality of sleep, you can strive to get the right amount of sleep so that you will be able to function at your best.

Change Your Sleep Habits And Environment

  • Go to bed before 11 p.m. as your body (particularly your adrenal glands) does most of its recharge work during the hours between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Your liver also works to remove toxins during the same period. If you are awake, you can disrupt many important rejuvenating functions in the body.
  • Set and stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same times each day, even on weekends.
  • Avoid external stimulation an hour before bed time. Turn off the TV and put away your work, computer, cell phone, and video games. Use this time to relax, wind down, and prepare for bed. Taking a hot bath, listening to relaxing music, or meditating are good ways to clear your thoughts before bed. You may also keep a journal by your bedside to write down all your thoughts and unload your mental burdens.
  • Sleep in complete darkness or wear an eye mask. The tiniest bit of light can disrupt your internal clock. Therefore, close your bedroom door, cover the windows with blackout shades, switch off the light on the clock radio, and get rid of night-lights.
  • Keep the bedroom temperature between 60-68 degrees. A cooler bedroom is more conducive to sleep as it mimics your body’s natural temperature drop while you sleep.

Change Your Diet And Lifestyle

  • Avoid stimulants like caffeinated beverages, chocolate, and tobacco in late afternoon and evening. However, for some people who do not metabolize the caffeine efficiently, a cup of coffee in the morning can still lead to compromised sleep at night.
  • Avoid alcohol at dinner time. Alcohol helps you fall asleep quickly and deepens sleep initially, but later on it disrupts sleep and causes middle-of-the-night wake-ups. Alcohol also affects women more than men as women do not metabolize the alcohol as efficiently.
  • Avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of bed. Try to make dinner earlier in the evening. Fatty foods take a lot of work for your stomach to digest and may keep you up.
  • Avoid eating sugar and refined carbs before bed. The rise in blood sugar may inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low, you may wake up and not be able to fall asleep again.
  • Eat a high-protein snack 1-2 hours before bed. The protein provides the tryptophan that is needed to produce melatonin which promotes sleep. The old adage of drinking a glass of milk before bed is indeed helpful.
  • Be aware that many prescription and over-the-counter drugs adversely affect sleep. Discuss with your healthcare professional about other natural and non-drug alternatives if the drugs are affecting your sleep.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise improves sleep, however, don’t exercise too close to bed time as it may keep you awake.
  • Learn to relax. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep because your mind is racing or you are emotionally overwhelmed, practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery (or visualization), meditation, yoga, or tai chi to relieve stress. A soothing massage will also help to release any tension in your body.

Other Health Considerations

  • If you are overweight and have a snoring problem, check for sleep apnea. This sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep can severely impair your sleep.
  • If you suffer from any gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, gas, and heartburn, check for food sensitivities.
  • If you are peri-menopausal or menopausal, your hormonal changes may cause sleep problems. Check with your healthcare professional regarding the use of herbs, supplements, and/or bio-identical hormones for symptom relief.

Bottom Line

  • Sleep is vital to your well-being.
  • Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
  • A sleep debt cannot be repaid by just a couple nights of catching up.
  • Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to diabetes, weakened immune system, hypertension and heart disease, weight gain, accelerated aging, and impairment of your brain function.
  • If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, you need to examine your sleep habits and environment as well as your diet and lifestyle.


Source by Carol Chuang

How to Use Essential Oils Treat My Stitches


In April 2012, I experienced a massive heart attack. My wife called 911, and I was taken to hospital immediately, where was admitted to the emergency. Doctors out of a stint in my artery was 100% blocked. The other two main arteries blocked by 80%, and another smaller artery is blocked.

surprised me and many others with heart failure. This can be attributed to the fact that hardly get sick, and when they do, I just go to the corner drugstore and buying over-the-counter medications. In addition, blood pressure is slightly below average, and I try not to eat greasy food.

The look we can look “healthy.” But the reality is that I was not healthy because of the number of my high cholesterol and lack of exercise. Blockage of the arteries is not one day to the next. It takes years to build up plaque. Because of my lack of exercise and poor eating habits, I was a candidate for a heart attack is ready to happen at any time.

successful open-heart surgery, which led to a quadruple bypass I take prescription drugs in my entire life. There are possible side effects, but the alternative is that if I do not take my medication, I run the risk of another heart attack, you can, it will not be built. With this in mind, I began to develop an interest in a natural way to better health. Not long after, I was introduced to essential oils. At first it was a little skeptical of the claims that are made of essential oils. But knowing that they are natural products without additives, it decided that essential oils healing my chest, and general health.

Currently, I am taking a dietary supplement that contains the essential oils in the hope of replacing prescription drugs. Day and night a month, he applied the oil on my stitches on my chest where doctors cut open my chest. He also began to dietary supplements to improve my health. Once dissolved the stitches in my chest continued to heal.

A friend is one who underwent open-heart surgery four months ago. I met him in June 2012, and compared with the ark where the stitches too. 3 times a scar was visible, I will.

I can only attribute to the incense and Helichrysum essential oils, healing my chest is better than I expected.


Source by Fred C Dalit

Belly Bloat – How to Get Rid of Bloating Fast


What causes bloating?

Mostly overeating, eating foods which do not agree with you thus producing excess gas, and constipation. Other causes include menstruation, food allergy/food intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.

Suffering from belly bloat is a common but annoying disorder. You feel uncomfortable, lethargic, unmotivated, embarrassed because of your bulging belly and the rumble it makes, and are sometimes in pain.

Let us look at how to stop bloating and the basic lifestyle changes you can implement which are especially effective if you feel bloated after eating.

Stop overeating

Eat smaller, more frequent meals for better health and a bloat-free waistline.

Change your eating habits

Eating quickly increases pressure on your stomach and produces more gas. Sit down, chew your food well, and eat your meals in a leisurely manner, giving the food plenty of time to digest.

Drinking tea or coffee on the run is equally bad with excess air accompanying each sip and gulp. Savor your beverages by drinking them slowly.

Limit sugar substitutes

Sodas, sweets and chewing gum contain huge quantities of artificial sweeteners, especially sorbitol and xylitol which many people find difficult to digest, resulting in bloating, gas and diarrhea. Rather have real sugar than substitutes.

Cut out sodas

The bubbles in fizzy drinks cause bloating. Also refrain from drinking excessively hot or cold beverages.

Stop eating junk and processed food

Fried, oily food and high salt content cause bloating.

Abstain from carbohydrates at night

Bread and pasta cause you to retain water. Avoid eating them at night to be puff-free the next morning.

Early morning water and lemon juice

Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon; it speeds up waste elimination and removes toxins.

Eat potassium rich foods

Bananas, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, nuts, asparagus and fresh chopped parsley regulate the fluid balance in your body and stop bloating.

If you suffer from constipation, eating sufficient fruit, vegetables and high fiber, such as oatmeal, will improve your digestion and remedy your bloating problem.

Drink water

Water flushes out your system and aids digestion. Instead of alcohol, caffeine and colas, drink plain water and natural teas.

Limit excess air

Do not eat and talk at the same time, drink out of a straw, chew gum nor smoke because the surplus air accompanying these activities causes you to bloat.

Eat foods easily digested by your body

Bland foods, such as fish, chicken, soya based foods, yogurt and rice do not tax your digestive system.

