Hard, hard erection – The best Chinese herbs harder erections Fast


If you have a hard, hard erection herbs enclosed will give you an even prescription drugs can only be affected, of course, has no side effects and you get something artificial drugs can not, and this increases the sex drive, the entire sexual experience.

The herbs enclosed worked for thousands of years, and it will work for you. Let’s look at a combination of herbs, herbal sex pills find the best harder erections, more sexual desire and right round wellness.

Horny Goat Weed

This plant large sexual health benefits and works just like Viagra to increase the release of nitric oxide and inhibit PDE-5, it will lead to a relaxing of the cavernosa tissue, increased blood flow to the penis. The herb also increases the level of the most important male sex hormone testosterone, more sexual stamina and reduce stress, which is a major cause of libido problems.


works This herb also to increase nitric oxide production and prevent PDE5 build up, allowing more blood to the penis to ensure a rigid erection, and in addition also ensures the circulation of the pelvic region arousal …


to the great tonic herb, which increases the energy level, while at the same time lifting atmosphere by reducing the stress and distress. Physical level helps pump blood to the genitals, promotes testosterone production and help keep sperm healthy.

Tongkat Ali Extract (Eurycoma longfolia)

The Glygopeptide compounds Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase free testosterone and decrease SHBG levels, and this ensures better erectile function and helps men in bed for a long time, and finally, keeps sperm healthy Tongakat Ali, increasing sperm count, sperm size and motility.

Tribulus terrestris extract

contains the herb protodioscin, a saponin constituent, improving libido and erectile function, but is best known for its ability to dramatically increase testosterone and this makes it a favorite herbs serious athletes and bodybuilders.

Cistanche Bark

Cistanche Bark is a tonic herb that increases blood circulation to all areas of the body including the pelvic region, and it also keeps the treatment of genital organs healthy, and had taken thousands of years to impotence and premature ejaculation in men.

all the best natural sex Pills

do not have to buy them separately, you can get them mixed herbal sex pills to help you get hard-hard erections, increase libido and help achieve better general health, quickly and naturally.


Source by Kelly Price

Wet dreams and Penis Health – Myths and Facts night ejaculation


wet dream can be a man’s first encounter with ejaculation, and for many people this can happen quite often. Unfortunately, the topic of wet dreams are often not brought up to the parents or the doctors, and many boys – and even men – believe that there is something wrong with them when they wake up in the sticky patch in their shorts.

This mistake is often perpetuated well-intentioned but erroneous advice to older adults and others who warned wet dreams are based on traditions. The fact that these normal physiological nocturnal emissions process, and most people experiencing them at least once or twice in their lives. For this reason, it is important to know the difference between myth and fact when night orgasm, as well as understanding the ins and outs of proper penis care.

are the most common myths about some nocturnal ejaculation dispelled in

Myth: Wet Dreams perversion.

FACT: when the boys reach puberty, the body begins to produce higher levels of testosterone, which is the production of sperm. This fluid accumulates in the body until it is released ejaculation. Often, this happens during the night, during an erotic dream. This is the result of a hormonal process, not a sexual disorder, and it’s completely normal. Men of all ages may be wet dreams, although the frequency is reduced as a man begins to masturbate, or become sexually active.

Myth: Night dry ejaculation is a male sperm supply.

FACT: This is based on the mistaken idea that a man used to a certain amount of semen as you release. In fact, the semen produced continuously; and while the supply may be lower, right after ejaculation because it replaced quickly. On the other hand, men who do not ejaculate or intercourse, masturbation or wet dreams, be bound by the “use it or lose it ‘rule and end up producing fewer sperm than men of sexually active.

Myth: without ejaculation intercourse makes a man weaker.

FACT: Many young men said they had lost a drop of sperm is like losing a liter of blood, but there is no comparison at all. Ejaculation, no matter how to achieve, it does not affect human health or physical strength negatively. In reality, ejaculation leads to formation of feel-good hormones which help to relieve stress and promotes relaxation; This will really help to improve one’s overall health, as opposed to her weak or sick.

