How to Improve Eyesight Naturally – Know Tips That Can Improve Your Vision


There are ways on how to improve eyesight naturally that does not involve taking medicines or undergoing surgical procedures to improve vision.

Poor vision seems to come with advancing age and this is mostly due to the straining of the eyes. Poor eyesight is also partly caused by a poor diet plan and other factors such as staring at a computer screen for prolonged hours and reading in poor light.

Wearing lenses and eyeglasses can help correct eye problems and help people have clear vision however there are certain things that one can do to improve vision naturally. These ways on how to improve eyesight naturally can also help in treating eye strain. Long-term correction of vision disorders can also be achieved through these methods. Improving your vision naturally costs nothing so they are better options than

Tips on How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

In a way, exerting effort to boost your vision naturally is better than relying on contact lenses and glasses. Why is this?

These vision aids provide clear eyesight by altering refraction which can worsen vision overtime. Contact lenses and glasses fixes your eye focus but it does not work to treat the root cause of the problem. Doing eye exercises and training your vision naturally on the other hand deal with the factors that cause poor or blurry vision. The methods of improving your eyesight naturally helps relax the eye muscles and enhance blood circulation in the eye area.

The following are some useful tips on how to improve eyesight naturally:

  • Perform eye exercises regularly. This will naturally improve vision and correct underlying cause of eyesight problems. A good eye exercise you can do is blinking your eyes quickly for a few seconds and close them. After a few seconds, open them again and repeat the same 3-4 times. Another exercise is nodding your head up and down and while you’re doing this, focus your eyes on the ceiling and your toes respectively. If you work in front of the computer, stare at distant objects for at least 30 seconds after every hour to exercise your eyes and avoid straining them.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Eating healthy, this is one of the best tips on how to improve eyesight naturally. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet and notice your eyesight become sharper. Opt for vegetables and fruits that contain essential vitamins which are beneficial to the eyes like coloured vegetables like pumpkin and carrots. Reducing your intake of sugary foods will also help you improve your eye vision if you have poor eyesight.
  • Make use of herbal remedies. There are some herbs known to treat vision disorders and improve eye health. Rooibos tea is a great herb to use when trying to improve vision naturally. Rooibos contain high percentage of antioxidants that can help poor eyesight. Blueberries, bilberries and mahonia grape extract are also known to improve vision naturally.
  • Relax your eyes. Straining is one of the reasons why eyesight weaken. One good way to relax your eyes is by closing and palming them in a dark room. To so this, sit in a chair and position yourself in an upright position. Close your eyes then place your palm over your eyes. Make sure that no light enters your eyes and remain in that position for 10 minutes.
  • Get enough sleep. Another useful tip on how to improve eyesight naturally is to get adequate sleep. Not having enough sleep can cause tired eyes, eyestrain, blurred vision and other problems. You use your eyes to focus on things during the daytime and sleep is your body’s way of shutting them and relaxing them properly. 8 hours is the recommended hours of sleep to help relax the eye muscles and improve their focusing power in the daytime.
  • Take dietary supplements. Dietary supplements when taken in the right dosage can also improve vision. The best supplements for the eyes are those based on vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. You cannot overdose on vitamin C but you must watch your dosage of the others. Make use of these dietary supplements under strict medical supervision.

Aside from these tips on how to improve eyesight naturally, avoiding stress is also a good way to keep your eyes healthy. Following a proper eye care is also necessary to make eyesight better. It goes without saying that you must avoid immersing yourself in hours after hours of TV watching, facing your computer all day, reading until your eyes water, etc. Always take some time out of your daily work to relax your eyes – this won’t take more than a few minutes and can do you a lot of good to keep your vision sharp and clear for always.

These tips on how to improve eyesight naturally should help you boost your vision without relying in medicines and resorting to using contacts and glasses.


Source by Harriet Y Chan

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