Top 10 health benefits of lecithin


There are several benefits of lecithin and the human body that many people are unaware of, and that can help people become healthier because it is a proven material that is essential for the our bodies. The benefits of lecithin are limitless, but you get an idea, here are the top 10 benefits of lecithin:

1. One of the great advantages of lecithin is it breaks up cholesterol and fat in the body, so it is highly advisable for those who want to lose weight . Consuming more lecithin means increasing the body’s metabolism.

2. The benefits of lecithin also reach out to the people suffering from memory loss. Lecithin utilizes vitamin E, K, and D, which promote better concentration and memory. It is very useful to students and the elderly who wish to enhance their memory skills. In fact, Alzheimer’s or amnesia are advised to include lecithin in the diet.

3. Lecithin also cleanses the kidneys and liver, which is important to those who suffer from urinary tract infection and those who like to eat salty and spicy foods. This prevents diseases such as gallstones and gallbladder infection.

4. Protection against heart disease is one of the many benefits of lecithin. This reduces the level of cholesterol, and prevents clogging of the toxins in the arteries. People who lecithin to your diet noticed remarkable development in the cardiovascular system.

5. Other benefits of lecithin worth mentioning roles helps our body absorb better essential nutrients and supporting the movement of body fluids inside and outside the cells.

6. The major benefit, lecithin protect the spinal cord and brain cells from damage. We all know how important and delicate spinal cord and brain functioning throughout the body and lecithin to keep a good working condition.

7. Lecithin is also beneficial to the skin. If we take enough lecithin into our body, nourish your skin and reduces the ability to deal with skin problems such as acne, acne, whiteheads and blackheads.

8. Increase the daily Lecithin enhances physical performance is very, very useful for those who bodybuilding and sports and the people who are always on the go. Lecithin can boost the body’s energy level without making you fat.

9. If you suffer from arthritis, you will be amazed at the benefits of lecithin especially help deal with this painful disease. Lecithin contains essential fatty acids that keep muscles, bones and joints strong and healthy.

10. There are benefits of lecithin for pregnant women. Studies have shown that this can contribute a lot to the development of the fetal brain and nervous system.

The lecithin benefits There are several, but this does not mean that everything is good. Too much intake of lecithin can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness. The body is normally only 30-50 grams of lecithin per day, and you get this eating egg yolks, fish and peanuts.


Source by Neelima P

Simple eye exercises to improve vision naturally – near and far offset Technologies


or the benefits that are associated with better vision without glasses. The prospect of achieving this goal with regard to reducing or eliminating the dependence on glasses leads to a sense of freedom and greater visual independence. Contrary to popular belief, this goal can be achieved. A diligent practice is easy to implement techniques to improve natural vision, known as eye exercises, can help to achieve this goal for sharper, clearer, more natural vision.

The heart muscles to rely on in order to function properly, and so do the eyes, which may consist of the following muscles. These muscles keep the shape and performance of the visual system can be improved by regular exercise simple eye exercises.

Eye surgeon Dr. Keki Mehta discusses the positive value of eye exercises to improve vision. He says: “.. Mechanical stability exercises to improve eye coordination and strengthen the eye muscles They enhance the eyes to focus and optically improve coordination among the optical image of the eye” In layman’s terms, eye exercises to improve focusing ability of the eye. In addition, they improve the vision by strengthening the eye muscles and improve the teamwork of the two eyes (ability of the eyes to work together as a team) to clear.

One example of such a technique is called the practice an eye on near and distant eyes changing experience. So here’s an example of how to perform this technique with few benefits for eye health: The objective of this exercise is to improve the focusing ability of the eye. This enhances their ability to move in the near distant objects.

can perform this technique, a card in his hand about 6 inches of your nose. Focus on a letter or item to the card. Select an object in the distance, which is about 10-15 feet away from you. Then proceed to shift the focus to the small sample of the card, a letter or a number, the distance to an object such as a door or a picture on the wall. Keep changing and changing the focus of the card to the remote object. Also, if you look at the card and if the slider to stress that the remote object exhale. In practice this technique for a period of about 10 minutes every other day. You know that this technique is less boring and more fun to listen to your favorite music as you perform this task.

You can finish this in practice technique called palming. Rub both hands and gently cup them over your closed eyes and feel the warm and that this activity. To do this, during a 30 seconds.

The improvement in the near and distant vision technology useful for changing practice. When practiced regularly, this practice increases the focusing ability of the eye and thereby improve vision naturally. With a little perseverance and dedication, eye exercises are usually reduce your dependence on glasses and even in some cases completely eliminate them. The near and far offset technology is just one example of the improvement of various simple visual techniques that will ultimately allow you to enjoy the freedom that comes with visual independence.