Myth: There is something wrong with boys who do not have wet dreams.

FACT: While most people have wet dreams, and everyone else, and not having them do not sign anything wrong. It’s also a good idea to keep in mind that not all people know that it was not a wet dream, as may arise from the telltale sticky patch something else, such as night sweats.

Making a better penis health

wet dreams do not occur, the best thing is to enjoy the lingering feeling of happiness, and of course to clean up. After leaving the sperm in the skin longer irritate the skin tissue, leading to pain, drying and cracking, and even infection.

wash with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly with warm water is all that required; Then penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend man1 Man Oil) which addresses a penis-specific nutrients and natural skin softening can be applied to the penile skin soft, flexible – and even more responsive to sensory signals .


Source by John Dugan

Charismatic Leadership Vs transformational leadership


What if charismatic leadership versus transformational leadership?

This is really two driving style a lot in common. They both rely on influence and friendship. The leaders of both styles keen participation of individuals in the organization in order to achieve organizational goals. Both styles of leadership is the aim of the vision and goals of the organization.

the charismatic tendency to rely on their popularity. One manifestation of this is normal in politics. Do you ever remember Arnold Schwarzenegger? He is a wonderful bodybuilder from Austria who became a popular action movie star. It made many popular films including Terminator trilogy and Total Recall among others. He became extremely popular. Therefore, when the governor ran the state of California won an overwhelming majority.

But then, charismatic leadership is not enough. The driver displays the characteristics of a good leader. This includes linking followers and learning their needs and their concerns. When a driver can gain knowledge of needs and problems, you must do something more to them.

Charismatic leader, to some extent, rely extroverted leader. He’s easy to relate to people, and even connect with them on a deeper level. Introverts, although it can become charismatic leaders, especially if they are popular followers. Often, they keep a set of trusted followers who behave like relationships. This way they can build a good reputation.

But this kind of leadership can be easily abused. What if someone comes and takes the popular organizations from the vision and mission?

The result is confusion and conflict in the organization. Although the conflict is sometimes good for the organization, divisive conflicts can be the most painful to go through, because the end result is not creativity, but division.

This is where the transformational leadership is coming. In this case, the people of this style is to interact with your followers and subordinates to make important changes in practice and in their lives. The end result is a better life and better health for the followers of the organization.

Do not put the charismatic leadership vs transformational leadership, because these two styles really complement each other. The driver to choose how to balance the two styles of leadership in the workplace.


Source by M Rasing

Digestive Health: Why You May be Suffering from ‘the Leaky Gut Syndrome’ and How You can Fix It


“Life and Death are in the Power of the Gut. They that master it shall prosper in health thereof. They that do not shall gnash their teeth in dis-ease.” -Uzo Onuwkugha, MD.

You are not just what you eat; you are what you ingest, digest and assimilate. Everything you’ve ever eaten since you were a baby all contribute to your overall health and well-being up till this point. All the cells in your body have an immunological memory and imprint of all that you have eaten. The law of sowing and reaping works behind the scenes. Some people don’t even understand that there are dietary laws that govern optimum health. We should stop focusing on the type of disease and start asking, “What type of person has the disease.” Your cells tell the story better because it has a record (biological time clock) of your state of health even when it has not manifested with symptoms and no medical test could pick it up.

Well, you are as healthy as your individual cells. There is a law in Science that says that in a closed system, any phenomenon in a large scale is also repeated in a smaller time frame. Therefore, your cells hold the key to your overall health. To be precise, the focus is on the cells of your intestines. My zoom lens is on your small intestine where the majority of absorption and digestion of food materials take place. The word ‘gut’ is somewhat vague because it could refer to the digestive system, part of it or even the stomach.

