E3Live – Top 10 health benefits of blue green algae
Blue green algae can be one of the most nutritional foods.
It has been touted as a super food. This organic, easily digested and full of antioxidants.
is extremely rich in minerals, and a higher concentration of beta-carotene than broccoli.
Blue green algae can contain about 60 to 70% vegetable protein, and provide all the essential amino acids. consume meat without risk of these advantages is the high cholesterol and indigestible.
The rich source of calcium, iron, vitamin B12, enzymes and antioxidants that blue-green algae are an ideal food for both adults and children. Even livestock nutrient-packed food it is a great advantage.
As a highly concentrated amount of nutrients, blue-green algae offer a number of advantages prosperity. We will have a look at the top ten health benefits of blue green algae
1) Anti-Aging: Loaded with more essential nutrients and iron than most of the food you consume, the blue-green algae perfect as a anti-aging food. High concentrations of antioxidants means our bodies to combat more free radicals and toxic substances.
2) headache pain relief: the immune system is strengthened.
3) Energy Booster – is rejuvenating effects
4) better digestion – coats the lining of the stomach and filled with enzymes that improve digestion.
5) Sleep better – this detoxification, which is better for the rest.
6) Lose weight – less post-meal cravings, balanced appetite.
7) a greater concentration and focus – keeping an increase in energy and clarity of mind
8) Strengthen your hair, skin and nails – high in protein, which is the main building block healthy hair, skin and nails
9) Less anxiety – it has beneficial effects on brain development and may help cope with stress better.
10) improves memory – as effects on brain development, regular intake of blue green algae has been shown to have an effect on memory.
Source by Susan Helton