Good Vices That Benefit Our Health


VICE #1: Sleeping in.

It’s free, natural and has no drawbacks. More than giving you energy, getting enough quality sleep boosts your immune system, your memory and might even help you manage your weight. Lack of sleep has been linked to high blood pressure, glucose intolerance and belly fat, all known to be risk factors for heart disease. You should aim for the research supported 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. If you always seem to drag yourself out of bed, no matter how much sleep you get the night before, talk to your doctor. A good night’s sleep is not a luxury… it’s necessary to your health and well-being.

VICE #2: Mental health days.

Who doesn’t enjoy sneaking off for a well deserved time out? Turns out taking time off has been shown by research to relieve stress, lowering your blood pressure and thus your risk for heart disease. It also aids creative thinking, and may help with symptoms of depression. The good news is that the length of the vacation doesn’t matter one bit in terms of how happy it will make you. The best part is the anticipation.

VICE #3: Enjoying intimate pleasures.

A vice in some eyes to be sure… sex is, after all, the most pleasurable form of activity there is. It releases feel-good endorphins and oxytocin, the hormone that helps promote attachment, which very much benefits mental health. One study found that those who were sexually active one or two times a week had raised levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A that is thought to protect from colds and infections. As with many vices, sexual activity brings the chance for unintended consequences like infections and pregnancy, which is why it does not top the list.

VICE #4: A daily serving of chocolate.

A worthy, well loved vice. A square or two of the dark kind, without as much sugar and fat as milk chocolate, will do wonders. Dark chocolate and cocoa (75% cocoa content) might help lower blood pressure, cut the risk of stroke and bring other cardiovascular benefits according to more than one study. Dark chocolate has flavonoids that are believed to improve the flexibility of blood vessels, making them more resistant to plaque buildup.

Another study published last year found that eating 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate a day for 14 days reduced the stress hormones in highly anxious people.

VICE #5: Girls/Boys nights out.

Finally, research to back up a vice we all enjoy. A number of recent studies have shown how big an impact friends and family have on our behavior. From what we eat and drink, to how much we weigh (for better or worse). Strong social ties have also been found to bring benefits like fewer colds, better brain health and a longer life. Friendships are so good for you, as long as you’re in a well-balanced relationship with give and take being equal. Avoid those who are toxic to you.

VICE #6: Full fat dressing/sauces.

When it comes to vices, full fat anything is sure to be on the list. The thing is, there’s really no need for you to deprive yourself of the full fat variety of your favorite dressing or sauce. These “loaded” versions not only taste better, but they remind us that fats serve a real health purpose, as long as you get the right kinds in the right amount. Try for 10% (no more than 30%) of your daily fat intake to come from monounsaturated fats (vegetable oils, avocados, many nuts and seeds) that cut your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon and tuna, flaxseed and walnuts) also reduce the risk of heart disease and might even help ease symptoms of depression, rheumatoid arthritis and other problems. A meal that has a little fat leaves you feeling more satisfied, so you end up actually eating less.

VICE #7: Your morning coffee.

One of the most well known of the vices, coffee continues to be popular. If you’re like many who need that cup of coffee to get going in the morning, don’t feel guilty. There’s a lot of research that suggests coffee doesn’t just pick you up, it also fights heart disease and some cancers. It might also help you perform harder, longer workouts. Moderate coffee drinking in midlife has been linked to lower risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s. What’s more, every added cup of coffee you drink a day drops your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 7%.

VICE #8: Getting a massage.

They may be an expensive indulgence, but massages (by a pro or a loved one) are a vice that is well worth the guilt. Being touched regularly leaves you healthier. Women in a 2008 study noted less pain, depression, anxiety and anger when they got weekly massages by their partners. Their partners reported better mental health too.

VICE #9: Basking in the sun.

Though we all know the dangers of too much sun, this vice, in moderation, has its good side. Those sun filled days act as a natural anti-depressant, really working to improve moods. It triggers our bodies to cut production of the sleep stimulating hormone melatonin so we feel alert, energized and ready to take on the day. Letting the skin soak up the sun (without sunscreen) also triggers the natural synthesis of vitamin D, believed to reduce risks for cancer, heart disease, brittle bones and other conditions.