Source by Joel Travers King

Some interesting facts about menopause


Menopause is actually composed of three distinct phases: perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. In the United States, the average age of menopause is 52 years old.

There is a wide age range of menopause, they will naturally occur in 40 to 60 years old. If menopause happens earlier than 40 years, it is regarded as an early menopause.

If the menopause occurs earlier than 45 years, it is regarded as an early menopause. The early menopause can occur due to genetic defects, disease, medical treatment or surgery.

Women who have early menopause because of surgery is usually due to more severe symptoms such as hot flashes of sudden hormonal.

Due to the aging baby boom generation, about 6,000 women go into menopause days, it makes two million women every year. As the baby boom generation is the largest in history, this was unprecedented. This number may decrease significantly in the next few generations.

Not all women get menopause symptoms

Women that do not report symptoms, hot flashes are the most common, 90% of women with symptoms reporting hot flashes.

in the worst hot flash typically early menopause, this may be the reason that the body adapts to the hormone that takes place.

women more education and higher incomes report better overall health and fewer symptoms.

working women fair better than unemployed women, it means better overall health and fewer symptoms.

Only 10% of women report depression, anxiety or other negative emotions menopause.

of depression and anxiety has been reported in the United States than in other countries.

In 2002, the Women’s Health halted a study that the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in menopausal women. This study was stopped before completion because it revealed serious health risks of HRT, these risks include heart disease, breast cancer and blood clots. Before the test, HRT was the treatment of choice menopause, but after this study, HRT fell almost from one day to the next.

Menopause may not be as bad as you think, more than 80% of women say that menopause didn ‘t affect the quality of life at all.

menopause is unique to each woman, a number of factors, such as diet, exercise, stress levels and genetics can all affect the prospects of menopause.

Women who smoke go into menopause earlier than non-smokers.

increased risk of

postmenopausal women with heart disease and osteoporosis.

Asian women who live in Asian countries there is virtually no heat waves. An investigation was carried out to determine why this is the case, it has been widely attributed to higher consumption of soy products.

Soy may or may not work to control hot flashes. Some studies have shown that it reduces the intensity but not the frequency of hot flashes. Other studies have shown that consumption of soybean can interfere with the body’s ability to produce flowers responsible for estrogen and progesterone, the hormone control and ovulation. This would mean that soy actually works, unlike the objectives of the organization.

In cultures where older people are also more than estimated and regarded aging as a positive experience fewer symptoms and problems for women in menopause.

According to a Gallup poll olds from 1998, 51% of post-menopausal women 50-65 reported a greater sense of happiness than women in other age groups. The other age groups reported the following: only 10% of women in their 20s reported being happy, 17% of women in their 30s and 16% of women in their 40s.


Source by Beth Adams

Grow Haj és fordított hátráló hajszálrepedés Ma


A nő haja, akkor biztosítani kell a gyökerek a megfelelő környezetet, hogy virágzik. A hátráló hajszálrepedés és kopaszodás miatt előfordul, hogy egy barátságtalan környezetet a gyökerek. Ezen belül a cikket, látni fogja, hogyan felszámolására DHT ( dihydrotestosterone ) megáll a hajhullás, megteremtve a megfelelő környezetben nőnek haj lézeres kezelés és más technikák.

létrehozása a megfelelő környezeti feltételek mellett, a gyökerek nagyon fontosak a nő haját, és ez előnyös lehet az egészségre összességében. Ha nincs gyógyszer, és nincs mellékhatása, valamint más lényeges, mint az ivóvíz, a testmozgás és a fogyasztó növényi alapú élelmiszerek tökéletesen illeszkednek a szervezetben. Az FDA jóváhagyta lézeres kezelés, mint egy nem jelentős kockázat. Ez jól működik, minden hajtípus, vegyi anyagok, színek és perms.

Mehetsz a lézer klinika vagy sokan inkább, hogy a saját egyszerű használni lézer motorháztető eszközt. Ez sokkal kényelmesebb használni a saját otthonában, csökkenti a költségeket és időt. A lézer terápiás kezelés javítások kémiailag sérült gyökerek és megsemmisíti a száraz hajat, és kellemetlen szagok. Ez regrows az elveszett hajat, megszünteti a hátráló hajszálrepedés és kopaszodó. Ez a terápia növeli a vérkeringést a gyökerek, hogy a nő a haj vastagabb egészségesebb és erősebb. Ez javítja az általános minőség így lágyabb zárak.

