Prolong Orgasm – herbs libido and more durable Better Sex


The herbs enclosed will give you a better and longer lasting sex helps prolong orgasm. As for men, it is harder erections and longer, and they are also working women and look at how and why they work.

is optional, of course, mixed herbal sex pills are the nutrients that you simply can not get their daily diet before we look at the herbs we look at some common causes of lack of sexual desire and unsatisfactory sex.

Both men and women need strong blood flow and the genitals and in the case of a male erection designed this increased blood while not seen in women, bodies swell – that what is the key to getting more blood to the genitals?

key chemical nitric oxide in fact, the people will never get an erection unless you are quite secret and since the age of decline, this is one of the most common causes of impotence.

Both men and women need testosterone sexual stamina and overall health, and this is another common problem that the lack of sex drive.

The mind also plays a role, and you need to be able to concentrate on sex and so it can not be stressed or worried, the body’s energy decreases, and simply do not feel in the mood. Now let’s look at the herbs, which solve problems and improve sexual health.

Horny Goat Weed

This is simply a great herb for sexual health because it not only increases testosterone levels, it also increases nitric oxide secretion. It is also known to fight stress and energy to the body, so the herbs are well names!


This herb can be found in all the best herbal sex pills and found it not only increases the level of nitric oxide, but stop PDE5 build up that can cause lack of erection in men. In short, you see the same function as prescription drugs, but not so natural. Finally, it increases blood flow to the pelvic region and nourishes it at the same time.


This herb ensures enough blood in the basin to allow your genitals if you will be aroused, and one of the best overall blood circulation herb.


This plant has a number of sexual health benefits that include increases blood flow to the pelvic region, fights stress lifts mood, helps with testosterone production, increases energy, both men and women, the herb helps to keep sperm healthy.


you can get them in the best herbal sex pills and will not only help prolong orgasm and enjoy a better sex you can also improve your overall level of health protection.


Source by Kelly Price

4 Ways to Make the Vagina smell and taste better


Even if the sleeve does not smell or taste bad, you will also want to improve. After the vagina makes a good taste and smell assertive during sex, and feel healthier.

1. Proper hygiene

Although the inside of the sleeve is generally considers himself clean, the outside is a little help sometimes. Wash daily with a gentle, additive-free soap that the sheath fresh and fragrant beauty.

2. Shave

Regardless of whether you shave your pubic hair is a personal choice, and you should do if you feel uncomfortable with it. However, if you do not mind the idea they believe that once that pubic hair is gone, things like sweat and urine stray droplets may not remain trapped in the area. If you notice the vagina stinks, it smells can be trapped in the hair, not the vagina. Shaving will also improve the taste of the vagina, as well as to improve the smell.

3. flavored oil

There are flavored massage oils available that can be used in the vagina to improve the taste and smell. They can only be used once during sex, not to everyday activities. Still, if you’re looking for a quick improvement in taste and smell in an intimate moment, massage oil is a good option. Make sure you get that sort of express purpose of sex, and always test a small amount first so that you know that the vagina is not very sensitive to the product.

4. Frozen juice

Cranberry and Pineapple Juice has been shown both to improve the taste and smell of vaginal discharge. Cranberry juice, of course, fight unhealthy bacteria in the urinary system, so it helps to improve the smell of urine. Even if only one of these with a glass of juice a day, you can see the changes. The pineapple trick works for men too, so if you live with your partner, consider that you try.

If you have a persistent bad vaginal odor, you may be suffering from an infection, so a physician if these natural tips will not improve his condition.


Source by Lucia Marie

Psychosocial Factors That Promote Successful Aging


There are several psychological and social factors that have been linked to increased individual life expectancy and quality of life in older adults. While the majority of attention in the life extension and successful aging field has focused on physical factors such as exercise, diet, sleep, genetics and so on, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that psychological and sociological factors also have a significant influence on how well individuals age (Warnick, 1995).

Warnick (1995) believes that adjusting to the changes that accompany late adulthood and old age requires that an individual is able to be flexible and develop new coping skills to adapt to the changes that are common to this time in their lives. Aging research has demonstrated a positive correlation between someone’s religious beliefs, social relationships, perceived health, self-efficacy, socioeconomic status, and coping skills among others to their ability to age more successfully. The term successful aging has been defined by three main components: “low probability of disease and disease related disability, high cognitive and physical functional capacity, and active engagement with life” (Rowe & Kahn, 1997).

Baltes and Baltes (1990) suggested that the term successful aging appears paradoxical, as aging traditionally brings to mind images of loss, decline, and ultimate death, whereas success is represented by achievement. However, the application of the term, successful aging, they argue forces a reexamination of the nature of old age as it presently exists. “An inclusive definition of successful aging requires a value based, systemic, and ecological perspective, considering both subjective and objective indicators within a cultural context” (Baltes & Baltes, 1990).

With medical advancements and improvements in living conditions people can now expect to live longer lives than ever before. But, the prospect of merely living longer presents many problems. This fact has led researchers to investigate the psychological aspects of aging, with a goal of making the additional years more worth living. There is a great deal of information that leads us to be hopeful about the prospective quality of life in late adulthood and old age.

Religious beliefs, spirituality, and church participation have been the focus of numerous studies involving older adults. Various studies have associated religiousness with well-being, life satisfaction or happiness (VanNess & Larson, 2002). Although it will be necessary for future research to more clearly specify which dimensions of religious participation are beneficial to which outcomes (Levin & Chatters, 1998), it appears that certain aspects of religious participation enables elderly people to cope with and overcome emotional and physical problems more effectively, leading to a heightened sense of well being in late adulthood.

It is commonly known that suicide rates are higher among elderly people, and there is evidence that persons who engage in religious activity are more than four times less likely to commit suicide (Nisbet, Duberstein, Conwell, et al: 2000). The inverse association between religiousness and suicide rate in elderly individuals may be due to the fact that religious beliefs help elderly people cope with or prevent depression and hopelessness, which are established risk factors for suicide (Abramson, Alloy, Hogan, et al: 2000). The relationship between religiousness and successful aging is an extremely complex one. This makes it difficult to pinpoint which factors of participation in a religious organization lead to the increased sense of well-being, satisfaction, and happiness. It is possible that religiousness exerts its beneficial effects by creating positive emotions that stimulate the immune system. Or, it may provide access to social and psychological resources that buffer the impact of stress and aid ones ability to effectively cope (Ellison, 1995).