VICE #10: Wine with dinner.

Last but not least, the ‘good’ vice that most hinges on moderation. Though researchers don’t know precisely why it works, wine does have some impressive heart healthy properties. The antioxidants may keep blood vessels flexible, or alcohol could help boost HDL (the good) cholesterol. All you need is one 5 ounce glass a day to enjoy the benefit, more than this can up your blood pressure and cause you to pack on pounds. Women who drink heavily also boost their risk of breast cancer.


Source by Kirsten Whittaker

How to stay healthy in today’s modern world


healthy life takes more than a routine medical examination, which is different from what many people think. Shown studies that some of the major causes of death in the United States (heart disease, cancer, stroke, bronchitis) cases can be avoided if a healthy lifestyle tracking.

You can be healthy for the next few steps, like taking a healthy diet, exercise and prevents some bad habits like excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking.

This is like the old saying that says: “prevention is always better than cure”. Keep in mind that it’s cheaper not to smoke, like smoke. It is less expensive, not to drink, a drink, even though the people in the alternative that the harder many health problems.

lives in pursuit of a healthy life

If the practice is not part of his / her usual, you can not say that anyone can live a healthy lifestyle. Practices do not provide many physical and social aspects, as it makes your muscles and bones strong, it is more flexible and improve the uptake of nutrients from the blood into the cells, the healthy cells.

helps socially general, if you participate in the work out, you get to interact with new friends in the gym, and enjoy the kind of interaction. Regular exercise helps your confidence. Exercise could also help in enhancing the mental mental alertness. Exercises help to protect life and full of depression.

Healthy weight loss

The food we consume considers it very important and one of the main characteristic of judging the future state of health. Fat should be avoided for everyone even those who do not want to lose weight, because the risk of high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes.

It should consume as much fruits and vegetables as you can, which occupy a large portion of space in the fridge. You can achieve longevity and healthier life by consuming the right food in the right amount of lowered calorie level. Acquisition of essential nutrients needed by you, such as calcium and iron, and to maintain your weight under control can help.

Make sure that all foods contain important nutrients required for the body, and if it is very difficult to achieve this, you need to use dietary supplements. The food should get calories to balance the calories you use physical activity.

A variety of foods should be consumed, especially dark green leafy vegetables, deep yellow vegetables, citrus fruits and juices, melons, berries, dried beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, whole grains, such as wheat, rice, oats , corn and barley.

On top of this you need to practice safe sex and drinking water come from trusted sources only. In case you did not get a venereal disease or water, it all goes to waste. Maintain a clean environment and practice good personal hygiene.


Source by Jason Kent

Top 3 Benefits of Healthy Panini recipes


Are you on a diet? Want to have a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing the kind of delicious food you used to eating every now and then? Do you want to stay fit and avoid diseases caused by stress and the demands of the job? If you said yes to these questions, then the answer to your prayers healthy Panini recipes.

Panini should be part of your diet, especially if you are someone who wants to argue that knockout numbers, or if you ‘re planning to shed a few extra pounds. They are certainly waiting for the regular meal, and you the nutrients your body needs healthy recipes panini many advantages and here are some of them.

1. Easy to make

do not need to be an expert in the kitchen preparing for panini. It only takes a few minutes to get a panini nutritious and filling. you do not have to go to every store in town only to earn more ingredients because they are available everywhere, even in your own backyard. Healthy panini recipe vegetables, such as lettuce, carrots, onion, cucumber, herbs and spices, including fruits such as pineapple and tomatoes. There are also different breads to choose from, which you can buy in the local bakery, supermarket.

2. Fewer calories, more nutrients

Panini is an excellent choice, especially if a strict diet or just want to be healthy. Many of them contain fewer calories, since most of the ingredients can be fruits and vegetables, which are essential nutrients the body needs, without having to worry about the fat. Moreover, you can also use bread and less preservatives or opt for a fiber-rich bread to supplement your diet.

affordable 3

Fruits and vegetables are usually cheaper than the meat or chicken. Moreover, they remain fresh longer, especially if refrigerated. You can also buy canned or preserved fruit, pineapple, strawberries and peaches. On the other hand, if you own a home vegetable garden you can use the products in a healthy panini.