Now, do you know the best selling drugs in America? It doesn’t matter if it is over-the-counter or prescription drugs. The best selling drugs are antacids or drugs for intestinal disease remedies. You probably know all the brand names: Gelusil, Sucralfate, Mylanta, Pepto-Bismol, Tagamate, and all kinds of laxatives. Please note that taking antacids worsen the problem because these patients are suffering because of lack of acid. This is because their enzymes that manufacture acid (hydrochloric acid) are depleted. Neutralizing the little acid you have give symptomatic relief and tend to worsen the problem.

The target diseases include heartburn, gastritis, flatulence dyspepsia, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, chronic constipation and other forms of digestive ailments. Some of the diseases may not even have a well defined symptom or signs that fit into a definite clinical pattern. That’s why they are often called syndromes.

Many times, clinical tests will reveal nothing, and yet the patient continues to agonize. What is the underlying cause of these diseases? The answer is not what you think. It is an uncharacterized phenomenon most doctors don’t talk about. The name is ‘the leaky gut syndrome.’ It is simply saying that your intestines are ailing because they are short of energy as such has become porous. I prefer a more scientific term called ‘intestinal permeability disease.’

The onset coincides with depletion of functional enzymes in the body. This is the time when the resilience of youth tends to wean. Depending on your dietary habits, it peaks around late twenties or early thirties. Rapid aging seem to pick up at this point. It is a process that sneaks in on you. At this time, your hairs begin to thin and fall off. Bald head set in. Some of your hairs may even start graying because of nutrient depletion especially the B-complex Vitamins. Symptoms of intestinal malady seem to worsen at the same time. People begin to notice bloating, gas, belching, constipation and lactose intolerance.

The key to explaining ‘leaky gut syndrome’ lies at the cellular level. The small intestine has the hardest working cells in the human body. These complex cells may even work harder than brain cells. (No wonder they are called ‘brain in the gut’ because they have all the chemical messengers found in the brain.) In fact, the gut is regarded as the center of life and intuitive thinking. People tend to called it gut instinct–a meeting point of supernatural and physical energy. The Japanese call it the ‘power center.’ The cells of the gut are arranged in finger-like fashion called villi–designed to increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients. This process is an energy-dependent mechanism called active transport. (Water is absorbed by osmosis and is not energy-dependent).

Thus 85% of our life-time energy is used in digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. You could imagine that only 15% is reserved for the rest of the body for active work and other functions. Do you see why your digestive health is very important? Everything about life is energy and sickness is nothing but lack of force. It is either you take care of your digestive health or live at the mercy of the medical community. Most times they are confused because most doctors are not trained in nutrition therapy.

Furthermore, the gut acts as a semi-permeable membrane. In other words, it has a gating mechanism that allows some nutrients to pass while eliminating others. For instance essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and essential fats are absorbed while toxins, bacteria, parasites, and partially digested or allergic foods are prevented from entering the blood. These wastes are eliminated through the stool. However, if the linings become porous like an old filter, everything goes into the blood without restrictions. The gut is now said to be leaky. Note that most of the junk food all full of nutrient-depleted, energy deficient elements called oxidants or free radicals. Because these substances lack electrons, they are very reactive and attack the cell membrane lipid bi-layer. The tight and gap-junctions between cells also give way creating more holes on the membranes.

As the unwanted substances and chemical toxins pass through, they now set up a chain reaction. The body hates these intruders just like you hate spam. The body tries hard to fight off these free radicals as foreign bodies. Often there is no help from the victim who continues to eat junk, nutrient-depleted food causing more free radical damage. The stage for auto-immune reaction has already been set by these allergens and carcinogens (allergens are foods that cause allergy and carcinogens are risk factors for causing cancers). At this time, the body’s defense mechanisms are also down giving rise to all kinds of degenerative diseases or even cancer depending on the end organ and nutritional deficiency involved. Leaky gut also triggers premature aging process. The victim also suffers from chronic fatigue. (Food is should give energy and not deplete your reserve).