Membership in religious organizations also provides older individuals with a social network from which to draw emotional support and encouragement, while enhancing one`s ability to adapt to change and buffer stress (Levin, Markides, Ray, 1996). Research has shown that social networks, such as those commonly found in religious organizations are associated with positive health outcomes in older adults, including lower risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and functional decline (Seeman, 1996). The relationships that are fostered within the church or religious group serve for many as a replacement for the social groups that they engaged in at work before retirement. In addition, the attitudes that are learned from religiously committed peers may benefit ones health through encouragement of healthy behaviors and lifestyle lowering the risk of disease (Levin & Chatters, 1998).

One of the common threads that has been found to correlate with successful aging is the individual’s socioeconomic status, particularly education and income levels (Meeks & Murrell, 2001). The relationship between education level and subjective well-being has been demonstrated consistently. Meeks and Murrell (2001) found that education did have direct effects on negative affect, trait health and life satisfaction. Their research concluded that higher educational attainment is associated with lower levels of negative affect, which is related to better health and increased life satisfaction (Meeks & Murrell, 2001). This may be due to the fact that “individuals with higher education levels benefit from the opportunities and resources related to educational attainment that produce accumulated success experiences and contribute to superior functioning in later life” (Meeks & Murrell, 2001). It is also possible that more educated people develop superior methods for problem solving and coping with change. Higher education levels have been shown to provide individuals with better occupational opportunities and social status through adulthood and greater financial stability during the transition to retirement. This establishes education level as ones foundation for successful aging (Meeks & Murrell, 2001).

Material wealth and income have been shown to have a direct relationship to subjective well-being (Andrews, 1986). For many, the sense of well-being is especially effected by their feelings of income adequacy as they move into retirement. Many individuals face retirement with great anxiety due to the lack of sufficient savings to replace their income. The reality of living on a small fixed income limits the lifestyle and ability to adapt to the changes of late adult medical needs for many elderly people. People with greater resources at retirement have access to greater variety of opportunities and activities (Jurgmeen, & Moen, 2002). In addition, the access to surplus income allows for more recreation and less stress from financial concerns. This notion that wealth and well-being are related is also supported by a microeconomics theory that states that an increase in the income level of a society would lead, other things being constant, to greater well being (Easterlin & Christine, 1999).

However, it is important to keep in mind that increases in individual income levels are relative to the changes in one’s reference group (Lian & Fairchild, 1979). Increases in income are considered to be relative. In other words, if an individual’s gains in economic status outpace the gains of the reference group then the individual will likely experience a greater sense of satisfaction. On the other hand, if their gains are equal to the average in their reference group, there will likely be no change. If the increases are less than the reference group than the result will be less satisfaction. Therefore, it may be important for many older adults transitioning to retirement to have adequate savings or other income in order to maintain or exceed their previous financial status.

The relationship between education and income to successful aging is a complex one that involves numerous external variables. But it seems that there is conclusive evidence that both education and income levels help to prepare an individual for the changes that they will face in old age and “influence on their ability to view aging as an opportunity for continued growth as opposed to an experience of social loss” (Steveink, Westerhof, Bode, et al, 2001).

One of the most important aspects of how well individuals age is related to their ability to develop and maintain strong relationships and social support systems (Rowe & Kahn, 1998). It is also important to mention that solitude, or a lack of social interaction, is considered a major health risk factor (Unger, McAvay, Bruce, et al, 1999). Recent studies suggest that the effects of social ties on the risk of physical decline in elderly are greater in men than women. These studies also report that there is a strong relationship between social support or social networks to the probability to cardiovascular and all cause mortality for men (Berkman, Seeman, Albert, et al,1993).

This gender difference could be explained by the fact that women devote a greater portion of their lives caretaking and developing friendships, so they are more accustomed to building and utilizing social networks. While men, in contrast, have devoted a greater portion of their lives to their careers, therefore, they have not developed the social networks or skills to utilize these networks that most women have (Unger, McAvay, Bruce, et al, 1999). In addition, social ties appear to be most important among elderly individuals with less physical ability (Unger, McAvay, Bruce, et al, 1999). It seems that people with physical disabilities have a greater need to develop friendships and support networks to assist them in coping with the limitations caused by their conditions. Friends and family provide them with a means to continue participating in social activities and complete the tasks of everyday living that they may be unable to accomplish on their own. This provides support for the belief that establishing strong social networks may increase not only quality of life, but quantity as well.

Social relationships and social support systems serve as protective factors in many ways (Bovbjerg & McCann, et al, 1995), (Krause & Borawski-Clarke, 1994). They benefit individuals by enhancing self esteem, providing encouragement, and promoting healthy behaviors. It is also possible that social networks may provide more tangible assistance such as food, clothing, and transportation. This type of assistance enables an elderly person to remain socially active even though they may not have the means to do so on their own. It is also important to distinguish the difference between receiving support and assistance from friends or relatives as opposed to agency assistance.

Possibly the most important source of social support comes from the family, which provides self-system mechanisms which increase an individual’s subjective impression of life satisfaction. In addition families provide a system of support and interaction that may not be available from outside sources for some elderly people. All of these types of networks may prevent the degree of social isolation in old age, that is associated with depression and other psychological problems (Krause, 1991).

With all of the physical and psychological changes that people face in late adulthood i.e., decreases in vision, hearing, memory, etc., the ability to adapt to life circumstances that force aging individuals to move from one living style to another is an integral part of successful aging (Warnick, 1995). Simply maintaining the ability to perform the everyday tasks of living is not necessarily considered successful aging. Successful aging requires the maintenance of competence involving cognitive, personality, material, and social resources (Baltes & Lang, 1993). Adapting to these changes requires the use of flexible strategies to optimize personal functioning (Baltes & Baltes, 1990).