Limit gas producing foods

Notice which raw vegetables cause you to bloat, then either boil them or do not eat them at all. The cellulose in cabbage, peas and beans is hard to digest and may cause you to puff up.

Other common gas producing foods are cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, lentils, prunes and garlic.


Bloating, together with water weight gain and mood swings, are associated with premenstrual tension. Ensure you get 1200 milligrams calcium and 200 to 400 milligrams magnesium daily. Both nutrients help relieve PMS symptoms, including bloating. If you wish, take Midol which contains a mild diuretic.

Natural remedies

Add turmeric, coriander, caraway and cumin when cooking.

Naturists claim teas made of ginger, savory from the mint family, lime from a linden tree, peppermint, rosemary, and caraway are effective for bloating relief.

They may be right because ginger tea helps with stomach upsets and peppermint oil in tea or warm water after a big meal aids digestion.


Walking for 15 to 20 minutes a day moves food through your digestive tract, thereby reducing bloating and combating constipation. Other benefits include less severe menstrual cramps, eliminating toxins by perspiring, and shedding body fat.

Apply pressure

Massaging your abdomen helps evacuate gas and reduces bloating. Start by pressing your fingers near your right hip, slide up towards the ribs, move across and down in a circular motion.

Supplements and home remedies

Taking a digestive enzyme with each meal provides relief, especially when bloating results from a problem with your digestive tract, such as diverticulosis. Obtain digestive enzymes with the active ingredients lipase, protease and amylase, from any health store. Restaurant owners should actually hand out digestive enzymes instead of after-dinner mints to all patrons who selected anything other than raw foods from their menus.

Probiotics are ‘good bacteria’ which help keep you regular and bloat-free. Your intestinal tract has loads of bacteria, some beneficial, some harmful, which play an important role in the functioning of your digestive and immune systems.

Probiotics encourage the growth and replenishment of healthy microflora. They crowd out the bad bacteria which cause disease, yeasts and parasites in your intestines, they help digest and absorb your food, eliminate wastes and toxins by restoring normal and regular bowel function, and maintain a healthy intestinal function.

Ideally 85% of your bacteria should be friendly with 15% unfriendly. Probiotic supplements can be found in capsule, powder or liquid form, or in foods such as kefir and yogurt.

If you do not consume enough fruit and vegetables, take nutritional supplements that contain dietary fibers especially during the holidays or when celebrating to better handle the foods that cause you to swell up.

Apple cider vinegar helps ease digestive symptoms and gets rid of bloating and gas pain.

Lactobacillus supplements also help maintain intestinal health.

Bismuth, the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, is an element on the periodic table. 100% natural, taken before or directly after a meal reduces swelling caused by food allergies and neutralizes the odor of your flatulence.


If you take antibiotics, which destroy your friendly bacteria, take B complex vitamins too.

Some oral contraceptive pills cause your stomach to distend, in which case ask your physician to prescribe a different one.

Once you incorporate these lifestyle changes, they should cure you or at least relieve bloating.

If your condition persists, let us look at what else it might be and what you can do about it.

Food allergy

If you bloat after eating certain foods, keep a food journal where you write down everything you eat, together with any symptoms which appear. Rotate foods until you identify which foods trigger bloating and avoid them.

Although you may not test positive for food allergies, you may have a food intolerance. Common culprits include yeast, wheat, where the gluten causes excess gas to be produced, and milk.

Lactose intolerance

This means your body does not produce the enzyme lactase and your digestive system cannot digest the lactose in dairy foods. It then ferments and forms gases which overstretch your bowel.

How do you know if you are lactose intolerant? Drink a glass of milk. If you experience gas, bloating or diarrhea, avoid dairy products or drink lactose free milk.

Yogurt’s active bacteria cultures produce lactase, so if you want to eat cheese without bloating afterwards, add a bowl of yogurt to your morning ritual.

Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, may be the cause of your bloating.

Eat more fiber and give up coffee, cigarettes and spicy foods which irritate your colon.

Some people swear by going on a detoxification diet two or three times a year to give your body a chance to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins.


Diabetics often have problems with bloating and diarrhea, especially if they take large doses of metformin or glucophage.

Diabetics with nerve damage in their stomach may find food collects but does not empty properly, resulting in excessive belching. Medication eases this problem.


Although over-the-counter products offer quick relief by suppressing the symptoms, the benefits will be short-lived because they do not eliminate the cause.

Common effective medications such as Gas-X, Beano, Phazyme and Flatulex, when taken with each meal, help break up gas pockets in the stomach, thereby relieving bloating and gas pain.

The pain is not actually caused by your swollen stomach but by abdominal contractions not synchronizing properly. When your intestinal wall pulls in different directions it feels like stomach cramps.

Most bloating medication contain enzymes like alpha-galactosidase which help digest the sugars in carbohydrates, the main culprit of your indigestion problems.

Pink Pepto-Bismol type products have a salicylate ingredient which is like aspirin. It will alleviate some of your abdominal pain but if it disagrees with you, try Gas-X or Phazyme which contain simethicone.

Activated charcoal

Consider using this over-the-counter supplement. When taken with meals, it prevents or at least reduces the amount of gas produced.

It sometimes causes irregular looking stools and constipation so do not be alarmed, and in case it affects the absorption of prescription medicine, take it an hour or two after any scheduled medication.

Tips and warning

Bloating and gas pain should dissipate quite quickly. If not, if it becomes more than a slight annoyance, or if accompanied by bloody or tarry stools, fever, night sweats or weight loss, consult your doctor.

He might suggest a colonoscopy to help him diagnose your problem. Endure it because your colon plays a major role in your life and until it is sorted out, you will feel unwell. Once he determines the medical cause, he will treat and cure you of your suffering.

Bloating is also one of the primary symptoms of ovarian cancer, a ‘silent’ disease difficult to detect early.

Although the remote possibility exists of it being something serious, bloating is much more likely to be a minor inconvenience which you can get rid of fast by making simple lifestyle changes.


Source by Sharon Dell

Get beautiful skin raw food diet Through


Undoubtedly, every woman desires to have that beautiful skin. The beauty industry will never collapse, because women all over the world are constantly in search of a miracle product that they glowing, beautiful skin. Still, it is a lasting transformation of our color, we must pay attention to diet and nutrition

We believe that the raw diet can feed the skin with essential nutrients to give us a radiant look. And we all know that a well hydrated skin is more resistant to wrinkles.

The skin condition is a good indicator of internal health. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, abundant vitamins, fibers and minerals in the body. As you diligently add raw foods to your diet, you will gradually notice shows the face a healthy glow and radiance.

Much of the effectiveness of Vitamin C skin care products to reduce wrinkles. Would not it be better if it directly to natural food source? Vitamin C is essential for fair, radiant and beautiful skin. A lack of vitamin C in the body leads to skin problems like dark spots, freckles and wrinkles. Foods rich in vitamin C content of custard apples, oranges, longan, kiwi, guava, strawberries, papaya and pomelo ..

So, just what is considered a raw food diet? Well, the diet is considered a raw food diet, if you are at least 75% raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, sprouts, etc. It is believed that the raw and living foods contain essential food enzymes, which are thought to be destroyed in the cooking process, ie, heating food above 116 degrees F.

in general, the raw food eaters a technique of food preparation. These include germinating seeds, grains and beans; Soaking nuts and dried fruits; and juicer fruits and vegetables. The only form of cooking that is sometimes used in the dryer, which blows warm air through the food but did not reach a temperature beyond 116 ° F.

