Normal Blood Sugar – Diabetes blood glucose


Thus, the measured values ​​are normal blood sugar levels. If you are worried about complications, you can relax a little. It is mostly developed from 5-10 years. Fortunately, diabetes research passing of time. There is a huge over your blood glucose and health status, as long as you stay on top o

Here are some of the best final hours of the false impressions that might be harder to treat diabetes.

First, do not put the “Borderline Hustle” .

If you have been fasting glucose 126 mg / dl or blood glucose levels after a meal are now more than 200 mg / dL at least twice, you have diabetes. Do not play with your health. You’re better off accepting a diabetic. This is not the stigma of the past. In fact, people with diabetes who regularly monitor and test often healthier than their counterparts thereof.

Use reading as a signal to take action. Start an exercise program or increasing one is in place. Lose some weight. It can prevent diabetes, until you take action, or to reduce the damage done to you. In any case, it is healthier and feel better.

Second, do not be lulled into a false sense of security. medicine begins immediately

The symptoms subsided after. You find a “honeymoon” period of 30 to 180 days after the diagnosis, when the reduced insulin requirements. (This can be longer if the child is older at the time of diagnosis.) The symptoms can not miss.

Do not let down the guard, and do not stop measurement and monitoring. It is always temporary. He wants to know when the symptoms start to rise again.

Finally, the same symptoms, blood glucose and lifestyle .

This key combination. You may miss the dawn phenomenon, the effect of the menstrual cycle, the timing of changes in blood sugar after training and other critical associations helps us to better schedule.


Source by Jean Healy

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