The strategies that one may employ to cope with the changes that accompany the aging process may be limited not only by the individuals ability to utilize a new strategy, such as learning sign language or walking with a cane, but also by their perception of their ability to do so. Many elderly people will avoid using new tools to adapt to change if they believe that they are unprepared to make such an adjustment (Slagen-DeKort, 2001).

Perceived self efficacy is defined as “peoples judgment of their capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to attain designated types of performance” ( Bandura, 1986). People who believe in their ability will set higher goals for themselves and expect that they will be able to achieve these goals. Self efficacy has been found to influence the adaptive strategies used by older adults (Slangen-DeKort, 1999).

There are two dispositions besides perception of self efficacy that influence individuals ability to cope, these are flexibility and tenacity (Slangen-DeKort, 1999). Tenacity is defined by an individuals persistence with which they are able to remain focused upon their goals in the face of obstacles. Flexibility refers to ones ability to readjust goals based on new information. The research of Slangen-DeKort et al (1999) concludes that self referent beliefs regarding personal competence influence adaptive behavior and the choice of adaptive strategies. “The direct effect, which is strongest, implies that even if a person appraises a certain adaptation as the most optimal one, this adaptation may not be adopted when this person perceives that the required efforts exceed his or her personal competence. In this case, a less optimal alternative strategy will be embraced.” (Maddox & Douglas, 1973).

Given the enormous number of variables that are involved in determining how well an individual will age, it is impossible to point to one factor as being the most important. But, it is safe to say that ones ability to successfully age is determined to a great extent by their attitudes toward aging and growing old. These positive and negative attitudes will be the result of how effectively an individual is able to adapt to the physical, psychological, and social changes that will take place throughout adulthood. If someone is able to accept the changes of life and look forward to the challenges that they present with hope and desire to change, then they will be better prepared to face old age. In addition, the relationships and beliefs that are developed across the life span will be relied upon in old age as a resource for support and assistance in coping. Upon examining research on successful aging, it seems that many of the concepts that are applied to earlier developmental stages are equally important in old age.

For example, change, adaptation, personal growth, and cognitive function are aspects of development that may be as important in old age as they are in childhood development. In conclusion, it seems that the present and future of aging research may be used to develop medical and psychological interventions that will provide a more positive aging experience and well-being in old age.

References and Resources:

Abramson, L.Y, Alloy, L.B., Hogan, M.E., et al: (2000). The Hopelessness Theory of suicidality, in Suicide Science: Expanding the Boundaries. Norwen, MA., Kluwer Academic Publishers

Baltes, P.R., Baltes, M.M., (1990). Successful Aging: Perspectives from the behavioral sciences. New York: Cambridge University Press

Binstoek, RH. & George, L.B. (Ed.) (1996) Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. San Diego: Academic Press

Bovbierg, V.E., McCann, B.S., Brief, D.J., Follette, W.e., Retzlaff, B.M., Dowdy, A.A., Walden, C.E., Knopp, RH., (1995). Spouse support and long-term adherence to lipid-lowering diets. American Journal of Epidemiology, 141,451 – 460

Bosworth, H.B., Siegler, LC., Brummett, B.H., Barefoot, J.C., et al; (1999). The relationship between

self-rated health and health status among coronary artery patients. Journal of Aging and Health, 11(4),565-584

Easterlin, RA., (1995). Will raising incomes of all increase the happiness of all? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations. 27, 35-48

Ellison, C.G., (1995). Race, religious involvement and depressive symptomology in a Sontheastem U.S. community. Social Science and Medicine, 40, 1561 – 1572

Ford, A.B., Hang, M.R, Stange, KC., Gaines, A.D., et al; (2002). Sustained personal autonomy: A measure of successful aging. Journal of Aging and Health, 12(4),470-489

Glover, RJ., (1998). Perspectives on aging: Issues affecting the latter part of the life cycle. Educational Gerontology, 24(4), 325-330

Jungmeen, KE., Moen, P., (2002). Retirement transitions, gender, and psychological wen-being: A life course, ecological model. The Journals of Gerontology, 57B(3),212-222

Krause, N., (1995). Religiousity and self-esteem among older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 50B, 236 246

Krause, N., Boraski-Clarke, E., (1994). Clarifying the functions of social support in later life. Research on Aging, 16,251 – 279

Le Bourg, E., (2002). Are stress and longevity reaIIy linked in normal living conditions? Gerontology, 48(2), 108-111

Levin, J., Markides, KS., Ray, L.A., (1996). Religious attendance and psychological well-being in Mexican Americans. The Gerontologist, 36,454 – 463

Levin, J.S., Chatters, L.M., (1998). Religion, health, and psychological well-being in older adults: Findings from three national surveys. Journal of Aging and Health, W( 4), 504-53 I

Meeks, S., Murrell, S.A., (2001). Contribution of education to health and life satisfaction in older adults mediated by negative affect Journal of Aging and Health, 13 (1j, 92-119

Mitchell, B.A., (2002). Successful aging: Integrating contemporary ideas, research findings, and intervention strategies. Family Relations, 51(3),283-284

Nisbet, P.A., Duberstein, P.R, Conwell, Y, et aJ:, (2000). The effect of participation in religious activities on suicide versus natural death in adults 50 and older. Journal of Nerve Disorders, 188: 543-546

Parker, M.W., (2001). Soldier and family wellness across the life course: A developmental model of successful aging, spirituality, and health promotion. Military Medicine, 166(7),561-574

Rowe, J.W., Kahn, RL., (1997). ,Successful Aging. New York: Pantheon

Ryff, C.D., Marshall, V.W. (Ed.) (1999). The Self and Society in Aging Processes. New York: Springer Publishing

Seeman, T.E., (1996). Social ties and health. Annals of Epidemiology, 6, 442 – 451

Slangen-Dekort, Y.A. W., Midden, J.B.C., Aarts, B., Wagenberg, F.V., (2001). Determinants of adaptive behavior among older persons: Self-efficacy, importance, and personal disposition as directive mechauisms. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 53(4),253-274