You may be wondering now if you have to follow the order so strictly? Of course not. While you might not be as good comfort food, it certainly gives the right to health care and fair skin. Today, pre-packaged salads or sliced ​​fruit readily available in supermarkets, so you really do not need any more excuses for not having time to prepare raw foods.

Although they are not required for organic foods, raw food is still a better option than cooked or processed foods. If you can afford the time, you can buy organic food and slice them yourself. Radiant, beautiful skin starts with a balanced, nutritious and healthy diet. As the saying goes – “You are what you eat”, start with a raw food diet today and you beautiful skin in no time.


Source by Kris T. Lee

Reinventing Yourself After Sixty


Sixty years of age is a key milestone for the baby boomer generation. Some say sixty is the new forty with all the advancements in medicine and health consciousness. The fact is, people today are living longer and enjoying a higher standard of living and better health than did their parents and grandparents. According to the 2010 statistics published in The State of Aging and Health in America by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average life expectancy for American citizens has increased to 78.5 years old.

Since people are living longer, the years from age 60-80 have become a very important period in the lives of senior citizens. These are the retirement years. This demographic has fewer career and family responsibilities than other age groups, plus more money and powerful spending potential from investments, and large equities in their homes. They know what activities are fulfilling and have the spare time to learn and do new things. Rather than stay home and watch soap operas, many seniors are now starting new financial enterprises and activities such as stock trading, golf, travel, running a new home based business, volunteering, working in their church, participating in community groups and committees, sports, or joining new social circles such as dance groups, card clubs, fraternal organizations, and country clubs. For those who want to reinvent their life, all of these activities and interests are proving that this period of life can be very fruitful, productive, and fulfilling.

Retirement is different for every individual according to their personal situation and when they plan to retire. For many, a lot depends on their social security income and when they elect to receive benefits. The monthly benefit amount varies according to when a person retires. For seniors born during 1943 – 1954, the full retirement age is 66. Some will choose to retire as early as age 62, providing they meet the 40 minimum earned credit requirement, and their benefit amount will be reduced depending on how many months they receive benefits before they reach full retirement age.

Conversely, there are those who plan to delay retirement and work up to age 70, or longer, in order to draw an increased monthly benefit. Those working past age 66 and born during 1941 – 1942, will receive a 7.5% increase, while those born in 1943, or later, will receive an 8% increase up to age 70.

For many seniors, plans for an early retirement went down the drain along with the equities in their homes when the economy slipped into recession and many people lost their retirement nest eggs. Those not forced to extend their career will no doubt retire, however, those who must work until age 70, or longer, will be forced to reinvent themselves, like it or not. Here are some basic guidelines to help those who will have to experience the ordeal of change during their peak retirement years.

Before you can reinvent yourself, however, you need to take an inventory to see where you are now and determine where you want or need to be. This self-evaluation should include as many aspects of your body, mind, and spirit as you can identify. You need to examine your present belief system and determine your values, your ethics, your morals, and your attitude. One of the primary things you need to evaluate is your ability to change and how you handle stress and new circumstances. You will find that there are some things you can change while there are others that you cannot. It is not true that an old dog cannot be taught new tricks. Just because you are sixty or older doesn’t mean you are set in your ways and cannot adapt.

Remember, nothing changes if you change nothing, or cannot change, so for those who are motivated to alter their present lifestyle and situation; here are some suggestions to help you plan your own metamorphosis and get the ball rolling. Change begins with taking the first step and with baby steps thereafter. Change need not be so dramatic and stressful, or traumatic, but rather it can be a very pleasant experience composed of curiosity, discovery, experimentation, and acceptance; resulting in increased self-esteem, pride, and a new feeling of self-worth and renewal.

Reinvent Yourself Socially –

  • Get involved with others. Meet new friends. Join clubs, committees, and online dating services to maintain communication and interaction with people with common interests.
  • Do more things together with your spouse… take dance lessons, attend a pottery class, play bridge, go swimming, join a health club or country club, golf, browse thrift shops and book stores, watch videos, etc.
  • Do more things with your children or grandchildren… attend their functions, help with homework, teach them a craft, go to the zoo or a ball game, bake cookies, tell stories, or go shopping together.
  • Volunteer at your church or fraternal organization. Organizations always need organizers and workers and directors. Attend regular city council or town hall meetings and get involved in your community. You can also become a companion to shut-in seniors in nursing homes or visit patients in the hospital. Local government always needs volunteers for voter registration, jury duty, planning committees, advisory boards, and similar positions.
  • Get a cell phone. It doesn’t have to cost much. You can use a pre-paid minute phone and learn to text message on it. Texting will keep your fingers nimble and your mind sharp. Just don’t text message while you drive.
  • Get a laptop computer and get on the Internet. Join one, or several, social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, or any forum that interests you. Surfing the web is a great way to improve your social skills and to stay informed and connected with current events.
  • Host more dinner parties, barbeques, or get-togethers with friends, neighbors, family, suppliers, customers, and coworkers.
  • Join a network marketing business and attend meetings and recruit new members.

Reinvent Yourself Mentally –

  • Take personality tests in books and online to find your personality type, temperament and preferences
  • Join luminosity.com and participate in their program daily.
  • Play mentally challenging games such as chess, bridge, poker, Sudoku, Mahjong solitaire, and cross-word puzzles.
  • Attend lectures and take personal development classes at a community college or monitor any classes on subjects you are interested in. For example, if you are an art lover, consider taking a primer on Art History. If you have artistic skills, consider taking a drawing or painting class. Learn a new language for an upcoming vacation trip, or just for the sake of challenging your ability to speak a new tongue. Many people devote much of their lives to raising children, building careers, or both, and never took the time to learn new things, so now is a good time to learn something new.
  • Read more and watch less television. Write your autobiography or articles on various subjects that pique your interest. Learn to speed read. Try to read at least one book a week. If you don’t have the spare time, then subscribe to an audio book club and listen to at least four books per month to stay informed.
  • Start a new hobby or expand an existing one. Collect rocks, stamps, coins, or go bird watching; whatever brings you joy and satisfaction. Make a little hobby area where you can make candles, do pottery, grow plants or bonsai trees. Learn to paint landscapes or portraits. Learn to knit or crochet or perhaps you want to finally restore that old car out in the garage.