Egy jól ismert hajátültetés szakértő Dr. Bradley Kurg az American Board of hajátültetés műtét kimondja, hogy “az alacsony szintű lézer terápia messze a legfejlettebb és ígéretes, nem -surgical hajhullás kezelés a ma rendelkezésre álló férfiak és nők számára. “

A megfelelő környezetet a gyökerek virágzását magában ivóvíz. Ez egyszerűen hangzik, de nincs más ital, tehet, amit csinál. A lúgos víz a legmagasabb minőséget elérhető ma, tisztítja a sejtek és a gyökerek felhatalmazza őket, hogy felszívja a tápanyagokat könnyen és gyorsan.

Ivóvíz kibocsátások antioxidánsok, amelyek elpusztítják a szabad gyököket és más káros elemek a testedben. Átlagban használ körülbelül 2,5 liter naponta a normális testi váladékok, így az ivóvíz, legalább 3 liter naponta feltölti a napi testi funkciók, Most doktor használatát lúgos víz sürgősségi menteni méreg áldozatok él. Olyan ez, mint egy természetes, minden célra vegyszermentes fertőtlenítő.

A fordított hátráló hajszálrepedés, ivóvíz kiegyensúlyozza a pH-érték csökkentése savasság a szervezetben. Ez a művelet nagyon fontos, mivel a túl sok sav hatására a test romlik okozó betegség. A lúgos víz a legjobb környezet a nő haját; kiegyenlíti a vérnyomást, a glükóz és a koleszterin természetesen. Ez ellentétben csapvíz, amely nagy savas szintet, és ez okozza, száraz haj, viszketés és a hajhullás.

Ha a tápláló környezet felszámolása DHT és javítja a hajhullás és a kopaszodás meg kell enni növény- alapú élelmiszerek. Ők az egyensúly a test lúgosabb táplálkozás. E fellépés és erősíti az összes főbb szervek és sejtek. Csökkenti a szív- és érrendszeri betegségek és a stroke természetesen, mellékhatások nélkül.

A nyilatkozatot Rui Hai Liu MD. PHD fejezte kutatás az American Institute for Cancer Research egy nemzetközi konferencián, a táplálkozás és a rák azt mondta: “A különböző növények különböző fénykép tápanyagokat. Ezeket az anyagokat, hogy különböző szervek, szövetek és sejtek, ahol különböző funkciókat töltenek be a gyógyulás. Milyen tested kell harcolni ki a betegség ez tökéletes. Ez csapatmunka által termelt eszik a különböző növényi alapú élelmiszerek, beleértve a teljes kiőrlésű gabonák. “

Végül még fontosabb, felszámolása hátráló hajszálrepedés és kopaszodó kell gyakorolni , javítja a bőr, a köröm és a haj problémák természetesen. Ez növeli a sejtek növekedését szőr; erősíti a főbb szervek, csontok és az izmok elmondják a jobb egészség és a hosszú élettartam.

E fellépés az immunrendszer (idegi) rendszer, amely az első védelmi harcolni ki a baktériumok és vírusok, amelyek vezethet a betegség. Egyensúlyba a glükóz és a vérnyomás, és növeli az anyagcserét. Ez segít eltávolítani a DHT és dugulás, javítja a hátráló hajszálrepedés és a kopaszság könnyen.

A rendszeres testmozgás javítja a nyirok (hulladék) rendszer, mint a verejték megszabadul a méreganyagoktól is. Kezdheted egy egyszerű nyújtás és a gyaloglás javítja az oxigén szintje a sejtek oxigén táplálja az a szövetek és sejtek alapvető tápanyagok. Ez a környezet megteremti az ideális beállítást, hogy növekszik a haj és megfiatalítja a testet teljes.

Mint tudja, a szennyezett környezet hozza a betegséget, hanem ezekkel a titkot, hogy visszaállítani egészséget teremt a jobb környezet a kiváló egészségügyi, ifjúsági és vitalitás.


Source by Merna Collins

Penis Health Benefits Shea butter


If you have ever visited a cosmetics counter in a department store and down the aisles of your local pharmacy, you’ll probably see a wide variety of women’s skin care products today announced a component of shea butter. What you probably do not know that this is a cosmetic additive is not only beneficial to improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles women; There are many applications for men penis health as well. Men are increasingly turning to products containing shea butter to maintain the healthy appearance of the skin of the penis; read on to find out how you can experience the benefits of this all-natural moisturizer too.

What is Shea Butter?

Shea butter is a fat yellow extract from the seeds of the shea tree (also known as the Karite tree) which grows wild in the savannahs of Central and West Africa. Native populations of the known health benefits of this fatty substance centuries harvesting can be used not only in cooking but also for medical purposes. The butler for the treatment of Shea tree, burns, scars, psoriasis, dandruff, and other uncomfortable skin diseases and improve overall skin tone and texture. In addition, it has been shown to contain cinnamic acid, which protects the body against harmful UV rays.