Simonsick, E.M., (2001). Measuring higher level physical function in well-functioning older adults: Expanding familiar approaches in health ABC study. The Journals of Gerontology, 56A(lO), 644-670

Steverink, N., Westerhof, G.J., Bode, C., Dittman-Kohli, F., (2001). The personal experience of agjng, individual resourses, and subjective well being. The Journals of Gerontology, 56B(6),264-373

Tanaka, E., Sakamoto, S., Ono, Y., Fujihara, S., Kitamura, T., (1998). Hopelessness in a community populiltion: Factorial structure and psychosocial correlates. The Journal of Social Psychology, 138(5), 581-590

Unger, J.B., McAvay, G., Bruce, M.L., Berkman, L., Seeman, L., (1999). Variation in the impact of social network characteristics on the physical functioning in elderly persons. The Journals of Gerontology, 54(B), 245-251

Van Ness, P.R., Larson, D.B., (2002). Religion, senescence, and mental health: The end of life is not the end of hope. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 10(4),386-399

Warnick, J., (1995). Listening with different ears: Counseling people over sixty. Ft. Bragg CA, QED Press.


Source by Douglas Galligan

Hair Loss Prevention Secrets


Without a doubt, hair is one of the most reliable indicators of the body’s health. Scientists can even test it to determine what diseases a person has had, or any drugs they have used. Almost everything that has passed through the bloodstream ends up in the hair.

Naturally, this includes vitamins and minerals. Many of them are essential to ensure the health of the follicle, the papilla and its matrix, and the hair that grows from it.

The hair that is outside the scalp has no nerves or blood supply, and is classified as “dead” tissue. It must be, or it could not be cut painlessly.

Despite the claims made by manufacturers of externally applied products, it is impossible to “nourish” or “feed” visible hair. These products alter the hair’s appearance, usually by coating it with wax or lanolin. The only way to nourish hair is to provide the nutrients to the papilla while the hair is growing. Healthy hair starts from within.

A number of vitamins and minerals have been identified as having a specific and positive effect on hair health. These include Folic Acid, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Choline Bitartrate, Inositol, PABA, Iodine, Iron, Silica Oxide, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc and Manganese.

It is important to remember that even an intensive vitamin therapy won’t help all men or women with alopecia. There is no “magic cure” for all people, or for all types of hair loss.

Health supplements will, however, produce a positive effect on terminal hair (the thick strands commonly known as “head hair”), and may counteract some types of hair loss. Like all forms of natural or conventional therapies, health supplements will provide the best results if used early in treatment. Starting supplements at the first sign of hair loss, or even before in men and women who suspect that they may be candidates for the problem, can have a positive effect in treating the underlying causes of alopecia before large portions of the scalp are affected.

Thinning hair associated with age may be due to the fact that the capillary loops supplying blood and nutrients to the follicles diminish in older people. A health supplement regime supplying extra nutrients to the hair may keep these follicles healthier.

A healthy follicle and papilla will always produce hair. Unfortunately, for many people, a “healthy” follicle is lacking, either through insufficient nutrients or health hazards.

Conventional medicine uses drugs that target specific areas of the body. Alternative medicine, such as vitamin therapy, focuses on “whole health.” A healthy body is one that is healthy all over, not just in certain areas. The vitamins and minerals which help keep hair follicles healthy will, at the same time, work to keep all of the body in good shape.

When using health supplements, it is important to keep the idea of “whole health” in mind. Supplements will produce better results faster if the following are also done:

– Stop smoking. One of the most noticeable effects of tobacco smoke is constriction of the veins and arteries. Good blood supply is essential to healthy hair. Constricted veins carry fewer nutrients and oxygen and are less able to nourish the papilla and matrix, where hair growth starts. Nicotine also depletes some vitamins, especially water-soluble ones such as Vitamin C.

– Don’t overuse prescription medications. All prescription medicines should be taken as directed. Ask your doctor if natural medicines would be appropriate. For example, antihyperlipidemics taken to lower blood cholesterol can produce hair loss. Natural medicines for lowering cholesterol, such as herbal remedies, will not have this adverse effect on the hair.

– Eat properly. Every part of the body, from blood to follicle cells to nerves, depends on a regular supply of essential nutrients. These include proteins, vitamins, minerals and some fat. Unfortunately, the typical American diet is not balanced, and is heavy on animal fat and starch while low in vitamins and fiber. To improve the diet, most people should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables (at least six servings per day) and cut back on red meat, bread, pastry, and fried or deep-fried foods and snack items. It is also important to maintain proper fluid levels by drinking six to eight glasses of water per day.

– Don’t overdo alcohol. Too much can cause vitamin deficiencies, such as low levels of Folic Acid.

– Keep stress to a minimum. Studies have shown that high levels of stress may be a contributing factor to many types of alopecia, and will affect the body’s overall health. Many people with high levels of stress react by pulling or tugging at their hair and are sometimes unaware that they are doing it. (The condition is called trichotillomania.) If it isn’t possible to adapt your lifestyle, make small changes wherever possible. Some herbal medicines have also been proven to reduce stress without side-effects.

– Treat the hair carefully. Wet hair is extremely fragile. Never brush wet hair. Instead, comb it gently. Take out tangles by working the hair from the ends, rather than forcing the comb through, which will break or pull out the hairs. Blow-dryers, hot rollers and brushing against the grain (such as “back-combing”) are also very hard on the hair

– Limit hair treatments. All chemical treatments, such as permanents, straightening, dying or bleaching will weaken the hair shaft, especially if they are used in combination (e.g., dying and then curling the hair). Weakened hairs are easily broken. Hair that breaks at or close to the scalp will give the same appearance as hair that has fallen out.

– Avoid tight styles. These can break the hair, or pull on the follicles enough to cause damage. (This damage is known as traction alopecia.) Cornrows or tight braids are bad for this. If you are going to tie your hair back, make sure the ponytail is loose. – Use gentle cleansers. Cheap, harsh shampoos are hard on the hair. Use gentle shampoos. Wash the hair thoroughly, but don’t overwork it, as it is fragile when wet. Rinse very well to remove all traces of the product.