There are many healthy panini recipes to choose from. You do not have to worry about purchasing expensive panini restaurants anymore because they are all easy to prepare, which have fewer calories and more nutrients, and very affordable. The next time you think about dieting, or just want a healthy snack, try healthy recipes panini and you will not be disappointed.


Source by Sabrina Rocca

Healthy living in the modern world


In recent years, many began doing exercise, taking yoga classes to follow a strict diet in many countries. The reasons behind these activities much like work stress, diabetics, people lost a lot of fat in food, and because of pollution and urbanization process. Most people live in the city because of severe pollution heavy intake of carbon monoxide in their bodies. As a result, a high intake of many side effects involved in this process.

Most people are also addicted to tobacco, alcohol, according to recent studies, 60 percent of the organization’s 100 people drink much more than healthy. Also, in most countries the percentage of the female population is increasing alcohol consumption. As a result, many doctors suggest people take regular exercise and sport their own free time. In the last ten years, the heart diseases has increased from 35% to 70%. In recent years, most children born diseases as a result of their parents’ poor health and lifestyle. So in these times you need to follow a few rules to health, as well as the younger generations will be healthy.

health care is nothing, but keeping the body clean and healthy habits such as regular exercise. First regular rights km 2, the average age is quite unique. The college school days everyone is involved in one or another sport, but when people find a job you can forget about their health and will soon be busy in their work. You should consult their doctor every 3-4 months for regular screening years. They do not need to stress – if you find that stress should do yoga every day, so the pressure will be normal. Otherwise, which leads them to hypo or hyper blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease. Most enterprise companies in the US, employing dietitians and other parts of the world, physiotherapists, doctors and good to take care of their employees.

The next thing I would like to discuss your diet, because the intake of food that we responsible for all the fats, carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes needed, which will be useful for energy conversion and utilization of the human body . You have to follow a very strict diet to avoid unhealthy foods available in the market. According to a recent survey, most people get sick by consuming junk food. The food little fat advisable since by increased fat content in the fat accumulates in the veins and arteries in the human body, leading to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease. In order to reduce the need to take fewer fat cheese or oil or butter fat in our food therein by controlling the human body to the human body. Regular exercise will be useful to control the fat in the human body.

The practice of sport, it will be a good exercise for the human body. Swimming is a good sport. You have to maintain your body weight according to height. There we can reduce health problems the most extent. I conclude discussion on the above topic, saying that regular exercise or yoga and a strict diet and regular checks of sports and also we can keep the body healthy after all, it is an old saying. “Health is Wealth”


Source by James Redwood

How Niacin Flushing regularly

Added by Muscle

Niacin flushing better health

One of the biggest advantages of flushing niacin that stimulates the growth hormone which is a muscular physique. First, what niacin flushing exactly entail? If you buy an overdose of niacin, your veins will widen a little and blood flow is significantly improved. This process is called niacin flushing, because basically flush the system of toxic waste cluttered in the capillaries, where circulation is generally poor. In this article I will explain what it does niacin flushing muscle, how to achieve these benefits yourself, and how to avoid the side effects.

Niacin Flushing: How it works

If you take an overdose of niacin, production of growth hormone is stimulated. The best time to take niacin just prior to sleep. In fact, niacin is flushing that if the blood circulation, and this is a great tool when bodybuilding contest.

In order to niacin flush, you will need to consume 50-80 mg. Once you have done this, you can “flush” about an hour. This flushing period is often without side effects, but some people report that the skin becomes red or endure severe headaches.