Reinvent Yourself Physically –

  • If you want to reinvent yourself quickly and effectively, stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, eat less red meat, eat more vegetables, stop eating fast foods, take vitamins, and exercise more. It’s the same advice your doctor and mother probably gave you in high school and just think if you’d followed it back then, where would you be now? I know you didn’t want to hear this again, but it was true then and its true now.
  • Join an athletic club if you’re looking for moderate activity with some social aspect, or join a walking group, or start one with your neighbors. Keeping fit and active is vital to make the most of the years after 60. Play tennis, racquet ball, or ping-pong with friends, or join a team sports league for bowling, volleyball, soft ball, or some similar sport designed for senior adults. The exercise will keep your energy up and the interaction with other participants will enhance your social life.
  • If you are on a tight budget, get more aerobic exercise any way you can. Walk, swim, ride a bicycle, or climb a hill at least three to four times per week. Increase your heart rate up to training levels lasting for twenty minute durations. Do something to work up a sweat. If you are overweight, then try to exercise at least three times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes each time to increase your metabolism and burn more calories. Cardio exercise is recommended, but check with your doctor first. Compute your body mass index (BMI) and follow guidelines for your ideal height-weight ratio. If you cannot be active, then try yoga or tai chi or chi gong exercises which will strengthen and stretch your muscles, improve your breathing, balance, and coordination.
  • Pay more attention to your diet and eat less. Stay within the recommended calories per day for your body and try to maintain your proper weight in proportion to your height. Your diet should contain fewer simple carbohydrates and more vegetables and fruits. Avoid fast food, sugar, salt, candy and try to eat more green salads. Try juicing and eating more dinners with less red meat. Fasting one day a week is also highly recommended.
  • Take food supplements and vitamins. Visit your health food store and start reading more information about your health. You should take a multi-vitamin supplement daily at the very least, but you can also custom design whole cocktails of supplements to accentuate and support desired conditions and specific areas such as memory function, eye sight, digestion, diabetes, stress, sleep, heart, liver, and colon cleanse.
  • Determine your body and blood type and follow the recommendations for your category. Check your blood pressure and pulse daily
  • See a medical professional for exams; at least twice a year, and have a complete blood work performed at least once a year. A complete annual physical exam should include monitoring blood pressure, temperature, blood oxygen, peripheral circulation, weight, listening to your heart, examining your body for lumps, moles, lesions, abrasions, bruises, and examining your mouth, ears, nose, throat, feet, and genitalia. Women should receive a pap smear and men should have their prostate gland examined and a hernia exam.
  • See your dentist at least twice a year, or if you have dentures, schedule an annual exam to ensure your dentures fit properly and your mouth is not changing which could result in discomfort or sores later on.
  • Develop an active lifestyle… which may include boating, hunting, fishing, skiing, jogging, bicycling, and similar activities if you are able.
  • Get adequate rest; at least seven hours of sleep is recommended with a twenty minute long nap after lunch. As people age, they tend to need less sleep, but don’t become a night owl and stay up late. If you snore, ask your doctor about the potential for sleep apnea and follow his advice. If you find yourself sleeping a lot, especially during the day, or experience fatigue with wide spread flu-like pain, then ask your doctor about anemia and fibromyalgia. Don’t sleep your life away.

Reinvent Yourself Spiritually –

  • Attend your church, temple, or religious group regularly. Spiritual growth enriches life and gives hope and support for difficulties that arise as you age. You may wish to join yoga or a tai chi group in your community or attend Bible studies or even make a pilgrimage to some city or country that you have wanted to visit all your life.
  • Volunteer at public organizations, religious functions, food banks, free clinics, blood donation centers, parks and recreation departments, and local animal shelters so you can give back to your community by donating your time. Volunteer for an organization or cause that you truly care about. If you have loved animals all your life, then volunteer to walk dogs, socialize cats or organize fundraising events for your local shelter. If you have previously supported development projects in other parts of the world, contact the organization and ask if you are able to volunteer your time in your community as well. No matter what you do, reinventing your life after 60 should be about making your life the one you want to live. You only go around once, so make it count, and do it your way.

Reinvent Yourself Emotionally –

  • Change your diet so that you consume less alcohol, less fat, and eat more foods that support serotonin and dopamine production in the brain.
  • Fight bouts of depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) with SAMe and herbal supplements and exercise.
  • Find someone or a pet to love. Love is the best medicine for almost any problem and you can never get or give too much of it.
  • Laugh daily. Surround yourself with positive people who cause you to laugh and maintain a positive attitude despite difficult situations. Watch comedies more often and find funny and interesting videos on YouTube.com and similar web sites. Read funny stories, jokes, and watch uplifting and inspiring television programs.
  • Don’t live alone. If you can’t live with family or friends, find a roommate so that you always have someone who can look in on you and keep you engaged. Loneliness breeds fear, solitude, depression, and withdrawal.
  • Join a senior center for regular companionship and scheduled activities such as potluck dinners, bingo, card games, and music entertainment.
  • Visit family members often and call them all on a regular basis just to stay in touch. Remember birthdays with a card or gift and try to attend all holiday dinners and traditional get-togethers.
  • Nothing improves your self-esteem better than changing your wardrobe. If you have always wore blue jeans, then buy some nice slacks. If your old shoes have seen better days, then buy a nice new pair of shoes. Try wearing a suit around once a week; that will perk you up. When you look good, you feel good.

Reinvent Yourself Financially –

  • These are hard times. If the economy has robbed you of your nest egg and forced you into austere circumstances, then you may have to swallow your pride and apply for public assistance. With high unemployment, you may have no choice. You have to eat. Contact your local food bank, Health and Welfare office, and any free medical clinics for assistance. Do what you have to do to get by until things improve. Make the smart move. Do the right thing. This is a temporary economic condition that will pass.
  • Instead of retiring early, or at the regular age; work longer and your monthly social security benefit will increase when you do finally retire.
  • If you lost your life savings when the “too large to fail” banks collapsed, then you may be reluctant to save or invest. However, making safe investments is still one of the best ways to increase your net worth. Consider safe growth stocks.
  • Day trading and saving your money in a bank are not good ideas. Consider buying tax deed certificates (paper trading) from county governments which yield high interest rates.
  • Finding employment that pays a realistic living wage is tough these days. You may have to return to school and retrain in a new occupation or field. For example, there are many loggers and construction workers who have switched to become insurance salesman, truck drivers, welders, CADD drafters, project managers, inspectors, and similar alternative occupations when their industries collapsed during the recession. Search online and find the best source for your training and secure a loan, or pay as you go, in order to acquire the knowledge necessary to change careers. It will be worth it.
  • Consider moving to a new city if you can’t find work in your community. If you have always wanted to live in a different location, take the opportunity to do it after 60. If you want to test out living in a new town without committing long-term, sublet an apartment or room for a couple of months. Check with the Chamber of Commerce and Senior Centers for recommendations. If your children have already relocated to another city, try to visit them and check out the area before you commit to a permanent relocation. If you don’t want to change cities, but do want to see more of the U.S., consider using a recreational vehicle for part of the year. You can live in RV parks and stay in new locations in comfort, providing the weather and fuel prices cooperate.
  • If you are inclined to gamble, then trading in binary options online promises higher gains in a short period of time with a potential of earning thousands of dollars monthly from the comfort of your home.
  • Start an online affiliate business. Create a web site with affiliate links that point to major league suppliers like Amazon.com and ClickBank.com, and drive traffic to that site to earn sales commissions. There is a learning curve involved, but the dividends are well worth it.
  • Turn your hobby into a small business operation. If you enjoy making things, you can sell your crafts on eBay, in local auctions, craft fairs, at garage sales, and at farmer’s markets. Make your venture low-risk and stay focused on something you like doing, regardless if sales are adequate or consistent. Reinvest some of your profits back into the business to grow and earn more income. Don’t forget to take all your tax deductions.


Source by Dave Salois

Chiropractic treatments would be beneficial for people with diabetes


Many researchers believe that chiropractic adjustments can help reduce the severity of or even cure many seemingly incurable diseases like diabetes. A well respected Journal of vertebral Subluxation Research published a study of the positive response of the patient medically diagnosed adult diabetes. The disparities chiropractor corrected spinal misalignments or vertebral subluxations which improved between organs and the nervous system. Exercise guidance and nutritional advice is also part of the program. It is noteworthy that, after only a month, the patient has a normal blood glucose levels remained stable. His doctor, insulin would not be needed as long as this condition remained stable.

