Unbalanced Force Factor Fitness Training Method For Men – Burn Fat, Gain Muscle


How To Attain Fitness Euphoria

The 5 Steps

Have you ever wondered why some people LOVE to exercise while others have no motivation to even get started? Have you ever wondered HOW they got that love and how you never found it? Let’s start by getting rid of one of the myths of the “workout” world. I read over and over again, “If they made a pill to get us healthy and lose excess weight, then we’d all be happy.” Not so. Think about that statement. Sure, you might get healthy and be able to lose weight. But that “euphoric” feeling of achievement and accomplishment released by the body’s own endorphins… Can only come from your own fitness efforts. THAT’S what it is all about. So…you want to know how to attain your very own state of personal euphoria? There are FIVE things in life that can help you to lose fat, change your body, better your health…AND improve the world and those around you.


Find the belief in yourself.

Develop “self efficacy”. That is, the belief in your own self promises. The knowledge that once you make a commitment, you will follow it through to completion. Many times when we ask ourselves a question–especially when it comes to our health and wellness, we REALLY do already know the answer! It’s the belief in YOU that determines whether or not we accept the right answer. Think about all that you have learned from where you have been and what you have experienced. Embrace all the RIGHT lessons previously logged into your memory bank…ready and available for immediate recall. Believe in where you are going and how you intend get there. You KNOW the answers. No one can learn or teach you better than yourself. Are you ready to receive your own best advice? The Unbalanced Force Factor Training System was developed and based with this principle in mind. The principle of… SELF-EFFICACY.


Baby Steps

Bite-sized chunks. Manageable increments. Measurable milestones. Achievable Workload. “Do” able tasks. Realistic expectations. In order to achieve anything in this life, we must first define our short-term goals. We must be able to determine the difference in short, medium, and long-term expectations when setting realistic goals. Life is an ultra marathon. But the first thing we must achieve…is taking that very first step. In order to get to that first step, there must be a mind-altering decision. The decision that you are ready to do what it takes. Plan your daily meals. Make efficient use of your daily plan. Prioritize the things that consume your time. List them according to what tasks will make the biggest impact at the end of the day. And the most important thing to plan on for the day… Make time for YOU. Now, I don’t mean treat yourself to excess indulgences. I mean give yourself permission to take the time for your personal health. Take this all-important matter into your own hands. Develop the discernment to know the difference in high priority things. Your workout should be at the top of this list! The Unbalanced Force Factor training system will enable you to reach personal fitness euphoria once you make it your priority!


Understand Nutrition

It’s true that nutrition is a science. But that doesn’t mean rocket science. If it’s as simple as just following the guidelines as outlined in The Unbalanced Force Factor, or if you actually follow the advice of a registered dietician or medical physician… We have to fuel the body correctly. Use these very simple guidelines: Think about your health. Avoid dwelling on tastes or “enjoyment”. You can refine your taste palate to enjoy the right foods once you learn and accept the difference that they can make for your health. Think about your looks. Avoid getting caught up in the gluttony of buffets, fast foods, convenience and refined sugar products. Learn to enjoy… Lean meats Fresh fruits Fresh vegetables Whole grains Many wonderful nutritive spices If you want to make a change and you can only have one choice… Change the way you eat. The Unbalanced Force Factor can then work to take you to that euphoric level once you have the foundation of proper nutrition.


Focus and Visualization

Mental preparation is prerequisite to making changes. Once you can SEE the future, you can achieve it. See the trees BEFORE you see the forest. We must get the proper sleep. We must be able to rest when needed. We must be able to relax. Think about how you feel after a peaceful vacation from the normal pace and everyday responsibilities. Implement these practices on a daily basis. You simply do them in a shorter time frame. Take mini vacations with mental breaks to visualize what you desire. See it coming to you. When you are rested, and your health starts to improve it is very attractive to the people around you. In fact, it’s MAGNETIC. And if those around you feel good, you feed yourself with all your own positive energy generated. See your health. See your future. Get the proper rest, relaxation, and sleep you require. THEN… Have fun training with the Unbalanced Force Factor.


Act On Your Plan

It has been said that: “If you fail to plan… You plan to fail.” Push yourself to achieve goals and stick to plans. Break out of your old patterns. Teach yourself to accomplish the plan. Read something successful everyday. Listen to positive things daily. Avoid fear of new schooling, new ideas and concepts. Learn as much as you can in every situation. Lay the groundwork Work the plan.

Implement and attain all 5 steps to Fitness Euphoria. Embrace The Unbalanced Force Factor training and lifestyle method.


Source by Charles Corky Field

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