Source by Arthur Canfield

4. Benefits of Memory Foam Seat Cushions biggest


Seat cushions re-enter the lot that you want to support your seat. While most people do not really know about it, received support from the seat takes a lot of burden on our tailbones. As a result, they often get less back strain and lends considerable positive momentum in our spine and overall health in the long run.


today used seat cushions, memory foam pillows are the most popular ones. These pillows are popular simply because it is convenient and practical. In addition, they are cheap to get and for a long time. The biggest advantage to a memory foam seat cushion track.

  • Support Memory foam seat cushion enter the tailbone and back the required support. As a result, you sit for longer hours. In fact, if the job involves sitting for long hours at a stretch, then such a cushion would be one of your best friends. People who are physically difficult to sit for more than an hour they are mostly easy to sit for several hours at a stretch with a memory foam pillow.
  • Comfort Memory foam pillows are the most comfortable seat cushions around that can be easily guessed. The best part is that the comfort level of the tailbone helps to further a better health longer. Continuous sitting for hours a day exposing the spine and tailbone potential health hazards and the comfort that these pillows appease a lot of risk.
  • Mobility These pillows are small and you can take them to several places such as the car and the office.
  • Longevity Made from memory foam, these pads last live long and healthy lives.

an affordable price and a set of advantages that are good for health and comfort, these types of pillows have become very popular with those who are suffering from various forms of back pain.


Source by Eve Langner

Re-core is much better than the Forbo Colored Cork


Let Forbo Colored Cork, widely used in tack or bulletin board in schools and in our homes, we can not contend VOC. . . So is not that bad smell?

First, what is VOC? (Volatile organic compounds) are organic chemicals that high vapor pressure at ordinary, room-temperature conditions. Simply put, the “off gassing” of the product.

Do you know that new car smell, that the “Gas”; products and materials “off-gas” chemical components in time for our living spaces. The VOC will then concentrate on the air, furnishings and collect dust. New buildings and renovations at the highest levels of chemical “off-gassing”. Because the chemical pollution is not visible, the problem is easily overlooked. One sign that you may be breathing in dangerous chemicals if you notice that the “new” smell a strong odor or associated products such as adhesives, paints and colored Forbo Cork.

Many VOCs are dangerous to human health or harm the environment. VOCs are many, varied and everywhere. These include both synthetic and naturally occurring chemical compounds. VOCs are generally not immediately dangerous, but also have long-term health effects of compounding. Since the concentrations are usually low and the symptoms are slow to develop, research VOCs and their health effects is difficult.

Check references to the drug

Marketing compensation claims for special attention. Who has not caught buying something claiming to be “natural”, only to discover later that “natural” is only referred to one small component, while the others far away? The product label claims that are closely check in “organic, low odor, solvent free, low VOC, no VOC, zero-emission, water-soluble” and “plant-based”.

Forbo Colored Cork allegations “No VOC” is used as a colored tint to the particular color: Special Note – hues themselves contain high levels of VOCs.

Have you ever smelled color Forbo Cork, there is a terrible smell and it stays that way, keep it “off-gassing” or schools, or in our homes.

Use of noise if you do not have a natural smell, it is “off-gassing”. If on the other hand, no smell, no smell or just a normal “off-gassing”. What is the normal smell? Cork own smell, not like an orange. Cork, natural and completely safe, it is a matter of all things, is that it makes it safe.

If you have been “stuck” Forbo Colored Cork, you can use the natural filters of the air quality and remove most of the “off-gassing”. Plants and soil bacteria naturally biological filters. Indoor potted plants wonders for eliminating a significant amount of chemical pollutants directly from the air. Even more noteworthy is that the removal of the high concentration of chemical plants are working around the clock in 24 hours, and continuously. When new chemicals are introduced, even at low levels, they go to work.

But I remember when it happened to the promise at the beginning; Re-Core is so much better than the Forbo Colored Cork. Well here; Re-Core product that is made from recycled material, it is a seed that will fit your frame and covered with fabric, hence the name Re-Core.

Pick up the nearest water bottle, smell the bottle itself, remember to use your nose, you feel nothing, I have not, it’s because there is no “off-gassing”. This Re-Core. Now smell the swabs, cotton, polyester, and so on. You can choose any type of tack cloth or a bulletin board. We have been around for centuries tissue, and I know that it is safe.

This is due to the “floating fabric” design has no adhesive; the fabric can be removed and washed. All you need is a drill to install this product.

Re-Core Fabric Tack boards, bulletin boards, ceiling tiles, acoustic wall panels and so much more it means you’re a real product for schools and homes that do not contribute to the “off-gassing” and is really safe use. It can change the “floating material” fabric covering the system to achieve different effects, prints, solid or add school logos or company logos if required. You know I finished panels in various sizes up to four feet eight feet and are delivered to your door. These panels will be complete and ready to install.


Source by Craig Lanuza

Ways To Sleep Better


The 2011 Sleep in America poll (National Sleep Foundation) found some rather astounding statistics about how well Americans are sleeping:

  • Sixty percent of the Americans (ages 13-64) say they experience a sleep problem every night or almost every night (i.e. snoring, waking in the night, waking up too early, or feeling un-refreshed when they get up in the morning).
  • Sixty-three percent of Americans say their sleep needs are not being met during the week; most say they need about 7 hours of sleep to feel their best but report getting less.
  • Almost everyone surveyed (95%) uses some type of electronics like a TV, computer, video game, or cell phone at least a few nights a week within the hour before bed.
  • About one in five of the 13-29 years olds say they are awakened after they go to bed by a cell phone call, text message, or email at least a few nights a week.
  • When asked to evaluate the day after getting inadequate sleep, 85% said it affects their mood, 72% said it affects their family life or home responsibilities, and 68% said it affects their social life.

If you are one of those who often have difficulty sleeping at night or feel sleepy the next day, you need to address your sleep problem as chronic sleep deficit will cause havoc to your health. Below are some suggestions that may help enhance your sleep.