Foods that cause leaky gut include fast sugars, partially hydrogenated and trans-fats, wheat gluten, yeast, bacteria, viruses, canned nuts, dairy products, cigarette smoking, alcohol, corn-syrup solids, food additives and flavors. Acidic foods and free radicals worsen the whole scenario. All non-living foods, chemicals, processed foods and all junks food deplete the body of the existing enzymes and leave it open for attacks with all kinds of illnesses. For instance one teaspoon of sugar shuts down your immune system for two hours. Also if you eat in a hurry without chewing your food or meat very well, you are a candidate for leaky gut syndrome. Digestion is a process and it starts in the mouth coupled with your state of mind. Stress is a powerful contributory factor.

Here is the good news: “Anything that can prevent a disease can also help to cure it,” said Dr. Bernard Jensen. These foods boost your immunity, attack free radicals, strengthen your intestinal walls, help digestion and absorption, cleanse and detoxify you, give you energy, and add more years to your life and more life to your years. The list of healthy alternative is many. But my favorite is a bunch of green super foods–barley grass, wheat grass, chlorella, green kamut, wheat grass, alfalfa and spirulina. Please add avocado to your staple diet. Also essential fatty acid blend (omeg-3, 6 and 9), multivitamin and mineral supplements, aloe vera-papaya, periodic fasting and colon cleanse. Avoid junk and processed food. Drink eight glasses of water per day. Our body is 70% water. Water supports metabolism and help to eliminate toxins that cause diseases and ravages of premature aging. Don’t forget the recommendation of at least five servings of green leafy vegetables daily. Minimize acidic food eat more of alkaline food. Practice food combining to make it easy on your digestive enzymes. Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before you go to bed. (The body heals itself at night). Otherwise the body will use the energy for regeneration and repair to digest food. This makes you tired when you wake-up.

I must add that I take lemon juice and green tea regularly. Just cut off taking coffee it can worsen the leaky gut. Lemon is excellent because all the bacteria that cause disease hate anything bitter. They love sugar because they can multiply in nanoseconds. Both lemon juice and green tea help digestion (has life enzymes) and boost your immunity and strengthen your enzyme reserves while cleansing your system. Both are potent antioxidants that combat free radicals that cause lack of energy and aging. Lifestyle of regular exercise should be added.

Exercise is so important that it requires a special emphasis. Lack of exercise causes intestinal paralysis of some sort. This gives undigested food more transit time to sit in the gut and for toxins to leak into the blood triggering degenerative changes, allergy and stagnant immune system. However, when you exercise, nature cooks the food twice– both in the stomach (more acid is mixed with the food) and in the intestines. This improves digestion and elimination of wastes. Overall, many people notice bowel movement during or shortly after exercise. Also exercise draws air into the body which is more efficient in combating the bugs that cause diseases. Disease does not exist in aerobic environment. All cells start to age when they don’t get enough oxygen. Many other benefits of exercise are beyond the scope of this article.

In a nutshell, if you do these basic things, including adding raw food to your diet you will improve the quality of your life and enjoy optimum health all the days of your life. The key is to take responsibility for your own health. Watch what goes into your mouth. Educate yourself on how your body works. Listen to your body. Give it what it needs to serve you better. Your life is in your hands; not the doctor. Don’t kid yourself. You don’t put water in your gasoline tank. Do you? Don’t think you’re a machine. Even machines break down. Before you blame God and your parents, change your eating habit first. There are healthy alternatives to the junk you see all around you. Good health is lifelong journey. The earlier you start the better. Good luck in your quest for optimum health!


Source by Uzo Onukwugha

The cardiologist can help heart problems


Selecting a cardiologist, to offer you the best results are important if you experience any problems with your heart. These practitioners trained to understand that the heart works and the ability to diagnose problems and to find solutions. The newest form of technology, these doctors of the art facilities. This equipment is to find the ideal solution for all types of heart problems. Many procedures are conducted to discover the condition that the person’s heart. One of these things is a stress test. The stress test will help doctors discover problems with the heart, and it helps the doctor to come up with a solution to the problem. Other types of services include echocardiography, and ambulatory monitoring electrodes.