Niacin consumption

Basically, it will consume niacin in two ways, either natural supplements or niacin dense foods. Both methods are good, but I prefer to niacin via natural foods because these foods are healthier and contain other important micronutrients. The following list of some foods high in niacin

1. Shiitake mushrooms (1 cup). They are interfering with 6.1 mg of vitamin B3.

2. Tamari (one ear). This sauce is vitamin B3 1.2 mg.

3. Chicken Breast (4 OZ-t). This corresponds to 12.3 mg vitamin B3.

4. The raw crimini mushrooms (5 OZ-t). These mushrooms contain 7.1 mg of vitamin B3.

5 Tuna (4 Oz). Tuna 13.6 mg of vitamin B3 one dose.

Avoiding Niacin Side Effects

In order to avoid the unpleasant side effects often associated with niacin overdose, I personally recommend to jot down a note pad or something like that niacin has been used much during the day. Another thing that beginners should do is spreading vitamin B3 intake throughout the day, rather than all in one meal.

Another effective remedy to an aspirin 30 minutes prior to the B3 vitamin-rich foods. Vitamin C pills and garlic extract also can work wonders. Finally sure to drink much water during the flushing period.


Source by Tyler Mcveigh

Social Stratification In United States


Social stratification:

When we speak of social stratification we mean inequality between various groups of people. Inequality exists in all sorts of societies and cultures. Societies are consisted of layers that are hierarchical.

The four basic stratification systems are:

1) slavery

2) caste

3) estate

4) class.

Stratification systems of slavery, caste and estate have been demolished in modern societies except some tribal societies.

The social class system is mainly a description of how scarce resources (wealth, income, education and occupation) are distributed in society. In other words Class could be explained as an indication of the positions a person may occupy within society, positions which are not equal.Thus, in order to analysis social classes in a society, it is necessary to explain that how these resources are distributed and make social classes.

In spite of the fact that some scholars argue that in developed countries, inequality has reduced rather than previous societies but, social stratification, inequality and class conflict have increasing rate today. In the United States Inequality between rich and poor has increased to the extent that the gap among them is larger than any point in the past 75 years. United States has the largest wealth disparity of any industrialized nation in the world and this disparity is growing larger every year.

In the United States, income is obviously one important scarce resource. Clearly, it is occupation that provides income, and it is education that determines the sort of occupation. At the more extent level, income is related to life consequences, such as the quality and quantity of education, health care, and housing one obtains, and even the how long one lives. So, there is interrelationship between accesses to each of these sources.

in the United States individual income depends on educational characteristics; in 2005 most people with doctorate and professional degrees were in top 15% of income earners. Those with Bachelor degrees had incomes considerably above the national median and people with college degree had less income.

The noticeable point is that, while the population of the United States is becoming increasingly educated on all levels, the conspicuous link between income and educational attainment remains.

Another point is that tertiary education is rarely free; education in elite private colleges for a four year program costs $120,000 approximately. While public colleges and universities costs much less but they are not free. Scholarships and low interest loans by government and universities are available too, but still the cost of education is high for many people.

Overall, educational attainment serves as one of the most essential class feature of most Americans, which is directly linked to income and occupation.

On one hand occupational status is consequence of educational attainment, personal or family income and on the other hand it defines access to other resources including income and health.

Low-wage jobs are associated with those people who have less education. Workers in these areas are unskilled because it does not require education in order to perform these jobs. But, White collar jobs require more human capital, skill and knowledge and therefore produce higher earnings. With higher education it is more likely for one to occupy a professional-level job wherein he or she may earn a higher salary. Therefore, those with less education are more likely to be working in Low-wage jobs.

Each particular job influences on lifestyle; income and prestige that gained from a job determine living environment, the kind of foods, medical care, sort of social networks, entertainment, spare times, and behavior.

It is education that makes upper-middle, middle and lower-middle scores on occupational spectrum; unskilled employees, employees with less than seven years of schooling, high school graduated ones, college graduate, licentiate, MS holders, professionals and experts with Doctorate degree located on different scores of occupational spectrum. So while all functions and positions in society do not determine with occupation, the job role is one of the most important status features in the United States.

Another feature that determines individuals’ position in the society is wealth. Wealth is what people own in assets such as houses, cars, stocks, shares, saved money, and lands.

While United States is the second rich county in the world, the distribution of wealth is too unfair. The top 1% of all population owned 38% of the wealth, 10% of population had 71% of wealth and on the other hand the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation’s wealth.

Totally, the distribution of wealth is much more unequal than the distribution of income (what people receive in the course of a year by working).

