Wheatgrass and Health – – And Manifesting Abundance


Let me begin by stating a simple fact: I am and have been a multimillionaire with a number of thriving businesses who both follows worldly success principles set down in business and practices spiritual truths on a daily basis.

Let me add another simple fact: I have booming physical, mental, and emotional health along with healthy relationships with great numbers of success-minded people across the world. And the basis of this health is mild exercise and an all-natural wheatgrass-based formula I created myself and which thousands of people — including decamillionaires and centimillionaires and world-class sports champions of all sorts including Wimbledon tennis players — rely on for their abundant health.

I am a champion of health, and I know there are just a few things anyone needs to do to experiencing their God-given right to health free of limitations.

I’ve learned over the decades that both the worldly principles and the spiritual practices are one and the same and are directly connected to today’s concept of abundance – having what you want show up in your life by putting forth some effort and experiencing satisfaction… rather than the tremendous sweating struggle for small, unsatisfying results that we all can experience.

Your abundance or wealth — or seeming lack of it — are simply a reflection of you and your relationship with everything:

  • Your physical, mental, and emotional health: the essence of you
  • Your financial health: money and things
  • Your personal relationships: love, support, connection, shared experiences
  • Your business relationships: creative expression and channels for more financial health
  • Your understanding of how to operate in the world
  • And your experience in all that you do or think or feel

As you heal and cure one area, you tend to heal and cure other areas automatically. Why? Because you begin to understand the underlying causes for poor health, finances, relationships, or choices.

As you change from muddy, vague thinking to crystal clarity, you easily visualize what you want and then see it showing up in the world.

As you assert yourself and move from passive object/victim to whom stuff happens to active participant and decision maker who steps forward with clarity, you make decisions that benefits you immediately and in the long term.

As you experience the benefits of your decisions coming from clarity, you gain confidence to build further upon your successes.

And soon, perhaps not in a day or a month, but often in a few months or a year, you have healed areas that previously were plaguing you.

This is EXACTLY what happens in your health decisions when your pursue abundant health free of limitations.

Here are the simple steps:

  1. Know what you want: Do you want to experience better health?
  2. Know what you do NOT want: Do you want to merely settle for limitations that are only slightly better than what you have now?
  3. Follow and model your own behavior after those who have succeeded in similar circumstances. I myself began with constant illness and life-threatening asthma and found a dependable, simple solution — and now am a highly trusted source who people the world over rely on for guidance
  4. Associate yourself with successful people: Do what you can to be in contact with those who operate at levels above you, whether in health, money, relationships, personal power, creative ability, or anything. This includes distant contact where you are on the vibrational levels as they are — by keeping the same habits of successful people
  5. Stay on the path. Don’t quit: Know that those in life who cross the finish line are just people who continued step after step. As they marched along, all the quitters have dropped out, and they were winners by default: by not quitting
  6. Expect miracles but don’t expect to perform them yourself unless your personal power is actually proven to be that tremendous. Many people fall prey to setting unrealistic expectations and disappointing or even condemning themselves for their results. I call this “leaps of faith off 30-story buildings” — most people go splat when they hit the ground below

Finally, know the truth about anything rather than the illusion. True, I’m a health champion and have healed myself and thousands of others with wheatgrass. However like the simple steps above, not knowing what you’re doing with wheatgrass can have consequences.

But for now, know this:

Wheatgrass can help heal you and manifest the abundant health you richly deserve!


Source by John J. Fike

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