In recent years, the West could experience the many health benefits of shea butter, and the demand for tea tree oil has increased exponentially due to its ability to rejuvenate cell growth, smooth and soften aging skin and compensate for the environmental damage from the sun and other damaging elements.

What are some common penis conditions may be treated with shea butter?

many common health problems that can spoil the appearance of the penis because of pain during and after intercourse and affect sexual performance. The penis is the most important benefits of shea butter is disclosed.

first Dry, cracked skin: Over time, masturbation, manual stimulation or sexual rubbing continuously tight-fitting clothing can form microscopic cracks in the skin of the penis. These small openings allow bacteria is possible infection. Over time, he chafed and cracked skin may form callouses, hardening of the skin and decreased sensation in the penis. Shea butter softens the skin and promotes healing, so that the penile smooth, flexible, and healthy-looking.

2. red, irritated or scaly skin: Men Sensitive Skin redness or sores on the penis often experience after intercourse; This can cause confusion and discomfort. Shea butter heals irritated skin, and protect against further damage, helping to ensure a healthy and reduce discomfort during and after sex.

3. wrinkled-looking skin: While most people want to believe that looks are not everything, the fact that women are often turned off a penis that is reported that the dry and wrinkled. A moisturizer with shea butter, make your penis look for flexible and attractive keeping the skin well hydrated and minimize the appearance of wrinkles.

products containing shea butter Where can I find a man whose penis specific health benefits?

The health benefits of shea butter is significant; the right product, you can maintain a healthy-looking after a bigger penis feeling that leads to better sexual performance.

The penis benefits of shea butter can use most easily obtained from a specially designed penis health creme (male health professionals recommend man1 Man Oil) which is applied directly to the penis and absorbed into the skin for maximum to efficiency. The penis-specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and lotions penis offers many health benefits to keep you feeling good and performing at your best.


Source by John Dugan

10 Common Health Problems Family


Family health problems cover many common complaints and illnesses. This article is not a substitute for medical advice and you should always consult your doctor if you are concerned about the health of the child or other family member.

Here are 10 common family health problems and how they can be solved.

1. Colds, coughs and runny noses are often right under the nose of their own one day. Some people prefer to treat pain relievers and cold medicines for coughs, while others do not. Some people prefer to take the time off work or school, while others soldiers. There is not really the right way to fight the cold.

2. Headaches can be caused by a number of things, such as stress, hunger, a bang on the head, or even who wear glasses. Find out why your child has a headache, it can help get rid of the headache. Perhaps a dose of pain medication is all that is needed, or maybe your child will need a trip to the opticians, if the headaches occur regularly, or while reading or watching TV.

3. Tummy aches can be caused by hunger or too much food, and other reasons. You will want to find out what the child ate to establish the cause of the stomach pain.

4. Sometimes kids come up with a disease or condition, to try and get a day off school. After a while you will be able to tell when a child is really sick, and when they have not been revised math test.

5. Cuts, abrasions should be cleaned and dressed, but unless you are serious, you probably will not need medial attention at the hospital. By having a well-stocked first aid kit, you will be prepared for most eventualities.

6. Schools are breeding ground for viruses and other diseases. It is likely that if you have a disease around the school, then the child is likely to risk catching. Depending on what the condition of the rest of the family might be in danger too. You may need to make sure that you have the right items to treat the disease, such as chickenpox chamomile cream or anti-nit shampoos.

7. Sometimes the child can be a general feeling of being unwell, and you might not know what’s wrong with them. If symptoms appear, and the child does not get better in a few days than you may want to consult a doctor.

8. fractures than falls from trees or Sporting injuries are common in children and usually heals in accordance with the appropriate medical treatment.

9. If your child needs an operation, or spend time in the hospital, it can be a very traumatic time for all concerned. You may need to reassure your child or soothe yourself. It is worth learning more about the process, how long it will be before a child, and about again, and any other useful information to help answer children’s questions.

10. If your child has symptoms of illness, or looks unwell or clearly in pain, you should see a doctor immediately. Even though there is not much wrong with the child, it is much better to be safe than sorry.

Now you know more about some of the common family health problems, the next time your child has a cold or a stomach ache, you will be better prepared and know when to be treated yourself, and when to seek medical treatment.


Source by M James

Penis Health improves dramatically shea butter


If you suffer from dry, irritated skin and the foreskin of the penis, Shea butter is a potent topical product that can help. Shea butter is extracted from the nut of the African Shea vegetable fat tree (Vitellaria paradox). Used for hundreds of years across sub-Saharan countries, skin healing, moisturizing and decongestant properties, Shea butter is now industrially extracted for use in cosmetics and skin products worldwide. Unlike many other pharmaceutical products, however, it causes little or no irritation, tissue promotes skin health and long-term diet, and you might solve some skin diseases. If you suffer from nut allergies, use caution shea butter products.