According to these basic elements (income, wealth, occupation and education) which determine the social class of individuals and households, Americans believe in three- class model that includes the rich, the middle class and the poor, while, in reality American society is more diverse, economically and sociologically. It means that there is no clear class distinction between socio-economic strata.

Social mobility:

The most important concept in a class system of stratification is social mobility. In class system, social stratification based on both birth and individual achievement; personal merit becomes more important. In fact, Industrial societies move towards meritocracy and in this kind of societies status consistency is lower than in other sorts of societies. Since societies became more competitive and more meritocratic some elements such as energy, social skills, character, ambition, physical attractiveness, talent, and luck played great role in social mobility and changing social position.

Now the question is that “How much mobility Americans have experienced during their life?”

Social mobility refers to changes in social position which occur during a person’s lifetime. There are two ways to study social mobility; Intragenerational Mobility and Intergenerational mobility.

By the first concept, we mean upward and downward movement in social ladder and by second one we refer to upward and downward movement in social hierarchy compared with the previous generation.

In order to explaining occupational mobility, mostly, scholars focus on father-child or household head-child occupational persistence (Intergenerational mobility).

If we distinguished six general occupational categories including upper professional or manager, lower professional or clerical, self-employed, technical or skilled trade, farm, unskilled and service workers, in united states, among men whom born after 1950, 32 percent of men were immobile (their occupation was in the same category as their father’s), 37 percent were upwardly mobile, and 32 percent were downwardly mobile. About women, data show that 27 percent were immobile, 46 percent were upwardly mobile, and 28 percent were downwardly mobile. Then, in occupation upward mobility was more common than downward mobility and Comparisons with other industrialized countries occupational mobility in the United States is reasonably high.

According to studies, intergenerational elasticity (IGE) in income between fathers and sons was estimated 0.4 or higher. Totally, actual association between parents’ and children’s incomes is high.

Wealth mobility is totally different from occupational and income mobility; at first, wealth is important because its distribution is more unequal than the distribution of income and on the other hand it effects on other aspects of family well-being, especially homeownership and investment in children’s education. Also, there is substantial intergenerational persistence in family wealth and the correlation is in the neighborhood of 0.50. The disparity in wealth persists between the generations. Thus, people who have no wealth loose opportunities. As an example, inherited wealth can put families in better neighborhoods and school districts than they could afford if they had to rely just on their incomes.

Social class in the United States is affected by individual achievement, as I said, Occupation, educational attainment and income can be earned and increased through a lifetime, but still it is undeniable that the rich have more money, more education, better occupation, better health, and consume more.

As a conclusion we should say that without the concept of social stratification, it is impossible to understand people’s behavior, because social class determines all aspects of our life…., our happiness, our religious beliefs, our customs, our interests and hobbies our health and even how long we will live and totally our life style.


Source by Sara Sajjadi

P90X Sucks – This group had a bad P90X Results


The first time I did P90X, a group of people wanted me to do. I’ll tell you right now that not everyone was successful with it. Some were successful and there is a lot healthier, stronger, fitter and lost a few pounds. However, other low and was not received results show when the program is ended. At the end it seemed to be a split. One side believed that the program was awesome, the other side said: “P90X shit!”.

What was the defining difference between the group that was unsuccessful, and the two that succeeded? There was more. The first difference was that the group’s success was not complaining much. They complained of a healthy diet, but anxious about the workouts, but whined when an exercise made them uncomfortable. Let me tell you now, P90X exercise and generally uncomfortable! They were negative for the whole program in general. They started with excitement, but when things are tough (as only the first training session started), it was like trying to talk themselves doing a program of sabotage and transform the body and changing lives for the better.

there is a reason to put your eating plan books in the program! Many people ask, “Do you have to follow the P90X Nutrition Plan?” The answer is yes! If you are serious about getting results, you need to eat healthier! The group, which did not did not follow the nutrition plan. It rationalizes that the bacon, biscuits, sugar-loaded cereals, white bread, ice cream, and other trash is often eaten is not removed. These people honestly thought that because they were “home cooked food”, eating healthy. Granted, any outsider would soon realize, after seeing that “home cooked” bacon, chicken, mayonnaise sandwiches, their minds that these people thinking about what they could to “healthy home cooking!”