Why Sleep Is Critical To Health

Sleep is one of the great mysteries of life. Although we are learning more about it every day, we still don’t fully understand the purposes and mechanisms of sleep. However, we do know that good sleep is one of the cornerstones of good health.

In humans, the sleeping clock is controlled by your circadian rhythm, which has evolved over hundreds of generations to align your bodily functions with your environment. Your body clock is set to sleep at night and stay awake during daylight hours, just like your ancestors did. Therefore, if you are a night-shift worker, this upside-down schedule can eventually take a serious toll on your health if you continue to live out of synch with your daily surroundings.

Most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep, while teens (10-17 years) need 8.5-9.25 hours and school-age children (5-10 years) 10-11 hours. If you seldom get enough sleep during the week, sleeping in on weekends can relieve some of the symptoms of sleep deprivation.

However, cumulative sleep debt cannot be repaid by merely a couple nights of catching up. The chronic deficit of high quality sleep changes your hormone production and metabolism and has far reaching effects on your immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems.

Dramatically weaken your immune system

  • Studies show that sleep-deprived mammals have lower white blood cell count, which is essential in fighting diseases.
  • Your body produces less melatonin, a sleep hormone and an antioxidant. Melatonin helps suppress free radicals that can lead to cancer; that’s why tumors grow faster when you sleep poorly.

Increase your risk of diabetes

People who are sleep deprived tend to crave more sweet and starchy foods. These cravings stem from the fact that your brain is fueled by glucose or blood sugar. When there is not enough sleep, your brain searches for carbohydrates and makes you feel hungry, even if you have already eaten. Sleep deprivation can also impair your insulin sensitivity and put you at a higher risk for diabetes.

Hypertension and heart disease

Chronic sleep loss may not only hasten the onset but also increase the severity of these age-related ailments.

Weight gain

When you are sleep deprived, your body decreases production of leptin (hormone that signals fullness) and increases levels of ghrelin (hormone that signals hunger). You end up feeling more hungry and eating more.

Accelerated aging

Sleep deprivation prematurely ages you by interfering with the production of growth hormones. Growth hormones are secreted during deep sleep and they make you look and feel younger.

Seriously impair your brain function

Even a single night of poor sleep can impact your ability to think clearly the following day. It impairs your performance on physical and mental tasks, decreases your problem solving ability, and affects your memory.

In short, if you are not getting enough sleep or not sleeping well, you need to address the cause of your problem. The following are some suggestions on how to improve your sleep.

Healthy Sleep Advice

The secret to getting good sleep every night may vary from person to person; what works for some may not work as well for others. The key is to experiment and discover your personal sleep-promoting techniques. With improved quality of sleep, you can strive to get the right amount of sleep so that you will be able to function at your best.

Change Your Sleep Habits And Environment

  • Go to bed before 11 p.m. as your body (particularly your adrenal glands) does most of its recharge work during the hours between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Your liver also works to remove toxins during the same period. If you are awake, you can disrupt many important rejuvenating functions in the body.
  • Set and stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same times each day, even on weekends.
  • Avoid external stimulation an hour before bed time. Turn off the TV and put away your work, computer, cell phone, and video games. Use this time to relax, wind down, and prepare for bed. Taking a hot bath, listening to relaxing music, or meditating are good ways to clear your thoughts before bed. You may also keep a journal by your bedside to write down all your thoughts and unload your mental burdens.
  • Sleep in complete darkness or wear an eye mask. The tiniest bit of light can disrupt your internal clock. Therefore, close your bedroom door, cover the windows with blackout shades, switch off the light on the clock radio, and get rid of night-lights.
  • Keep the bedroom temperature between 60-68 degrees. A cooler bedroom is more conducive to sleep as it mimics your body’s natural temperature drop while you sleep.

Change Your Diet And Lifestyle

  • Avoid stimulants like caffeinated beverages, chocolate, and tobacco in late afternoon and evening. However, for some people who do not metabolize the caffeine efficiently, a cup of coffee in the morning can still lead to compromised sleep at night.
  • Avoid alcohol at dinner time. Alcohol helps you fall asleep quickly and deepens sleep initially, but later on it disrupts sleep and causes middle-of-the-night wake-ups. Alcohol also affects women more than men as women do not metabolize the alcohol as efficiently.
  • Avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of bed. Try to make dinner earlier in the evening. Fatty foods take a lot of work for your stomach to digest and may keep you up.
  • Avoid eating sugar and refined carbs before bed. The rise in blood sugar may inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low, you may wake up and not be able to fall asleep again.
  • Eat a high-protein snack 1-2 hours before bed. The protein provides the tryptophan that is needed to produce melatonin which promotes sleep. The old adage of drinking a glass of milk before bed is indeed helpful.
  • Be aware that many prescription and over-the-counter drugs adversely affect sleep. Discuss with your healthcare professional about other natural and non-drug alternatives if the drugs are affecting your sleep.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise improves sleep, however, don’t exercise too close to bed time as it may keep you awake.
  • Learn to relax. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep because your mind is racing or you are emotionally overwhelmed, practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery (or visualization), meditation, yoga, or tai chi to relieve stress. A soothing massage will also help to release any tension in your body.

Other Health Considerations

  • If you are overweight and have a snoring problem, check for sleep apnea. This sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep can severely impair your sleep.
  • If you suffer from any gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, gas, and heartburn, check for food sensitivities.
  • If you are peri-menopausal or menopausal, your hormonal changes may cause sleep problems. Check with your healthcare professional regarding the use of herbs, supplements, and/or bio-identical hormones for symptom relief.

Bottom Line

  • Sleep is vital to your well-being.
  • Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
  • A sleep debt cannot be repaid by just a couple nights of catching up.
  • Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to diabetes, weakened immune system, hypertension and heart disease, weight gain, accelerated aging, and impairment of your brain function.
  • If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, you need to examine your sleep habits and environment as well as your diet and lifestyle.