Bioactive Against Skin Diseases

This is a drug that may be useful to the health of the penis, especially if the person suffers from a pathogenic or inflammatory skin diseases. 3% to 10% shea butter, a fraction containing bioactive therapeutic properties when applied to human tissue. Although more research is still needed chemicals shea butter, scientists have identified catechins (antioxidants found the same green tea), vitamin E, triterpene alcohols, which reduce inflammation, and reducing Lupeol enzymatic actions that cause skin aging. A recent study by Nihon University in Japan confirmed the anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-cancer properties of Shea Butter. If a man is diagnosed with eczema, psoriasis, pruritus, dry skin, or an infection, it may be beneficial as an additional topical treatment.

Vitamin E

When protecting penis health, nutrients such as vitamin E plays an essential role. Vitamin E, also known as tocopherols, can be found in large quantities, and this is responsible for some of the anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. When levels of vitamin E are as in the tissues of the skin cells of the penis is more resistant to UV-A and UV-B rays, which penetrate clothing, between signaling nerves of the penis occurs rapidly, and blood flow to the penis during journeys easily excitement. A recent study has linked vitamin E as a possible adjunctive therapy of male erectile dysfunction, which shows that vitamin E is an important vitamin that both health and pleasure. The use of products containing shea butter, shea butter helps to increase vitamin E levels in the body, and the local tissues of the male organ.

Skin Integrity

improves the look and feel of the penis skin. Dehydration, poor diet, eczema, dry rubbing, excessive masturbation and vigorous sex all contribute to dry skin and the foreskin of the penis. If the skin does not become rough and irritated, this is one product that can help to restore the skin’s moisture and strength. Shea nut rich source of triglycerides, such as stearic acid and oleic acid, which are moisturizing and softening the outer layers of the skin. If absorbed into the deeper tissues, these triglycerides improve the feel of the skin of the penis and enhance sexual pleasure. Both cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries have recognized this tremendous value emollient and as a result, it is found as an ingredient in ointments, creams, lip balms, ointments and sports rubs. Suitable for your penis, it is best to up to 100% organic shea butter, or contact your penis specific crème health.

Penis Health Creams

improves the health of men using topical products known as penis penis health creams. Special penis formula (most professionals recommend man1 Man oil) contain high concentrations of bioactive shea butter, and a variety of vitamins and amino acids for men’s health. For example, vitamin C has been shown to promote blood circulation in the penis, an antioxidant vitamin D, acetyl L carnitine enhances nerve health and L-arginine required for strong male arousal. These nutrients are combined with amino acids and shea butter rapid absorption, and can be applied daily for healthy skin and blood vessels of the penis.


Source by John Dugan

Are You Ready to Turbo Charge Atkins diet?


lose up to 16 pounds a week combing the Atkins diet is highly effective and super-healthy Mediterranean diet. This plan is so incredibly powerful that you can lose five, ten or even 16 pounds in a week!

On average, dieters on the Mediterranean diet Atkins plan lost more than 30 pounds to 12 weeks. After the first seven weeks of this plan I lost 27 pounds, and my room mate has lost 22. There was also a dramatic improvement in my blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. The doctor was very pleased measured.

The Plan is like a mini-celebration of the Mediterranean. Think fish with lemon and herbs, fresh vegetables drizzled with olive oil and you have a nice glass of red wine! Seriously here, I’m not kidding.

The main difference between the old and the new approach is that every day will be the main protein in fish. However, the other day you can enjoy unlimited and unrestricted protein prefer to eggs, chicken, beef, etc.

He also refrain from pre-packaged low-carb foods and instead will focus on getting 30 grams of carbohydrates daily nutrient-packed vegetables. Olive oil is the main source of fat. And then there is the possibility of savoring a maximum of two small glasses of wine a day.

Simply put, the Atkins and the Mediterranean diet more closely than they do their own. Following the subsequent turbo secrets you very similar results.

The best fish protein for weight loss. Of course, any diet that significantly reduces carbohydrates and increase protein will flip the switch in the body to reduce hunger while increasing metabolism and accelerates fat burning. But the total protein choices, fish fat is the most combat power. Studies suggest that the nutrients in the fish, not just what the anti-hunger hormone works better, they also help spark fat, and flab burns faster.

The best weight loss fat in olive oil. Olive oil is not only good for your heart, studies show it also dampens the appetite, curb appetite and speed up metabolism. Simply put, if you replace unhealthy fats with olive oil, you will see the biggest difference is the scale.