Fail to do the workouts and you will not see change! The group, which is not done Yoga X. They never made it through a single X Yoga workout. This particular exercise an hour and a half long, and decided not to go because “too hard and too long.” It was also decided to not follow any set time to workout. They put off the exercise until late at night when he utter aloud. “I’m too tired to do a workout” I missed a lot of training, and on average only do 2-3 workouts a week, which pretty much meant that no fewer than half of the program.

If you want to do, what was the above-mentioned group, because none of them got nothing out of it. He complained was negative and constantly tries to sabotage his own attempt to transform your body and your life. They continue to eat unhealthy, and almost less than half of the training program. In the end, it was thought sucked P90X, when in reality, the failure was 100% his fault.


Source by Marcus Liberty

Dental Braces and orthodontic treatment for children


Most children, orthodontic treatment begins when high school students ages 11 15. Some children received corrective procedures done before. As long as the child’s baby teeth are gone, there is little that can be done to manipulate the permanent adult teeth. Baby teeth extraction often need to free up space allowing room for permanent teeth to grow. Most dentist will refer you to an orthodontist to get a second opinion on the child’s specific needs.

Most of the time, children under one year, 11, found the visit to confirm that all is well on track. Typically, the orthodontist will see them again in a year or two. These orthodontic visits are almost always free of charge. In a subsequent visit, when permanent teeth are fully developed, the orthodontist will be able to make a recommendation.

Orthodontic Care Secondary School
Middle school and high school is no longer a relaxing time have to decide for teens before career. Just imagine that you do not have any choice in the future, such as 13 or 14 years old and on top of that is self-confident smile. Years ago, if you were a teen crooked teeth metal braces were the only option, and the sight of such assets in the mouth can lead to stressful situations.

Clean technology brace gradually straighten the teeth, although the use of a series of gradually changing the progression or plastic molds, which softly teeth perfect smile. Now prepare while straightening your teeth into adulthood, and no one will be wiser new smile.

Clear plastic braces other advantages of metal braces that better hygiene and dental health. Because the aligners can be removed before eating, brushing and flossing your teeth and gums will be able to properly cleaned every night making healthier smile. And for those teenage trouble keeping up with things, some neat brand braces for you free replacement aligners.

So whether you choose traditional metal braces or clear plastic, you can be assured that the decision to improve your smile will add years old healthy life in the teeth and gums. Straight teeth healthy teeth. Keep them straight, wide, white.

See professional teeth in order that the most complete information to the orthodontic treatment. Be the first, second or even a third opinion most of the controller will just have to make sure your information.


Source by David Lavine

Without increases the size of the Special Forces Lean Body


Can you get more and more powerful? In my experience a lot of people think that you have to spend hours in the gym doing burnout claims to have failed in order to become stronger. Although this work is to create a physique in a short period of time, the platform is very fast, and I think that they are unable to have any athletic activity at a high level. This is something that I see a lot of people messing with the gym. I repeatedly hear the young guys are talking about, that they’ve hit a plateau in the lifts and they decide to try to simply increase the number of sets / reps, the total amount, or just doing the same old thing, in the hope that it will magically get stronger . This is a huge mistake, especially if your goal is to have a lean physique average size, but extreme muscle density.

Decrease in inventories and repetitions to increase strength and muscle tone The really strong, you need to lift the heaviest weights you can manage your perfect shape, very few reps. We recommend 3-5 reps. 1-3 reps of clean power, five reps a little muscle as well. A good rule of thumb is to get out in the gym feeling stronger than when he came. If you feel tired or hurt you too much. I like to keep the number of packages in total over 14 years. Keep rest between sets to be about 1-2 minutes. I know it sounds stupid, but believe me, it will bust the existing platform to build strength and keep like this. This is a fantastic way to not force the size of a Special Forces lean body.