Source by Carol Chuang

How to Use Essential Oils Treat My Stitches


In April 2012, I experienced a massive heart attack. My wife called 911, and I was taken to hospital immediately, where was admitted to the emergency. Doctors out of a stint in my artery was 100% blocked. The other two main arteries blocked by 80%, and another smaller artery is blocked.

surprised me and many others with heart failure. This can be attributed to the fact that hardly get sick, and when they do, I just go to the corner drugstore and buying over-the-counter medications. In addition, blood pressure is slightly below average, and I try not to eat greasy food.

The look we can look “healthy.” But the reality is that I was not healthy because of the number of my high cholesterol and lack of exercise. Blockage of the arteries is not one day to the next. It takes years to build up plaque. Because of my lack of exercise and poor eating habits, I was a candidate for a heart attack is ready to happen at any time.

successful open-heart surgery, which led to a quadruple bypass I take prescription drugs in my entire life. There are possible side effects, but the alternative is that if I do not take my medication, I run the risk of another heart attack, you can, it will not be built. With this in mind, I began to develop an interest in a natural way to better health. Not long after, I was introduced to essential oils. At first it was a little skeptical of the claims that are made of essential oils. But knowing that they are natural products without additives, it decided that essential oils healing my chest, and general health.

Currently, I am taking a dietary supplement that contains the essential oils in the hope of replacing prescription drugs. Day and night a month, he applied the oil on my stitches on my chest where doctors cut open my chest. He also began to dietary supplements to improve my health. Once dissolved the stitches in my chest continued to heal.

A friend is one who underwent open-heart surgery four months ago. I met him in June 2012, and compared with the ark where the stitches too. 3 times a scar was visible, I will.

I can only attribute to the incense and Helichrysum essential oils, healing my chest is better than I expected.


Source by Fred C Dalit

Belly Bloat – How to Get Rid of Bloating Fast


What causes bloating?

Mostly overeating, eating foods which do not agree with you thus producing excess gas, and constipation. Other causes include menstruation, food allergy/food intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.

Suffering from belly bloat is a common but annoying disorder. You feel uncomfortable, lethargic, unmotivated, embarrassed because of your bulging belly and the rumble it makes, and are sometimes in pain.

Let us look at how to stop bloating and the basic lifestyle changes you can implement which are especially effective if you feel bloated after eating.

Stop overeating

Eat smaller, more frequent meals for better health and a bloat-free waistline.

Change your eating habits

Eating quickly increases pressure on your stomach and produces more gas. Sit down, chew your food well, and eat your meals in a leisurely manner, giving the food plenty of time to digest.

Drinking tea or coffee on the run is equally bad with excess air accompanying each sip and gulp. Savor your beverages by drinking them slowly.

Limit sugar substitutes

Sodas, sweets and chewing gum contain huge quantities of artificial sweeteners, especially sorbitol and xylitol which many people find difficult to digest, resulting in bloating, gas and diarrhea. Rather have real sugar than substitutes.

Cut out sodas

The bubbles in fizzy drinks cause bloating. Also refrain from drinking excessively hot or cold beverages.

Stop eating junk and processed food

Fried, oily food and high salt content cause bloating.

Abstain from carbohydrates at night

Bread and pasta cause you to retain water. Avoid eating them at night to be puff-free the next morning.

Early morning water and lemon juice

Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon; it speeds up waste elimination and removes toxins.

Eat potassium rich foods

Bananas, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, nuts, asparagus and fresh chopped parsley regulate the fluid balance in your body and stop bloating.

If you suffer from constipation, eating sufficient fruit, vegetables and high fiber, such as oatmeal, will improve your digestion and remedy your bloating problem.

Drink water

Water flushes out your system and aids digestion. Instead of alcohol, caffeine and colas, drink plain water and natural teas.

Limit excess air

Do not eat and talk at the same time, drink out of a straw, chew gum nor smoke because the surplus air accompanying these activities causes you to bloat.

Eat foods easily digested by your body

Bland foods, such as fish, chicken, soya based foods, yogurt and rice do not tax your digestive system.

Limit gas producing foods

Notice which raw vegetables cause you to bloat, then either boil them or do not eat them at all. The cellulose in cabbage, peas and beans is hard to digest and may cause you to puff up.

Other common gas producing foods are cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, lentils, prunes and garlic.


Bloating, together with water weight gain and mood swings, are associated with premenstrual tension. Ensure you get 1200 milligrams calcium and 200 to 400 milligrams magnesium daily. Both nutrients help relieve PMS symptoms, including bloating. If you wish, take Midol which contains a mild diuretic.

Natural remedies

Add turmeric, coriander, caraway and cumin when cooking.

Naturists claim teas made of ginger, savory from the mint family, lime from a linden tree, peppermint, rosemary, and caraway are effective for bloating relief.

They may be right because ginger tea helps with stomach upsets and peppermint oil in tea or warm water after a big meal aids digestion.


Walking for 15 to 20 minutes a day moves food through your digestive tract, thereby reducing bloating and combating constipation. Other benefits include less severe menstrual cramps, eliminating toxins by perspiring, and shedding body fat.

Apply pressure

Massaging your abdomen helps evacuate gas and reduces bloating. Start by pressing your fingers near your right hip, slide up towards the ribs, move across and down in a circular motion.

Supplements and home remedies

Taking a digestive enzyme with each meal provides relief, especially when bloating results from a problem with your digestive tract, such as diverticulosis. Obtain digestive enzymes with the active ingredients lipase, protease and amylase, from any health store. Restaurant owners should actually hand out digestive enzymes instead of after-dinner mints to all patrons who selected anything other than raw foods from their menus.

Probiotics are ‘good bacteria’ which help keep you regular and bloat-free. Your intestinal tract has loads of bacteria, some beneficial, some harmful, which play an important role in the functioning of your digestive and immune systems.

Probiotics encourage the growth and replenishment of healthy microflora. They crowd out the bad bacteria which cause disease, yeasts and parasites in your intestines, they help digest and absorb your food, eliminate wastes and toxins by restoring normal and regular bowel function, and maintain a healthy intestinal function.

