Healthy Thyroid Diet – Looking for food sensitivities


understand thyroid drama. Modern medicine could not handle my Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s issues. For many years I made a lot of trial and error test, until I came up with my “Healthy Thyroid Diet” plan.

There are some foods should be removed from the diet and there are some foods that you need to daily food intake. This is not a diet, in the sense that you are trying to lose weight, but the habit of healthy eating.

Not everyone agrees that there is a link between diet and a healthy thyroid gland. I challenge you to give it a try for a few weeks, and monitor any changes in how you feel.

One more thing, before anything else, you can import to understand that the majority (90%) of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is the result of autoimmune problems. This means that the immune system attacks the thyroid ..

One of the first questions that the customers dig current diet.

food intolerance

see “gluten-free”, “dairy-free” health care, etc. pop stores today? This is because many people get the “big five”; gluten, dairy products, corn, soy and egg and experience significant changes. To find the culprits, always start an Elimination Diet and it produces clear, unbiased results. You also get a food intolerance test (not an allergy, it is the other) to do, but they are far from accurate. Gluten is a notorious food, if you have a thyroid gland and remove this key. However, many times, it will have to cut more than the gluten.

FIX digestive track (aka GUT)

As mentioned above, the conditions of thyroid autoimmune diseases. They are t lymphocytes and other immune cells in the gut, which protects the body from viruses, bacteria and other intruders. This is why most people with thyroid conditions are also frequent bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea. The diet helps the intestinal tremendously. “All diseases begin in the gut,” said Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, and I’m not sure why this is not taught in school today.

Toxicity Reduction Additives

from, preservatives, artificial sweeteners (!), The excess sodium, trans-fats and toxins hides around the house. Water toxicity HUGE addition to thyroid conditions; Add fluoride in the USA, now connected to slowing of the thyroid; Fluoride is believed to further leaching of thyroid cells, it inhibits the uptake of iodine, and therefore the production of thyroid hormone (T4).


The liver and aa intestine, because this is where the T4 hormone (inactive hormone) will be transferred to T3, the active hormone which is actually one of that powers us. Most cells need T3, T4, not only. If you are taking Synthroid, a synthetic version of T4 to take still need to be converted to T3. If you have a sluggish liver and intestine, it will not convert properly. Look into doing annually, semi-annually detox fasting, juicing, etc, so that the body a break.

address stress and adrenal fatigue

This is a huge topic, especially among women. You will not be able to fix your thyroid without fixing the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are also part of the endocrine system, and fire off if stressed out. We encourage you to visit adrenal fatigue symptoms to see if they have them. De-emphasizing the importance of working with a therapist, life coach, getting into meditation, breathing, positive thinking; any work for you – is critical.

Remove goitered FOOD

if you suffer from hypothyroidism. Goiter is a substance that slows the thyroid. It is found in bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, radishes, soybeans, soy milk, soy lecithin (often used as a filler vegetarian dish) and tofu. Cooking them reduces goiter properties, but you can also restrict them in the recovery phase.


Source by Magdalena Wszelaki

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