The result of chiropractic treatment for diabetes is quite amazing. The literature also admitted that prevents the spinal nerves are a major factor in metabolic and endocrine disorders such as diabetes. In fact, the spinal cord injury has been named as a primary cause of diabetes. When the nerves that supply the digestive organs emphasized the chest area, the organs do not function properly in the body. For example, the pancreas usually produces insulin to control blood sugar, but if you make it ineffective insulin, diabetes can cause. The problem can usually be found on the 5th to the 10th thoracic vertebrae which we will adjust in the treatment of a chiropractor. A properly functioning nervous system is essential for the well-being and proper functioning of the body.

Another case study recently published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health. This study focused on the four-year-old girl suffering from insulin-dependent type I diabetes. He treated vertebral subluxations in the cervical and thoracic regions of the spine. After 24 chiropractic visits for more than two months, the patients demonstrated a dramatic decrease in her A1C level of 6.5 per cent and 7.2 per cent the amount of insulin used to go every day 15 units of 11 units. Up to this point the literature found that successful reduction of A1C levels below 7.0 percent were non-existent. By optimizing neural connections in the body of chiropractic, systems of the body can work together for better health. improve the functioning of the nervous system, allowing the digestive system and the endocrine system works better to the body’s ability to fight the disease more effectively. We have seen the positive impact that adjustments can be debilitating for patients suffering from other conditions such as mental illness, hypertension, migraine, and much more integrated in the Physical Medicine and look forward to many more treatment.


Source by Dr Adam Boylan

Facts About Gallbladder Disease


Gallbladder disease is one of the leading causes of problems with digestion that result in hospital admissions. Did you know that around 10% of the population (on average) in most Western countries has gallstones? Most of these are “silent” but about 4% of patients with stones develop symptoms each year. For about half of them, the symptoms reoccur within 12 months. More men than women suffer from acute gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), whereas more women than men experience gallstones (men have more kidney stones), and married women with children have more gallstones than unmarried women. The term “gallbladder disease” is in one sense a misnomer, for it is the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder that form the system that enables your body to digest fats and all are likely to participate in gallbladder problems.

I have always said that doctors generally see health problems as conditions with symptoms requiring drugs, whereas surgeons see health problems as conditions requiring the knife, and when a patient is admitted with abdominal discomfort surgeons are often keen to remove the gall bladder as it is believed that it ‘serves very little purpose’ and that the patient can “live comfortably without it”. This is a ridiculous and very untrue notion however, and I want you to think twice about having your gallbladder removed, because over half of people I have seen who had their gallbladder removed still had the same digestive problem they started with in the first place unresolved, yet now without their gallbladder. Once it is out that is it, it does serve a purpose like every organ you were born with and having your gallbladder removed will affect your health to some degree. For some patients, the removal of their gallbladder had a major consequence on their health down the track. For others, it was a minor consequence.

A surgeon I once spoke to many years ago mentioned that the gallbladder operation was one frequently performed in larger hospitals by the younger surgeon to “bring them up to speed” in the operating room. He said that it was a relatively easy operation lasting from thirty to forty minutes enabling them to gain surgical experience before they move onto “bigger and better things” as far as abdominal surgery is concerned. I can’t help wondering if all the gallbladder operations performed are really that necessary, because they are so quick to take it out these days. The apprentice mechanic will first be introduced to the engine by learning to replace the spark plugs before he is allowed to work deeper into the engine. If the plugs were removed, carefully cleaned and then replaced they generally last a long time. But then again, today more than half the stuff we buy is made in China and it is “chucked” as soon as it is even slightly defective!

What is the gallbladder’s function?

Your gall bladder’s main function is to collect and concentrate bile produced by the liver that the body uses to digest fats. Think of bile a bit like you would dishwashing liquid. Have you ever tried to wash dishes with fat or grease on them in water without dishwashing liquid? Not really effective is it? Not at least until you squirt a little dishwashing liquid into the warm water then they are clean in no time. Your gallbladder makes plenty of its own type of “degreasing liquid” called bile. Bile becomes up to twelve times more concentrated in the gallbladder (and hence much more effective) than it was in your liver. Think about this, with your gallbladder gone, your liver now has to produce, store and secrete bile. It can do this but not as effectively as it can without that little purse called the gallbladder hanging by its side.

The liver makes between 600 – 900 mls of bile each day, and what is not sent during meals to the duodenum (beginning of your small bowel) directly via the liver’s main duct to emulsify fat, it is diverted through a smaller duct (branching off the main liver duct) to the gallbladder for storage until required. When fat in a meal reaches the duodenum (where most of the food you eat is digested and absorbed), hormones enter the circulation and along with nerve signals, stimulate the gallbladder to contract. This contraction, assisted by the small intestine’s contractions, induces the gallbladder’s small round muscle and the stored bile is propelled into the duodenum where it mixes with food from your stomach and pancreatic juices from the pancreas by way of the pancreatic duct. If you eat a fairly fatty meal (fish and chips for example) your gallbladder can empty completely within one hour. It is this combination of bile and fats that can make one feel “queasy” at times after a fatty meal.

Bile itself is made up of water, salts, fatty acids, lecithin, cholesterol, bilirubin, and mucus and has two main functions. The first function is to help in the absorption and digestion of fats, and the second to eliminate certain waste products from the body, especially excess cholesterol and the haemoglobin from worn out red blood cells, which have an average lifespan of 3 months.

In particular, the bile

(1) increases the solubility of fat-soluble vitamins, fats and cholesterol to assist in their absorption,

(2) stimulates secretion of water by the colon to help move its contents along,

(3) is a medium for excretion of bilirubin (the chief bile pigment) as a waste product of destroyed red blood cells, other waste products, medical drugs and their degradation products, and other toxins.

Bile salts are in fact re-absorbed into the small intestine, and re-secreted into the bile after extraction by the liver. All bile salts in the body re-circulate some 10 to 12 times a day by means of this so- called enterohepatic circulation. In each circulation small amounts of bile salts enter the colon where bacteria break them down for excretion with the feces.

Who is the greatest at risk of gallstones?

o Female gender: women outnumber men at least 2:1.

o Family history

o Forty or more years of age

o 3 children or more

o Diet: low calorie, low cholesterol, low fat. (especially a diet like this after a diet high in fat)

o Diet: previously high in refined carbs, alcohol, chocolate, chips, etc.

o Smoking

o High cholesterol history

o Constipation history

o Rapid weight loss

o Obesity

o Food allergy history

o Dehydration due to not enough water

o Liver problems like cirrhosis or past hepatitis infection

o Sensitive to penicillin antibiotics

Signs and symptoms of gallbladder problems

I have seen many women in the clinic who have for years on and off never felt quite well in terms of their digestion. Many have experienced a low grade ill feeling, a digestive discomfort which was put down to indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea or even a “grumbling appendix”. They go on for years and years with digestive symptoms and never realise that they may be related to a gallbladder problem. That’s because they are so inter-related with other digestive symptoms and too easy for their doctor to say: “You are fine; there is nothing to worry about”. Constipation is one of the most commonly missed complaints, and so is farting. Don’t be embarrassed here, we all fart, some men (and plenty of smallish children) enjoy boasting about it but women do it too and are generally totally embarrassed. Flatus is most common in bed when you first lie down, during the night or when you get up. This is because your bowel changes its position and gas more easily escapes through the anus with the large intestine in a horizontal rather than in a vertical position. Don’t laugh, but do you sometimes feel fat, frumpy and farty and at times “sicky” after eating a fatty meal like fish and chips or chocolate? Does your partner joke about how much you “let off”? Then you may very well have a gallbladder issue.