Why more is not always better Most people think that simply doing more work = better results, and I definitely stuck in this category, whereas a few years ago. Basically, increasing the number of packages, or just trying to do more work will mean that you will build strength, stamina and muscle mass, but you’re pure strength gains quickly stagnate. Remember those muscle bound figures in high school and college, “inflata-lat” and ridiculous cut-off T-shirts, who seemed to survive on a diet of protein shakes and chicken (I think than half the cast of “Jersey Shore” lol)? This look is created, high-volume lift and it just does not work or attractive. If you combine this lifting method is a high-carbohydrate, high-calorie diet and you’re just asking for a bloated and swollen. It is not that the beauty raise and train the function. The sleek body and dense Special ops will also follow.

train as a Recon Marine, to a Hollywood body This is a very popular method of raising military units should be ready to go in an instant. They can not afford to be tired or hurt lifting a two-hour session, but they still need to be incredibly strong and conditioned. Recon Marines and two Navy Seals Special Forces units, which is a great example of the type and level of physical fitness training this product. They usually have an average size, but great for muscle tone and strength-to-weight ratio. I have been training like this for about three years and has almost doubled my strength level. It used to trouble lifting dumbbells £ 50 an armed row, and now has hundreds of easy to pull every lever weighing 160lbs. When I start to train military guys, the first thing we do limit the time in the gym as much as possible. After a few weeks you will feel like a badass lift heavier weights than half of the people around you, and then go off while everyone else is still slogging burnout sets.

All the best, Charles Malina


Source by Charles Malina

10 elements of organic gardening


Organic gardening is much more, just avoiding the use of chemicals in the garden. For many people it is an outlook on living through the laws of nature to grow fruits, vegetables and other natural plants. This light is usually a personal choice for many research on the importance of diet as it relates to health and longevity.

The studies have shown that organic food is higher concentration of vitamins and minerals, and they are grown chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and. Organically grown fruits and vegetables are not only better health wise, but they also avoid accidental exposure to these chemicals that are used in large-scale commercial farming, which is so common in the world today.

Here are 10 key components is an essential part of organic gardening.

1. Healthy Soil – This is perhaps the most fundamental aspect of any organic garden. A healthy soil that replenished naturally healthy foods will increase year by year. Organic fertilizers such as manure and composted garden, yard and kitchen waste can be easily recycled to create nutrient-rich soil of the earth to grow healthy plants every way.

2. Avoid any chemical or synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and. It is not just that the soil organic remains, of course, but also relieve the worries harm to your family and your pets should come in contact with these dangerous chemicals.

3. Sustainable gardening practices allow the garden to be self-sustaining. Since these plants are used by the exchange of nutrients through the use of natural fertilizers and compost. Organic gardens organic rightly rely on the natural cycles each year to stay healthy.

4. Management of the environment – the benefits of the natural environment organic gardening practices that will reduce the environmental pollution associated with chemical-dependent farming practices.

5. Creating a welcoming habitat for beneficial wildlife. There are many useful animals, insects, should be drawn to the garden. It protects them not only beneficial to them, but the gardening efforts of the dangers associated with hazardous chemicals because they eat large amounts of harmful insects, controlling them in a natural way.

6. Use the preservation installation practices intensive water use and helps retard the growth of unwanted weeds. Intensive planting a simple division of the plants close together. This helps protect the soil from evaporation and weed germination is slower days.

7. The concept of plant biodiversity is used to ensure that changes in growing conditions or plant disease does not lead to crop failure. Planting a variety of plants will ensure that the loss of a plant does not threaten the entire garden food supply.

8. Rotate plants – control soil pests and diseases, the primary reason is to rotate crops every year during the growing season. Crop rotation can maintain a healthy and productive garden every bountiful harvest.

9. Use a good watering and weeding practices. Capture and store rain water, where possible, to water the garden. Use soaker hoses, drip irrigation, water or manually minimize water loss. Hand weed and avoid harmful pesticides and herbicides. And be sure to specify a thick mulch to hold in moisture and keep weeds germinating.

10. Save seeds from the best plants for future use. Imagine being able to create a self-sustaining garden that does not require outside help. Planting of spring to autumn harvest organic garden is truly a part of the natural environment.


Source by Andrew Bicknell