No matter how good the sex might not mind a guy, even better sex. But sometimes people are reluctant to explore the possibilities, including the penis sheath. Yet it has been possible to have a positive effect on the sex in the bedroom, and no significant negative effects on health penis men who might be interested to add something new to your routine.
cape? Finger?
In the old days (long ago!) The men used the sheep’s bladder this same purpose (for example, as well as birth control purposes). New Guinea is famous tribal penis gourds, which are often used for decorative purposes, but which were used sexual performance in some cases. Polynesian men used casings made of woven plant fibers aphrodisiac.
Current fingers
Times have changed, of course. Nowadays, the penile sheath is generally a material such as rubber, plastic or silicone. The mold is basically phallic. Some of the same thickness from top to bottom, while others may be variations, especially towards the end, which can be shaped to resemble the glans of the penis.
Although many fingers penile smooth, while the other rooms textured surface, which is designed to more pleasure when the penis is inserted into the vagina vagina covered. The texture can be “veined” again to make the object look realistic penis-like, or may be “bumpy” featuring any number of small round mounds. In some cases, the sleeve may be small, highly flexible “spikes”. This changes the texture is designed to provide stimulating experiences of women, although women tend to a variety of different textures.
Whatever the size or texture, the sleeve has an opening at one end and a hollow interior. The penis is inserted into the hole and extends as far as possible in the vagina. using some fingers will keep straps in place, but more often strapless.
The sleeve, he can now add length and / or harnesses his straight member. There may be a couple of inches or fractions of inches can be more, depending on the model chosen. The change in shape and size from that of a woman accustomed to that kind of adds a couple making love, and the pace of change may lead to a new experience for her.
But what about the man? He also has a significant enjoyment of the experience. Fingers should fit very tightly around the erect manhood. The friction in the vagina itself, mixed friction thrusting inside the vagina to create a new and very enjoyable feeling.
There can be some uncomfortable of a finger. In some cases, the vagina, which adds a few inches long may that man is stabbed by an unknown angle, which can be exciting or uncomfortable.
Finger of use can lead to better sex, but sometimes the feeling against your penis sleeve with bare penis can lead to pain or rawness. For this reason, a first-class penis health cream (health professionals recommend man1 Man Oil) is OK. It is important to choose the cream that contains ingredients to moisturize and revitalize the skin to help soothe pain; Ideally, this cream contains a combination of a high-end skin softening (think Shea Butter), and a natural moisturizing agent (such as vitamin E). Unknown rubbing improperly fitting socket can cause a “weakening” of the class feeling; crème neuroprotective acetylcarnitine only in treating such a ticket issue.
Source by John Dugan