The Four F’s

Have you heard about the four f’s? We learn when we study medicine that women who are “fat, fertile, forty and flatulent” are often the gallbladder girls. They are much more prone to having gallstones or a sluggish liver and gallbladder. The following list provided here may be related to gallbladder but please bear in mind that it could also be something else. The first four symptoms mentioned are the most indicative of gallbladder issues. It is not necessary to have all or many symptoms to have gallbladder problems but the more you have from this list, the more confirmation you have that your gallbladder is involved. Please note that it is still advisable to consult your GP for an accurate diagnosis.

Signs and symptoms of impending gallbladder problems (If you answered yes to the first four (with an asterisk) go to your health-care professional for a more accurate diagnosis.)

  • Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side, could be central too*
  • Pain between shoulder blades, central but could be under the shoulder blades*
  • Stools light or chalky colored*
  • Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods*
  • History of gallstones or gallbladder removal in your family
  • Weight gain after recent digestive troubles or after gallbladder removal
  • Frequent use of antacids
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Bloating
  • Farting
  • Burping or belching up gas easily after meals
  • Feeling of fullness or food not digesting
  • Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to firm)
  • Constipation (or simply skipping a day here or there)
  • Headache over eyes, especially right
  • Bitter fluid comes up after eating, could be a slight reflux and very subtle
  • Frequent use of laxatives

Being big is actually in itself a big risk factor in gallbladder problems, and women with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or greater are more than double at risk than women who have a BMI of 25 or less. Although a decrease in weight reduces the risk of gallstone formation, there is a 15 to 25 percent increase in gallstone formation during or immediately following weight loss! I have seen this with several patients over the years; they have lost weight and are proud of if only to experience digestive problems and then a bad bout of pain within twelve to eighteen months after the weight loss. A major heart study in America discovered that women with Type 2 Diabetes were almost twice as likely (41.8 percent versus 23.1 percent) that non diabetics to have gallstones, and the risk was highest amongst the 30 to 59yr old group.

I always ask a person these standard questions when they come in with a (suspected) gallbladder dysfunction – “Did you loose weight recently, say in the past two years?” “Have you been on a fat free diet lately?” “What kind of foods/drinks do you like to habitually have?” By asking the right questions, you would be surprised how many will actually tell you what is wrong with them, and their answers can point right to the heart of the problem. In my observation, the main factors leading to gallbladder attacks and dysfunction are obesity (and rapid weight loss (for example1 pound a week); “fat-free” diets are especially bad.

Poor dietary habits – especially too many fatty and fried foods, alcohol, too much dairy food like cheeses and full cream milk, refined sugars and starches, high protein foods (in excess), food allergies, parasites, long-term use of birth control pills, and a sedentary (couch potato) lifestyle. The Atkins diet craze caused a lot of gallbladder problems, for example. Once these factors are operating, bile produced in the liver and flowing through the biliary ducts into the gallbladder becomes too thick, the bile ducts may then become obstructed, gravel and stones may form (90% of all gallstones are cholesterol), and the whole biliary system may become clogged. Other causative factors include insufficient water consumption, a weak immune system (increases likelihood of infection in the gallbladder), as well as diabetes and various liver diseases.

Prevention of gallbladder problems lies in controlling obesity, diet and adequate intake of consuming water, and the use of appropriate physical exercise. Louise Hay, an interesting lady who wrote the famous book “Heal Your Life” way back in 1976 with regard to how emotions can trigger physical problems, mentions that anger, aggressiveness, and bitterness can result in gallbladder problems. Keeping the immune system strong and the liver and small intestine healthy is very important too. Let’s look now at some non-medical alternatives once gallbladder problems are evident, and also how to prevent this problem in the first instance.

Food allergies

Often finding and eliminating food allergies can stop frequent attacks of gallbladder pain and prevent unnecessary surgical removal. In one study, avoidance of allergens relieved symptoms in 100% of 69 patients with symptomatic gallstones or post-cholecystectomy (after the operation) syndrome (uncontrolled trial commented on by Dr. Alan Gaby, USA). I’m not convinced just testing for antibodies in terms of food allergies is the way to go, try also: muscle testing, you may know somebody who does do electro-dermal testing. Either way, try going on an elimination or allergy diet, it may be the answer to your problems.

For recurring gallbladder pain – suspect food allergies in just about 100% of patients. On average I find that they are reactive to 4 or 5 foods, and according to Dr. Jonathon Wright, one of America’s most experienced natural medicine doctors, egg is generally always one of the prime food allergens involved. There are over 800,000 cholecystectomies (gallbladder operations) performed in USA per annum, they cost $5,000 US to perform. If you do the math here, effective preventative natural medicine treatment could spare 4 billion US dollars with gallbladder conditions alone. I can imagine how many of the operations are performed needlessly in NZ each year, and it is truely amazing how many people I have seen who have their gallbladder out only to find that it did not fix up the problem they originally went to the doctor for in the first place.

Other medical methods of handling gallstones in the gallbladder include attempts to fragment them with sonic shock waves (lithotripsy). Of course there are other times when surgery may become necessary, such as in perforation of the gallbladder (often from gangrene) or where for example non-benign tumours and cancers are present. All this is what I call “crisis medicine,” so common in the orthodox medical procedures used in the hospital system. Does it not make sense to prevent a gallbladder condition in the first place rather than waiting for disaster to strike and then to take action?

How is your back?

See your Chiropractor; you may have mid-thoracic vertebral subluxations. If you have back issues, your fourth thoracic vertebrae may a bit “dodgey”, you could be looking at a subluxations which means a slight dislocation (misalignment) or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (the bones of the spine). These disturbances may irritate nerve roots and the blood vessels which branch off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae, and if this is what is happening around the middle of your back it could be affecting your gallbladder.

Gallbladder removed? – take bile salts

I always recommend that a patient who has had their gallbladder removed take bile salts (digestive enzymes) because fats & oils are not properly digested and absorbed by these folk. I always give bile salts when I give them fish-oil, or Vitamin A. Digestive enzymes are essential for those who have had their gallbladder removed, they will feel a lot better for taking them regularly. Their digestion will improve, their bowels will work better and they will feel less full and bloated. For patients who do not improve their diet following surgical removal of the gallbladder the removal leaves the person with an increased risk of colon cancer. Although fast relief of some symptoms can follow this surgery, the relief is often short-lived and the basic causes are still present. If you have lost your gallbladder, the regular use of bile salts at the start of meals can help substantially, including better processing of the fat-soluble essential nutrients such as essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K. Probably the best way to tell if you are using enough bile salts is to monitor the colour of the stool. If the colour is lighter than the normal brown colour, or is even a light beige or yellow, this implies insufficient bile flow; with it’s under absorption of essential nutrients, and a need for more bile salts. Such a need for more bile salts will be greater after a meal with greater amounts of fats and oils. Talk to your Naturopath more here, he or she can recommend a product which should work well. I generally find that the digestive enzymes prescribed by your Naturopath to be stronger and much more effective than the retail (health-food shop) products. That is why they are classified as “practitioner-only” products. My website (see resource box) explains more about “practitioner-only” products.