Ideally 85% of your bacteria should be friendly with 15% unfriendly. Probiotic supplements can be found in capsule, powder or liquid form, or in foods such as kefir and yogurt.

If you do not consume enough fruit and vegetables, take nutritional supplements that contain dietary fibers especially during the holidays or when celebrating to better handle the foods that cause you to swell up.

Apple cider vinegar helps ease digestive symptoms and gets rid of bloating and gas pain.

Lactobacillus supplements also help maintain intestinal health.

Bismuth, the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, is an element on the periodic table. 100% natural, taken before or directly after a meal reduces swelling caused by food allergies and neutralizes the odor of your flatulence.


If you take antibiotics, which destroy your friendly bacteria, take B complex vitamins too.

Some oral contraceptive pills cause your stomach to distend, in which case ask your physician to prescribe a different one.

Once you incorporate these lifestyle changes, they should cure you or at least relieve bloating.

If your condition persists, let us look at what else it might be and what you can do about it.

Food allergy

If you bloat after eating certain foods, keep a food journal where you write down everything you eat, together with any symptoms which appear. Rotate foods until you identify which foods trigger bloating and avoid them.

Although you may not test positive for food allergies, you may have a food intolerance. Common culprits include yeast, wheat, where the gluten causes excess gas to be produced, and milk.

Lactose intolerance

This means your body does not produce the enzyme lactase and your digestive system cannot digest the lactose in dairy foods. It then ferments and forms gases which overstretch your bowel.

How do you know if you are lactose intolerant? Drink a glass of milk. If you experience gas, bloating or diarrhea, avoid dairy products or drink lactose free milk.

Yogurt’s active bacteria cultures produce lactase, so if you want to eat cheese without bloating afterwards, add a bowl of yogurt to your morning ritual.

Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, may be the cause of your bloating.

Eat more fiber and give up coffee, cigarettes and spicy foods which irritate your colon.

Some people swear by going on a detoxification diet two or three times a year to give your body a chance to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins.


Diabetics often have problems with bloating and diarrhea, especially if they take large doses of metformin or glucophage.

Diabetics with nerve damage in their stomach may find food collects but does not empty properly, resulting in excessive belching. Medication eases this problem.


Although over-the-counter products offer quick relief by suppressing the symptoms, the benefits will be short-lived because they do not eliminate the cause.

Common effective medications such as Gas-X, Beano, Phazyme and Flatulex, when taken with each meal, help break up gas pockets in the stomach, thereby relieving bloating and gas pain.

The pain is not actually caused by your swollen stomach but by abdominal contractions not synchronizing properly. When your intestinal wall pulls in different directions it feels like stomach cramps.

Most bloating medication contain enzymes like alpha-galactosidase which help digest the sugars in carbohydrates, the main culprit of your indigestion problems.

Pink Pepto-Bismol type products have a salicylate ingredient which is like aspirin. It will alleviate some of your abdominal pain but if it disagrees with you, try Gas-X or Phazyme which contain simethicone.

Activated charcoal

Consider using this over-the-counter supplement. When taken with meals, it prevents or at least reduces the amount of gas produced.

It sometimes causes irregular looking stools and constipation so do not be alarmed, and in case it affects the absorption of prescription medicine, take it an hour or two after any scheduled medication.

Tips and warning

Bloating and gas pain should dissipate quite quickly. If not, if it becomes more than a slight annoyance, or if accompanied by bloody or tarry stools, fever, night sweats or weight loss, consult your doctor.

He might suggest a colonoscopy to help him diagnose your problem. Endure it because your colon plays a major role in your life and until it is sorted out, you will feel unwell. Once he determines the medical cause, he will treat and cure you of your suffering.

Bloating is also one of the primary symptoms of ovarian cancer, a ‘silent’ disease difficult to detect early.

Although the remote possibility exists of it being something serious, bloating is much more likely to be a minor inconvenience which you can get rid of fast by making simple lifestyle changes.


Source by Sharon Dell

Get beautiful skin raw food diet Through


Undoubtedly, every woman desires to have that beautiful skin. The beauty industry will never collapse, because women all over the world are constantly in search of a miracle product that they glowing, beautiful skin. Still, it is a lasting transformation of our color, we must pay attention to diet and nutrition

We believe that the raw diet can feed the skin with essential nutrients to give us a radiant look. And we all know that a well hydrated skin is more resistant to wrinkles.

The skin condition is a good indicator of internal health. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, abundant vitamins, fibers and minerals in the body. As you diligently add raw foods to your diet, you will gradually notice shows the face a healthy glow and radiance.

Much of the effectiveness of Vitamin C skin care products to reduce wrinkles. Would not it be better if it directly to natural food source? Vitamin C is essential for fair, radiant and beautiful skin. A lack of vitamin C in the body leads to skin problems like dark spots, freckles and wrinkles. Foods rich in vitamin C content of custard apples, oranges, longan, kiwi, guava, strawberries, papaya and pomelo ..

So, just what is considered a raw food diet? Well, the diet is considered a raw food diet, if you are at least 75% raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, sprouts, etc. It is believed that the raw and living foods contain essential food enzymes, which are thought to be destroyed in the cooking process, ie, heating food above 116 degrees F.

in general, the raw food eaters a technique of food preparation. These include germinating seeds, grains and beans; Soaking nuts and dried fruits; and juicer fruits and vegetables. The only form of cooking that is sometimes used in the dryer, which blows warm air through the food but did not reach a temperature beyond 116 ° F.

You may be wondering now if you have to follow the order so strictly? Of course not. While you might not be as good comfort food, it certainly gives the right to health care and fair skin. Today, pre-packaged salads or sliced ​​fruit readily available in supermarkets, so you really do not need any more excuses for not having time to prepare raw foods.

Although they are not required for organic foods, raw food is still a better option than cooked or processed foods. If you can afford the time, you can buy organic food and slice them yourself. Radiant, beautiful skin starts with a balanced, nutritious and healthy diet. As the saying goes – “You are what you eat”, start with a raw food diet today and you beautiful skin in no time.


Source by Kris T. Lee