Namely, instead of pre-packaged vegetables are carbohydrates low carb foods you can buy special fat-blasting antioxidants. For starters, eliminating false sweeteners actually stimulate the appetite will be uploaded to fight fat super-nutrients, especially if you choose to drink red wine while engaged in the Mediterranean Atkins diet plan. Red wine contains an antioxidant called resveratrol super, one of the nutrients most studied in the world today. In addition to a bunch of other incredible health benefits also help reduce blood sugar levels, and it seems to help low-calorie diet as well. In other words, the red wine can actually cause weight loss.

So if you are a big fan of low-carb diets like me, but you also like to enjoy a glass of wine here and there, then this diet is for you.

Source by Pat Crowell

Penis Sensation Loss and Depression – The Effects of Mood Disorders on Sexual Health


For many men – and women – depression can be severely debilitating, affecting all aspects of life. Even sexual health can fall victim to symptoms of depression, unless the sufferer seeks help and takes the appropriate steps to improve both the emotional and physical symptoms. For men, this can mean adding some extra steps to their penis care routine.

What is depression?

More than just “the blues” or a period of feeling sad, depression is an actual illness that results primarily from chemical imbalances in the brain. People who are depressed are not mentally ill; they are suffering from a disease, like diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, and other disorders that affect the body. Fortunately, modern medicine is well-equipped to deal with depression and other similar mood disorders, and those who seek help often find themselves feeling much better in a short space of time.

What are the common symptoms?

Depression affects a person physiologically, as well as mentally, and the symptoms can be far-reaching. Some of the most common include:

  • Feelings of intense sadness;
  • Feeling worthless;
  • Loss of enjoyment in activities that were once pleasurable;
  • Loss of sex drive;
  • In men – loss of penis sensation;
  • Fatigue;
  • Body aches and pains;
  • Thoughts of suicide;
  • Feeling isolated and alone;
  • Feeling as if one is inside a “bubble,” or a sense of unreality and disconnectedness;
  • Irritability;
  • Loss of appetite or overeating;
  • A feeling that one is dying.

Any of these symptoms can have a serious effect on a person’s quality of life. Anyone experiencing one or more of these for more than a 2-week period should seek treatment as soon as possible. It can be difficult for depression sufferers to seek help for a number of reasons; the feeling of hopelessness can cause a person to believe that help is not possible, and many individuals also find it difficult to acknowledge that they may be depressed. However, in today’s world, there is far less stigma attached to depression than in the past, and there is no reason to feel weak or ashamed. Depression is a chemical imbalance, not a sign of mental weakness, and it is a treatable condition.

Treating depression

Treatment of depression varies depending on the patient, the severity and type of symptoms, and other medical conditions that may also be present. In general, a regimen of talk therapy, often accompanied by antidepressant medications, is recommended.

Patients with depression are encouraged to engage in healthy activities such as physical exercise – which can improve mood in the short term by elevating “feel-good” neurotransmitters, as well as increasing a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem over the long term. Making good food choices can also help, as certain healthy foods can naturally boost the mood, while other items – such as alcohol and certain food additives – can actually contribute to feelings of depression.

Side effects of antidepressants

Antidepressant medications are generally well-tolerated, although they can cause a few side effects when the patient first begins taking them. The most common of these include dry mouth, headache, nausea and upset stomach, confusion and loss of sex drive.

For men, a loss of sex drive and accompanying penis sensation loss can be particularly problematic, and it may take some experimenting (under medical supervision) to find a medication that will not interfere with a man’s sex life. After all, sexual health can be an important aspect of a man’s recovery, as the hormones that result from climax are known for enhancing the mood.

Promoting Penis Sensation – TLC for the Penis

When depression rears its head, even simple tasks like personal hygiene can seem like an enormous undertaking, but taking care can actually help to lift some of the gloom. The sensation of pampering oneself can actually help an individual to feel better.

Taking a warm bath, complete with pleasant bath oils, cleansers and candles can set a relaxing mood that can relieve stress and elevate levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which are natural mood lifters. Grooming and trimming body hair can also help a man to feel cleaner and more attractive. Smoothing on a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) following a bath can leave the skin feeling soft and supple, and men who have been experiencing a decrease in sexual desire may feel the impulse returning as a result of improved sensation. As the moisturizers and nutrients work on the penile skin, they also leave it looking healthier and more attractive, a sure boost to a man’s self-esteem.