Useful herbal supplements with liver & gallbladder complaints: Swedish bitters, milk thistle, chamomile, peppermint, greater celandine, gymnema, gravel root, dandelion leaf & root, chicory, rhubarb, burdock, cramp bark, ginger root, fennel, and turmeric.

Homeopathic medicine: one of the most specific homeopathic medicines is Chelidonium 30C, and I recommend this remedy for patients who complain of right-sided pains radiating through the back, pains radiating to the right shoulder blade region. It is mainly thought of as a liver remedy, but I find it fantastic for gallbladder disorders as well.


Eliminate refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates, because it is these foods which in particular increases the cholesterol saturation of bile. Gallbladder problems don’t generally happen in under developed countries, they are a phenomenon of the Western developed world. We call these sorts of health problems the “diseases of modern civilisation”. You will find that our Western diet is the highly refined one, most people eat foods from the supermarket and our diets are the ones high in the refined sugars, starches and flours. Foods and drinks to strictly avoid One of the worst beverages to drink with gallbladder issues is coffee whether decaffeinated or not, it aggravates symptoms by causing the gallbladder to contract along with sugar. So, sugar and coffee is not a good idea! I also tell patients to avoid chocolate, deep fried foods and saturated animal fats in general. Most tell me that they cannot tolerate these foods anyway, so listen to your body and avoid what makes you feel unwell or sick.

Gallbladder foods which have a particular favourable effect include beetroot, Brussels sprouts, fennel, sauerkraut, parsley, artichokes, pears, granny smith apples and the bitter foods such as rocket, endive, chicory, and capers.

Consume a little olive oil daily One way to prevent build-up of gallstones is to eat some oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, daily; this encourages the gallbladder to contract and to daily “sand dump” its contents into the small intestine, preventing sludge from accumulating and forming gallstones.


Warm castor oil packs. All you need is 200ml castor oil (try the chemist or supermarket), and old saucepan, an old cloth, and an old towel. Just warm the old cloth in the pot of oil until it is quite warm, squeeze it out and apply it over the region of the gallbladder – central a little to the right just near where your ribcage finishes. Cover with the old towel, place a hot water bottle on top for added warmth and lie down for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rub the area for 2 minutes with an ice cube in a cloth-repeat 3 times once daily for a week can sometimes dislodge gallstones, and is especially a powerful treatment if used in conjunction with the flush and dietary approach. Careful with castor oil, it can stain.

Liver and gallbladder flush

there are many different gallbladder and liver flushes that will work if you have had recurrent gallbladder problems and your diet has been typically Kiwi. You really need to work in with your health-care professional like your naturopath here. I have guided many patients through this procedure the past twenty years and have never experienced a problem, and to be honest have very rarely found somebody with a “gallstone too big to pass” as some may fear.

For a gallbladder “attack” try these recipes Here are a couple of tips to try with acute pain, if the pain doesn’t subside, seek medical opinion.

o Drink 1 tbsp of apple cider in a glass of apple juice (warmed). This should relieve the pain quickly.

o In a small glass add ¼ tsp turmeric, ¼ tsp cumin, and ½ tsp Manuka honey – top with boiling water, stir to dissolve and mix together, drink when warm. Take: 3 times a day.

o Citrus tea: have 3 glasses daily of tea made by boiling for 20 minutes in water the rind of a grapefruit.

Recommendations stopping future gallbladder attacks

1. Each morning, drink a “gallbladder attack flush”; 300mls Apple juice (or dilute with water), 3 cloves of raw finely chopped garlic, 1-2 inches of raw finely chopped ginger root, mix well in blender. This drink helps soften sludge and helps prepare your gallbladder to dump rubbish.

2. Liver & gallbladder flush. One simple flush is to drink 3 Tbs of extra-virgin olive oil with the juice of a lemon before retiring and on awakening for at least 3 days, or until no more stones pass. I have other flushes but tend to use them in a consultation with the patient only. This is one procedure in my opinion you are best not to do yourself at home without any guidance, but get the advice from a qualified Naturopath, preferably one with experience in this area.

3. Eat a well balanced diet of 50% raw or partially steamed foods and fresh juices, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds. This low saturated fat, high fiber diet is a must for healing gallbladder disorders. Flaxseed and olive oil are great additions to your diet for repair and prevention of gallstones. Bitter foods (see below) are a great addition, and will help prevent a build up in future. The two top foods to consume? – Lemon juice and olive oil.

4. Increased your intake of Vitamin C can help with gallbladder ailments. Replenish your vitamin C stores by eating plenty of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Good sources include capsicums (red/green/yellow), berries, lemons, and broccoli/green leafy veg. I recommend a high grade Vitamin C powder daily for the prevention and maintenance of many conditions in the body.

5. Herbal detoxification products may be helpful in stopping and reversing a gallbladder attack. I suggest using formulas that use organic, whole herbs. There are some excellent products available, just ask your herbalist or naturopath.

3 tips for after the gallstones have passed

o Dr. Dick Versendaal, a Chiropractor from America recommends his “carotid-umbilicus technique”. For the best results, it is to used every 15 minutes for 1-3 hours as follows (it’s easier if someone else does it on you than you try to do it yourself ): using the index finger, apply a steady pressure into the belly button for 5 minutes, such as to depress the belly button 1-1 ½ inches (but avoiding pain). Do this once a day for up to 12 weeks after the stones are passed, it will help your gallbladder a lot.

o Firm rubbing for at least 30 seconds1-2 times a day of the neuro-lymphatic reflexes (these points may feel quite tender if you have gallbladder issues) between ribs 3 and 4, and ribs 4 and 5, just to each side of the breastbone, and between ribs 5 and 6 just under the nipple of the right breast can be quite helpful.

o Also softly holding (not pressing or rubbing) for at least one minute the neurovascular reflexes at the anterior fontanel (front of head the baby’s soft spot near crown of head- locate at tip of middle finger when the wrist crease of either hand is placed on the eye brows and the middle finger extended onto the midline of the skull) and at the hairline on the forehead directly above the outer corner of each eye. Look for the “tender spots”, you will find them.


Source by Eric Bakker ND

Healthy Thyroid Diet – Looking for food sensitivities


understand thyroid drama. Modern medicine could not handle my Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s issues. For many years I made a lot of trial and error test, until I came up with my “Healthy Thyroid Diet” plan.

There are some foods should be removed from the diet and there are some foods that you need to daily food intake. This is not a diet, in the sense that you are trying to lose weight, but the habit of healthy eating.

Not everyone agrees that there is a link between diet and a healthy thyroid gland. I challenge you to give it a try for a few weeks, and monitor any changes in how you feel.

One more thing, before anything else, you can import to understand that the majority (90%) of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is the result of autoimmune problems. This means that the immune system attacks the thyroid ..

