Adrenal Fatigue – The HPA axis is the solution


adrenal fatigue, also known as adrenal stress symptoms in a group the way the body handles stress. A part of the stress of everyday life. Some stress is good, some bad stress. Some say that stress is a killer. Well, that’s not quite right. It’s not stress that kills us, but we are unable to adapt to it.

we live in fast-paced world. We constantly push our minds and bodies to the limit long working hours, fighting endless traffic on the roads, deal with issues related to the family cope with financial problems, eating fast food on the run. The list goes on.

The combined effect of decreased evoked the quality of food sources, pollution and the emotional stress of our fast-paced lives, our bodies harder to find and successfully adapt to maintain metabolic balance.

combat of cortisol in the body’s main stress hormone. Thus, its manufacture.

in the hypothalamus of the brain, brain under pituitary and adrenal glands form on top of the kidneys, which is hereinafter referred to as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA or axis). This hormone enters the body into a state of readiness when a physical or emotional danger presents itself. CRH travels to the pituitary, where it stimulates adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which enters the bloodstream. When ACTH reaches the adrenal glands, it triggers the release of cortisol, the fight against the body’s main stress hormone.

The resulting boost in cortisol in stressful situations lead to a cascade reaction in the body that helps to respond quickly to a threat. We refer to this as the “fight or flight” response.

Generally, high cortisol and low stress if relaxation. Under normal circumstances, the feedback allows the body to turn off these protection if the threat goes away, it allows your body to re-focus on healing and growth.

In some cases, the danger prolonged or chronic, locks do not lock properly. The result is that the cortisol levels rise too often or remains high. If you are constantly under stress overproduction of adrenaline and cortisol inhibits the balance of hormones in the body. Obviously, this is a problem because the optimal health of the body, ideally, the state of homeostasis.

These periods of high cortisol levels can lead to blood sugar irregularities create fatigue, immune system deficiencies, panic attacks, asthma, and increased risk of other diseases. In addition, when the body of balance – not the state of homeostasis – it also accelerates the aging process.

In extreme cases, adrenal stress known as adrenal fatigue (also known as “nervous breakdown”).

adrenal stress certainly interfere with the HPA axis, the key to the strength of the “life force”. The dysfunction of the HPA axis is often central most health problems, syndromes, diseases and aging. When the HPA does not work correctly, neurological symptoms, such as anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, intolerance to stress, sleep disorders, mood disorders. In addition, the HPA is also involved in burnout and irritable bowel syndrome.

The diseases and illnesses due to the aforementioned right adrenal stress, but rather the inability to adapt to stress. These diseases and therefore the disease known as “diseases of adaptation.” One way to cope with stress in the adrenal glands, that is a natural product known as adaptogens.

The word adaptogen is used to refer to a natural herb product that increases the body’s resistance to stresses such as trauma, anxiety and bodily fatigue. Adaptogens normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

And this is the way to beat the adrenal stress: through the HPA axis. You can use a powerful adaptogen balance of the HPA axis. The hormonal balance is improved and this helps the body’s organ systems work again for optimum efficiency.


Source by Bernard Brown

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