The heart is one of the most important organs in the body. If you have heart problems, the whole body is in danger. By discovering these problems and diagnose them, cardiologists are often able to help people fix these issues. These doctors can help people learn about ways to get better heart health. There are many reasons is the problem of the heart. Some very serious issues include heart disease and heart attack. Most primary doctor discovered a heart problem a person. If that happens, the physician, the patient, with a view to a heart doctor for further analysis. When people see a heart doctor who performs the tests of the heart, to determine what the condition. The physician and patient heart, the cardiovascular surgeon, when the cardiac surgery is required. Cardiovascular surgeon to perform the necessary surgeries for people in need.

These doctors often specialize in a certain group of people. For example, if a child is experiencing issues like this, he’s seen one that specializes in children’s heart health and treatment. If it is an adult, she should find one that specializes in adult treatments. Finding the right one is important because it ensures that the only stand-trained and experienced. It also ensures that his experience was the exact kind of problems. What does this mean for you so that you get the best possible results. Many conditions of the heart to handle. The technology as a means of treatment options continues to grow. These options are seriously ill, because it offers more solutions and better results.

Finding a cardiologist can save a person’s life. This type of doctor got the right amount of training to fully understand the heart, its parts and exactly how it works. This knowledge and training are what people rely on when experiencing heart problems. It is very important to catch any potential problems early. With this, a person has a much better chance of surviving and avoiding a heart attack in the future. If you take the proper steps and see a heart specialist, you can experience great results.


Source by Antoinette Ayana

You are experiencing one side of male pattern baldness?


There are about 75 million people in the US alone in struggling with the male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia). Although many of the standard experience hair loss than others experience the rare condition of male pattern baldness on one side. Articles in this prospectus entitled “experiencing male pattern baldness one side,” we will investigate the cause of the condition is and what could be behind this unusual pattern baldness.

Hair loss can be simply down to the hair re-growth is not keeping up with the hair loss. Indeed this is the case of baldness.

The average person can expect to lose about 100 hairs a day, most of which have replaced the natural hair replacement cycle. And even if you lose a few hairs, as a substitute you probably did not notice because of the more than 100,000 hectares from masking minor hair loss. But if this imbalance continues, say, five years, all of the sudden one day look in the mirror and to the horror of a small bald spot has emerged, and a large thinning on top. If there was an imbalance estimate of 25 hairs a day during the five years would be 45 625 lost hair, and after six years, the figure rises to 54 750. In other words, somewhere in the fifth and sixth years may disappear by more than 50 percent of all existing hair. YIKS!

Male baldness is hereditary androgen hormone driven condition that attacks the hair follicles and shrinks in a couple of hair cycles. This is the major facilitator of the androgenic hormone testosterone dihydro if modified enzyme binds to a 5-reductase type 2 present in the hair follicle cells. As more and more DHT builds the follicle shrinks finally reached the point where it can no longer participate in the hair replacement cycle. Over time, thousands of follicles will be damaged, which varying degrees and types of alopecia, including male pattern baldness on one side.

male pattern baldness one side is certainly not the norm, but it did not happen. This is because the configuration of hormone receptors and enzymes on the scalp. Remember testosterone is converted into DHT should enzymes. However, it was the scalp set early in life, that the pattern that will be followed by androgenic alopecia. Of course, many different patterns, including the above-mentioned one side male baldness. The truth is that no matter whether you have a traditional or non-traditional form, this condition is caused by the same mechanism. The only clue as to what type of balding individuals could incur shone either one or both parents due to the relationship of genetics and baldness.

What’s next? Currently, a handful of hair re-growth products (specifically for men and women) that has been proven effective in blocking harmful hormones and so are all important dead hair follicles back to life. These specially formulated treatments can be used both as a preventive instrument starting before hair loss becomes severe, or after loss of hair has become noticeable. Whatever the level of balding or thinning you are experiencing these products could be just what is needed to overcome this latest life challenge.