One of the first questions that the customers dig current diet.

food intolerance

see “gluten-free”, “dairy-free” health care, etc. pop stores today? This is because many people get the “big five”; gluten, dairy products, corn, soy and egg and experience significant changes. To find the culprits, always start an Elimination Diet and it produces clear, unbiased results. You also get a food intolerance test (not an allergy, it is the other) to do, but they are far from accurate. Gluten is a notorious food, if you have a thyroid gland and remove this key. However, many times, it will have to cut more than the gluten.

FIX digestive track (aka GUT)

As mentioned above, the conditions of thyroid autoimmune diseases. They are t lymphocytes and other immune cells in the gut, which protects the body from viruses, bacteria and other intruders. This is why most people with thyroid conditions are also frequent bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea. The diet helps the intestinal tremendously. “All diseases begin in the gut,” said Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, and I’m not sure why this is not taught in school today.

Toxicity Reduction Additives

from, preservatives, artificial sweeteners (!), The excess sodium, trans-fats and toxins hides around the house. Water toxicity HUGE addition to thyroid conditions; Add fluoride in the USA, now connected to slowing of the thyroid; Fluoride is believed to further leaching of thyroid cells, it inhibits the uptake of iodine, and therefore the production of thyroid hormone (T4).


The liver and aa intestine, because this is where the T4 hormone (inactive hormone) will be transferred to T3, the active hormone which is actually one of that powers us. Most cells need T3, T4, not only. If you are taking Synthroid, a synthetic version of T4 to take still need to be converted to T3. If you have a sluggish liver and intestine, it will not convert properly. Look into doing annually, semi-annually detox fasting, juicing, etc, so that the body a break.

address stress and adrenal fatigue

This is a huge topic, especially among women. You will not be able to fix your thyroid without fixing the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are also part of the endocrine system, and fire off if stressed out. We encourage you to visit adrenal fatigue symptoms to see if they have them. De-emphasizing the importance of working with a therapist, life coach, getting into meditation, breathing, positive thinking; any work for you – is critical.

Remove goitered FOOD

if you suffer from hypothyroidism. Goiter is a substance that slows the thyroid. It is found in bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, radishes, soybeans, soy milk, soy lecithin (often used as a filler vegetarian dish) and tofu. Cooking them reduces goiter properties, but you can also restrict them in the recovery phase.


Source by Magdalena Wszelaki

Herbal Sex Pills China – the harder erections and increased libido naturally


The Chinese have been treating impotence and herbs for erectile dysfunction for thousands of years. Today, you can get super strength herbal sex pills China, which is the best herbs to an effective dose, quick and natural libido boost …

The sexual health reflects the overall well-being. Chinese herbs looks to improve the general health, enhancing libido and erectile function better as a result.

The main causes of impotence include:

Slow blood flow throughout the body, and penis, low testosterone levels, stressful mind and body, a lack of energy. Managing all of these areas, libido and improve your overall health, so the more sex and more from life.

The Chinese herbal medicine is not a cure all problems. It should take a balanced diet of herbs and in combination, they will work quickly and naturally to improve your health. The best herbal sex pills contain all Chinese plants listed below, a super strength dose to quickly and naturally improve libido and general well-being.

Here are the main herbs in addition to the health care they provide.

Herbs better blood circulation

– Cistanche Bark

– Ginkgo biloba

– Ginseng

Herbs Better Blood flow to the penis

– Cnidium

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Herbs increases testosterone

– Tongkat Ali

– Tribulus Terrestris

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– Ginseng

Herbs that increase the body’s energy

– Jujube Fruit

– Schizandra berries

– Tribulus Terrestris

– Ginseng

all the better health

You can get Chinese herbs to increase libido in the best herbal sex pills so try them today, and you will be able to increase without libido and erections better use of synthetic drugs.


Source by Kelly Price

How to Improve Eyesight Naturally – Know Tips That Can Improve Your Vision


There are ways on how to improve eyesight naturally that does not involve taking medicines or undergoing surgical procedures to improve vision.

Poor vision seems to come with advancing age and this is mostly due to the straining of the eyes. Poor eyesight is also partly caused by a poor diet plan and other factors such as staring at a computer screen for prolonged hours and reading in poor light.

Wearing lenses and eyeglasses can help correct eye problems and help people have clear vision however there are certain things that one can do to improve vision naturally. These ways on how to improve eyesight naturally can also help in treating eye strain. Long-term correction of vision disorders can also be achieved through these methods. Improving your vision naturally costs nothing so they are better options than

Tips on How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

In a way, exerting effort to boost your vision naturally is better than relying on contact lenses and glasses. Why is this?

These vision aids provide clear eyesight by altering refraction which can worsen vision overtime. Contact lenses and glasses fixes your eye focus but it does not work to treat the root cause of the problem. Doing eye exercises and training your vision naturally on the other hand deal with the factors that cause poor or blurry vision. The methods of improving your eyesight naturally helps relax the eye muscles and enhance blood circulation in the eye area.

The following are some useful tips on how to improve eyesight naturally:

  • Perform eye exercises regularly. This will naturally improve vision and correct underlying cause of eyesight problems. A good eye exercise you can do is blinking your eyes quickly for a few seconds and close them. After a few seconds, open them again and repeat the same 3-4 times. Another exercise is nodding your head up and down and while you’re doing this, focus your eyes on the ceiling and your toes respectively. If you work in front of the computer, stare at distant objects for at least 30 seconds after every hour to exercise your eyes and avoid straining them.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Eating healthy, this is one of the best tips on how to improve eyesight naturally. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet and notice your eyesight become sharper. Opt for vegetables and fruits that contain essential vitamins which are beneficial to the eyes like coloured vegetables like pumpkin and carrots. Reducing your intake of sugary foods will also help you improve your eye vision if you have poor eyesight.
  • Make use of herbal remedies. There are some herbs known to treat vision disorders and improve eye health. Rooibos tea is a great herb to use when trying to improve vision naturally. Rooibos contain high percentage of antioxidants that can help poor eyesight. Blueberries, bilberries and mahonia grape extract are also known to improve vision naturally.
  • Relax your eyes. Straining is one of the reasons why eyesight weaken. One good way to relax your eyes is by closing and palming them in a dark room. To so this, sit in a chair and position yourself in an upright position. Close your eyes then place your palm over your eyes. Make sure that no light enters your eyes and remain in that position for 10 minutes.
  • Get enough sleep. Another useful tip on how to improve eyesight naturally is to get adequate sleep. Not having enough sleep can cause tired eyes, eyestrain, blurred vision and other problems. You use your eyes to focus on things during the daytime and sleep is your body’s way of shutting them and relaxing them properly. 8 hours is the recommended hours of sleep to help relax the eye muscles and improve their focusing power in the daytime.
  • Take dietary supplements. Dietary supplements when taken in the right dosage can also improve vision. The best supplements for the eyes are those based on vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. You cannot overdose on vitamin C but you must watch your dosage of the others. Make use of these dietary supplements under strict medical supervision.

Aside from these tips on how to improve eyesight naturally, avoiding stress is also a good way to keep your eyes healthy. Following a proper eye care is also necessary to make eyesight better. It goes without saying that you must avoid immersing yourself in hours after hours of TV watching, facing your computer all day, reading until your eyes water, etc. Always take some time out of your daily work to relax your eyes – this won’t take more than a few minutes and can do you a lot of good to keep your vision sharp and clear for always.

These tips on how to improve eyesight naturally should help you boost your vision without relying in medicines and resorting to using contacts and glasses.


Source by Harriet Y Chan