Source by John Dugan

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Infrared Saunas


The traditional saunas of the past relied on maintaining very high temperatures by splashing water on hot stones. Today, modern saunas, better known as far infrared saunas, surround the user with far infrared heat panels. These panels are more effective at warming your core and can be plugged into any wall outlet at home. With less frequent trips to the doctor’s office and only an additional $4.00 a month to your electric bill, infrared saunas have fast become a standard option when purchasing a new home or upgrading to your existing home. The health benefits and research are growing daily. Here are the top 10 benefits our research has found:


Weight loss is one of the benefits of using an FIR (Far Infrared) sauna each day for only 20-40 minutes. Fat becomes water-soluble at a temperature of 100 F° before it begins to dissolve and enter the bloodstream to be removed from the body. In an FIR sauna, fat is removed through sweat. Many people who have unsuccessfully attempted weight loss through conventional dieting will be pleased with the fat-burning results of an FIR sauna. Often the inability to lose weight is associated with chemical toxicity. As these toxins are removed from the body while using the FIR sauna, weight loss naturally follows. FIR saunas are the ONLY natural, healthy way to burn calories without exercising.

Use of a FIR sauna has a cumulative effect on the body; that daily use magnifies its benefits. Your first experience in an FIR sauna will be a pleasant one. After several days and then weeks, detoxification, weight loss, immune building and other benefits will increase dramatically. One must experience this cumulative effect to understand it completely.

“Assuming one takes a 30 minute sauna, some interesting comparisons can be made. Two of the highest calorie output exercises are rowing and running marathons. Peak output on a rowing machine or during a marathon burns about 600 calories in 30 minutes. An infrared sauna may better this from “just slightly” up to 250 percent by burning 900 to 2400 calories in the same period of time. A single sauna session can simulate the consumption of energy equal to that expended in a 6-9 mile run.” ~Aaron M. Flickstein


Far Infrared strengthens the Cardiovascular System by causing an increase in your heart rate, cardiac output, and diastolic blood pressure decrease. Many people who are bound to a wheel chair have benefited greatly by getting a cardiovascular workout without ever leaving their home. Blood flow during a sauna session is reported to rise from a normal 5-7 quarts a minute to as many as 13 quarts a minute. This beneficial “heart workout” leads to the desired cardiovascular training and conditioning effects.

Medical research confirms the use of a sauna provides cardiovascular conditioning as the body works to cool itself. This results in substantial increases in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980’s led to the conclusion that far infrared stimulation would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.


Far Infrared is excellent for detoxing your body, internally and externally. Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins. Far Infrared thereby promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: Poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals – toxic substances from food processing – lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue – excess sodium associated with hypertension – and uric acid which causes pain. Furthermore, if sebaceous glands are activated, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through the skin (sweat and oil glands) rather than by the kidneys.

Since infrared heat is able to penetrate your inside your body up to two inches, you will sweat up to three times more than with the traditional saunas of the past.

The Result: These nasty toxins inside your body that make you feel sick, tired, and cause you to take on weight are eliminated. With an infrared sauna up to 300% more carcinogenic heavy metals, sodium, cholesterol, nicotine, and alcohol are eliminated than with a standard type sauna.


Far Infrared strengthens immunity by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus. This has been proven to increase the body’s ability to fight off bacteria, colds, flues, and other ailments.

Another way Far Infrared Saunas have a positive effect on increasing your immunity is by creating an “Artificial Fever”. Fever is a natural healing response of the body. The function of the immune system is increased naturally during a fever, while virus and bacterial growth is slowed, weakening its hold. This helps the body ward off invading organisms. A FIR heat treatment in the early stages of a cold or flu has been known to stop the disease before the symptoms occur. Many health practitioners use FIR as a method for removing immune killing toxins from the body.

“I just wanted to write you and give you an update on the sauna we purchased from you last Fall. You may remember I was experimenting chronic sinus infections for over 18 months. These infections were brought on by getting sick again and again. No matter how much Vitamin C I took, or Airborne I drank I just couldn’t seem to shake the “common cold”. The constant strain and stress on my body brought my immunity down to nothing and exposed me to almost everything out there. I have been using my Infrared Sauna for only six months, combined with a vegetable juicing daily. I would never have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it. Christmas came and went, my kids have been sick, my husband has been sick and I HAVE NOT. I feel my energy coming back and I am no longer worried about catching germs on the shopping cart or the public restroom. It has been six months and no cold. I just wanted to thank you; I wish I would have found your sauna store before all of my doctor visits.” God Bless – Heather Deevorse


A case study reported in Germany worked with a 72 year old woman who had a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis secondary to acute rheumatic fever. She had reached her toxic limit of gold injections and his Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was still 126. After using an infrared sauna for less than 4 months, her ESR was down to 12.

A professional baseball player for the Yankees had to take himself out of the game after 2 innings due to arthritic pain. With a contract looming and the prospect of going from playing 2 innings to 0 his physical therapist put him on 60 minute a day infrared sauna sessions. Within 3 months he was able to complete 6 innings of pitching with minimal pain and without prescription drugs.