Source by Robert D Hawkins

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of hair removal techniques



Benefits: We have a new type of female hair removal blades, which are perfectly adapted to the parts of our body, and contains a lubricant material (generally aloe) of the base, leaving the skin smooth and moisturized. Also, if you apply after you remove the hair removal cream that is soothing. This is typed Liposuction does not remove a lot of time because you only need to apply it to the skin and shave. There are products suitable for sensitive skin, and reduces the risk of allergy in this type of hair removal.

Disadvantages: This method does not start from the root hair, but shaved the skin level. Only recommend this method of hair removal in case of an emergency, such as the hair comes out better, though not as much, they say. Hair grows an average of 6.3 millimeters per month in the armpits and twice as fast, so I do not recommend this method of hair removal.

Removal Cream

Pros: This is a fast hair removal technique (5-8 minutes), painless and convenient. There are also special creams for sensitive skin. With this method of hair removal is no risk of skin cuts and remain soft for longer than the growth of hair is softer and more hydrated skin. Previously, some creams irritated skin, and even had a rather unpleasant odor, which shall be recorded by means of fragrances and soothing coverage and stability.

Cons: If you exceed the recommended waiting time to fold the cream, it will cause redness. As a shaving knife, cut off her hair, but began to root, although this is less aggressive.


Benefits: The hot wax leaves the skin red and is recommended for women circulatory problems. Requiring a minimum heating, it can be done even in the microwave and water-soluble, and can be easily removed. You can use the bands, hair removal wax is ready to use, you do not need heat. Just rub your hands, apply the skin firmly and remove the quick movement. They are easy to use, at any place and time. Since the same skin temperature, very good people circulatory problems. This is a highly efficient, extra durable. And then wax for home and professional beauty centers.

Disadvantages: generally, wax as cold, warm or hot, this method is very painful because the hair root begins.

Electric Shaver

Pros: This is a very effective method of hair removal which removes the hair root is a series of small tweezers. Since the first model was quite painful, the new hair now employs the new distribution systems such as tweezers, massage or cold accessories.They fast, convenient and clean. Extracted from the roots of hair when used every four weeks, hair will gradually decline, as some call this method, semi-permanent. Currently, there are accessories like special heads for sensitive areas of the skin and exfoliate beforehand.

Disadvantages: This method does not crackle like a wax and some hairs remain areas where the skin is thicker. It can be painful if you have lots of hair. Currently, they are not so advanced that you use in sensitive areas, although some special tools to shave rather than courage.


Advantages: This is the revolution that liberates women problems with hair wax, blades, razors … durable, painless and apparently safe. Initially, it is advisable for 3-4 sessions, and now the average of eight intervals of 2-3 months, although it still depends on the type of hair and the area to be treated.

Cons: too early to know that this is indeed a permanent hair removal technique. The sessions may last from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the treated area. The biggest difficulty the laser method is not only that the hair contains melanin, but also the skin. The eyebrow is an area that is not recommended, it is close to the eye (requiring special protection). The feeling is similar to burn, but as a quick and better tolerated. People with darker skin a little tingling or itching. They are very sensitive to pain is recommended to apply an anesthetic cream two hours before treatment. Immediately after the application of the laser. This is the most expensive method of hair removal.


Source by Adrian Cole

Remedy for High Blood Pressure – With this magic elixir


2. How natural, low blood pressure lowering products

lowering blood pressure is not what made me want to start with the natural medicine research. I was looking for a way to combat the onset of type 2 diabetes. A family member diagnosed with pre-diabetes and diabetes as a condition, not a disease, I realized that it would be possible to reverse the diabetes before you really get a foothold.

learned that diabetes was there was too much sugar in one’s diet. One of the methods I learned a recognized medical source had added a simple plant to one’s diet. Cinnamon has been used as a home remedy to cleanse the body of excess sugar, and many other diseases. And as I dug deeper into this little research, I found out that cinnamon when combined with other natural products pure honey – high blood pressure, or high blood pressure can be brought to normal levels.

When I visit a fact from fiction tell-all website, The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. Here is what they say about Cinnamon “Cinnamon’s unique healing abilities come from three main components of essential oils in the bark (cinnamon trees) These oils contain active ingredients, such Cinnamaldehyde cinnamyl acetate cinnamon alcohol, as well as a number of other volatile substances.”.

the same source says that the combination of very healthy home remedy for pure honey and cinnamon. Honey, say, a rich source of riboflavin and vitamin B6. Another advantage gained honey manganese, which is not very abundant in normal diets, and is included as a bonus iron.

Some advantageous properties of honey can be easily destroyed when honey processing trade. Moral of the story is to avoid most of the honey super Markey products found on shelves, as it was in the form of his life cooked out of it. Pasteurisation and filtration, ultimately, a lot of other good qualities of the raw, wild honey.

The benefits to health depend on the actual quality of honey bees during the course chosen by the gathering of flowers. Honey contains phytochemicals such as phenylethyl, and caffeic acid methyl caffeate. Scientific research has shown that these chemicals have proven useful in preventing colon cancer. Honey phytochemicals shut down the activity of harmful substances, which a number of carcinogenic substances.

There are several sources on the Internet are pure honey. Find the darker honey, which is a great source of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which are the added protection that anti-oxidants.

It is only in recent years that the renewed interest in conducting a honey-cinnamon combination. In Cinnamon containing compounds in the treatment of epilepsy and reduce the effects of the common cold.

Honey collection has been going on during the year, almost 10,000 so ancient ancestors must have discovered the value of the golden liquid. The cimmamon 1 – tbl. spoon of honey. Mix 8 ounces in a cup of warm water. Drink it.

It should be noted that the cinnamon-honey compounds are often detected folklore and traditional medical circles for its close monitoring because like many of today’s wonder drugs, honey and cinnamon is definitely low-cost prescription toward better health.

Of course I’m not saying that dump all the drugs in the bag. Always follow your doctor’s advice. Discuss this with your doctor, and if he is adamantly opposed to honey and cinnamon get a second opinion.


Source by Don Penven

Anal Sex: 8 Tips for Fun, safe play


Anal sex is definitely not for everyone, but some men and women can not get enough. The novice, in practice, can be a bit scary, but the partners can learn more about the ins and outs of the game back to the activity as enjoyable and secure. Before, during and after exercising proper anal, vaginal and anal sex supplies penis is essential and the following information will help couples learn how to do it.

Why behind?

Anal sex can be attractive to men and women for several reasons. Men want to get into the back, it is narrower than that of the vagina. They can also enjoy a bit taboo nature of the law, and who can blame them?

Women also enjoy penetration in the back a couple of reasons. First, the nerve is very sensitive and are perianal who stimulating penetration. On the other hand, they are among the sensitive areas of the female anus and vagina can create joy when the pressure in the rectum heavily on them.

Some people enjoy being penetrated behind, not just gay men. The prostate is stimulated while the back is a game of people, and it can be very enjoyable. Plus, anal sensitive nerve endings same as hers.

is it safe?

Anal sex can be safe, but special precautions are necessary. This is primarily because of the risk of spreading infections, and sexually transmitted vaginal, anal big game.

The transmission rate is higher in HIV and HPV anal sex than vaginal sex. The reason is that the anus and the rectum is not naturally lubricated, so that even if the product is likely to occur in extra lubrication, and tears around the anus. Broken skin gives you easy access to viruses in the body.

Women are more prone to infections, vaginal, anal sex when they participate in playing time, since the rectum is filled with bacteria, since their primary function is to store feces. If the penis, or a game that has been in his rectum inserted into the vagina, without really should be thoroughly cleaned or changed without a condom, she is prone to developing infections.