Cancer cannot survive in an environment of temperatures more than 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 degrees Fahrenheit). In addition to its detoxifying effects, far infrared heat actually helps kill cancer cells, increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce the side-effects of conventional therapies. At the same time, it boosts the body’s regenerative abilities and decreases pain by increasing circulation, which makes it beneficial in treating other condition such as arthritis, gout poor circulation. Neuralgia and abnormal nerve function.

In one cancer study by the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology that examined 5 year survival rates of patients with malignant melanoma, 28 percent of those who underwent only radiation survived five years. Of those who combined radiation and infrared sauna therapy treatment once a day, 46 percent survived. Neither group did any other holistic therapies.

Another trial at St. George Hospital in Bad Aibling, Germany involved late-stage ovarian cancer patients who had previously undergone chemotherapy. Using a combination of chemotherapy and hyperthermia, 69 percent experienced positive improvements and 15.5 percent went into remission.


Far Infrared heat expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation. Increased blood flow has been proven to improve hair, skin, erectile dysfunction, aid in the healing of injuries, recovery of muscles and joint stiffness.

Introducing heat deep into your muscles produces an increased blood flow and temperature rise similar to the levels measured during brisk exercise. Temperature elevation also produces an increased blood flow and dilation directly in capillaries, arterioles, and venules, probably through direct action on their smooth muscles. The release of bradykinin, released as a consequence of sweat-gland activity, also produces increased blood flow and vasodilatation.


Far Infrared heat increases blood circulation throughout your skin which is mandatory for glowing, beautiful, and youthful skin. Make up and concealers are just that, they are hiding the facts. Infrared heat penetrates deep into those facts pushing out these toxins while rejuvenating your skin. To truly slow the aging process it essential to push these pollutants out of your pores instead of trapping them with lotions and make up. There is no better feeling than a healthy sweat in a sauna while drinking fresh water. It’s like turning on the fire hose and flushing your whole body out.

Try this test the next time you take a sauna: Wash your face with your very best product you have before going into an infrared sauna. Make sure to bring a small white towel into the sauna with you, work up a good sweat and use this towel to wipe your face. You will be shocked at how much dirt you just wiped off your “clean face”. This is because the infrared heat is penetrating deep under your skin pushing out the toxins which have made a home deep into your pores.

Another benefit to infrared sauna therapy is the break down of cellulite. Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of water, fat and wastes trapped deep in pockets under your skin. Many Dermatologists are now recommending the use of infrared saunas with any anti-cellulite program as the profuse sweating helps clear the unwanted debris from your body.

Here is a list of the most common reported benefits of infrared sauna therapy for the skin:

  • Nettle rash
  • Clogged pores are unplugged of cosmetics creating a skin texture and tone of unexcelled quality.
  • Poor skin tone is restored to a more youthful level
  • Scars and pain from burns or wounds are decreased in severity and extent. Infrared therapy is used routinely in burn units throughout Asia
  • Lacerations heal quicker and with less pain and scarring
  • Acne: Three or four infrared treatments may open pores that have not been functioning in years, forcing out clogging cosmetics and loosening dead outer skin. The sauna is thus a boon to teenage skin, clearing acne and blackheads
  • Body odor: by improving the function of the skin, the infrared treatments may eliminate the cause of offensive body odor. It definitely reduces body odor induced by occupational exposure to odorous chemicals
  • Eczema and Psoriasis: reported to have responded extremely well to infrared treatments
  • Sunburn: according to the 9th edition of Clayton’s Electrotherapy, “infrared is the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation.”
  • Keloids forms at a reduced rate in those prone to their formation with infrared treatments and may be softened by use of infrared systems if they have form.


Far infrared saunas have been proven to reduce pain sensation by getting heat deep into both the free-nerve endings in tissues as well as on the peripheral nerves. Pain is often associated with a lack of blood supply to the injured area due to tension or spasms. The introduction of heat deep into these areas helps to eliminate further spasms which in turn alleviate the pain.

Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration.


Many home saunas now utilize Chromo therapy for added benefits. Chromo therapy, also called color therapy, is the use of color and light to gently bring about homeostasis. Color and light is applied to specific areas and accupoints on the body. Color and light have been used for healing since the beginning of recorded time. Ancient Egyptians built solarium-type rooms with colored panes of glass. The sun would shine through the glass and flood the patient with color. Some people use colored silk cloths which are placed on the body and then flooded with sunlight. Early color and light healers in the modern world used colored gels and sheets of glass to apply light to the body. Others used color infused water and color meditations to send healing rays to the person.

Today, there are many practitioners who use color and light in interesting ways. Some therapists have a box with a mechanism that flickers light into the eyes. They report success in speeding the recovery of stroke victims and those persons who experience chronic depression. All of our saunas come standard with the full spectrum of chromo therapy lighting


Source by Timothy Davids