Another possible complication of regular anal sex to relax the anal sphincter. This muscle allows a person to hold stool until the right time to release. If you do not weaken, and the individual’s ability to “hold” is weakening.

Although after a rare, abundant bleeding anal sex may indicate a hole in the colon, which should be and the way to the hospital immediately.

necessary steps

1) lubricants, lubricating oil, lubricating oil.

2) Wash before and after sex anal area.

3) condoms.

4) Only water-based lubricants when using latex condoms.

5) Relax – the host partner incur fewer anal tears when she relaxed inserted.

6) Change the condom, and wash the penis before any other opening.

7) Know your partners sexual history and STI status.

8) If the receiving end, performed Kegel exercises to maintain anal sphincter tone.

care for the anus, vagina and the penis is essential for a safe and enjoyable anal sex. The other thing that men can do to look like penises and practicing proper hygiene, to an penis health cream (health professionals recommend man1 Man Oil) to promote good skin condition, proper flow and nerve function. Application can be maintained in the penis after such a pleasant showering products for the eye and the touch. The combination of natural moisturizing lotion, such as shea butter and vitamin E is ideal for dry skin tag-teaming, both the insurer and seal in moisture.


Source by John Dugan

Joint pain requires attention during menopause


Many women in menopause joint pain symptoms. Medical experts have researched the relationship between hormonal changes, and this kind of pain.

Some women joint and muscle pain, mouth discomfort, headaches and some even report heart palpitations. Interestingly, women who suffer from tension headaches, abdominal or facial pain found their symptoms reduced after the menopause. Scientists today feel there is indeed a relationship of estrogen, the hormone levels, including fluctuations, and this phenomenon

Menopause and joint pain: symptoms of menopause

Menopause occurs when a woman stops ovulation and your period stops. Most woman reaches menopause between 45 and 55 years with a mean age of about 50. However, below about 1% before the age of 40, the so-called early menopause or premature ovarian failure.

The most obvious changes are related to changes in the menstrual cycle is registered, changes in bleeding pattern, hot flushes, sweating and urinary problems, such as incontinence or frequent need to urinate. Dry vagina, mood swings, muscle weakness, joint pains and weight changes are all symptoms of menopause and can cause great pain and general malaise in different parts of the body.

Menopause and Irritability: the risks

Menopause is a very important period in the life of a woman, and all women should be the worst of this condition against the recent 40th A woman’s body goes through many changes that have a social life, her feelings about herself and operation of the workplace impact. In the past, many misconceptions and myths surrounding menopause but this perception has changed. Now, the menopause is accepted as a natural step in the aging process.

Unlike the old-fashioned view that life is all downhill after menopause, many women today realize that over the years after menopause offer new discoveries and fresh challenges. The development of modern medicine resulted in a wide range of health care choices, especially joint pain and bone deficiency problems.

They can improve the quality of life during menopause the decades that follow. It is vital that women know that menopause itself carries no serious health risk. However, the chances of heart disease and osteoporosis (thinning due to inability of the bone in the body in the bone tissue) increases after menopause. Understanding menopause and the range of treatment options can help women better health decisions.

Menopause and Irritability: Causes and symptoms

Research has shown that a quarter of women have no problems while going through menopause, while half of the number is a bit of a problem, and the remaining quarters to have significant problems including joint pain.

These are usually associated with osteoporosis and arthritis, leading to bone weakening and degeneration of the cartilage between the joints, after which break easily drop.

fluctuating estrogen levels and poor estrogen clearance, it can affect how your joints feel. It is understood that some women have joint pain in response to the hormonal fluctuations so common menopause. It is important that you check with your family doctor or osteoporosis or arthritis.

Menopause and Irritability: Treatment

There are medications and exercises you can get to overcome the most severe menopause-related joint pain. Some of these treatments include the use of steroids is therefore particularly important that this kind of decision with their doctor.

It’s also wise to check the possibility of side effects of using these drugs and get a second opinion before embarking on a long-term treatment.


Source by Cathy Taylor